Lysosomal function in neuronal development and synaptic activity

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: Clinical and Experimental Medicine


Cells have several different compartments within them each with specialised functions. These include the nucleus, which houses the genes, mitochondria, which generate energy and lysosomes which are recycling compartments. Having separate, specialised compartments allows the cell to keep the structural proteins and the enzymes needed for these functions concentrated in one place. Additionally in the case of lysosomes, compartmentalisation also allows the cell to partition potentially dangerous enzymes away from other parts of the cell. Lysosomes are used to digest and recycle proteins, lipids and cellular components that have reached the end of their working life. This function is relatively well understood but lysosomes have other functions that appear particularly important for the health and function of nerve cells (neurons) but which are less well understood. These including storing large quantities of calcium, required for signaling cellular events, and organising complexes of proteins to manage how cells respond to their environment. The first part of this project will study some of these processes to ask why neurons depend on lysosomal function.

One of the most powerful methods of identifying how cellular processes work is to ask what happens to the cell when that process is absent or dysfunctional. We can use this approach to understand lysosomal function in neurons by studying mutations in genes which we know cause lysosomal dysfunction in humans. There are more than fifty inherited diseases in which lysosomal function is impaired and in most of these there is nervous system pathology from a young age, including such things as developmental delay, seizures and neurodegeneration. We will study mutations in some of these genes to ask what happens to the nervous system and make inferences about the normal function of lysosomes. We will ask what happens to the electrical activity of neurons and look for changes to the structure of the nervous system as it develops in animals suffering lysosomal dysfunction. Then, in the second part of the project we will begin to look at some of the proteins in lysosomes and ask how they operate with other proteins to control lysosomal function in neurons.

The project will primarily use the fruit fly, Drosophila, to study lysosomal function. While flies may look very different to mammals, at the level of the cell their biology is very similar and many of the same molecules can be seen performing the same functions. This means lessons learned from the study of flies are usually relevant to the biology of higher animals and humans. We have very powerful tools to manipulate the genes of Drosophila and it is also small, easy and quick to breed in the laboratory. Flies have several of the genes that are mutated in human lysosomal diseases so we can use the genetic tools to manipulate these genes in the nervous system of the fly to generate lysosomal dysfunction and ask what are the consequences for function.

Technical Summary

Neurons are particularly dependent on lysosomal function. This is clear because there is early-onset neurological pathology, including developmental delay or seizures, in many of the lysosomal storage disorders, where lysosomal dysfunction occurs. How lysosomes regulate neuronal function is not known. Lysosomes are predominantly located close to the cell body in neurons and are physically separated from distal synapses so the mechanism through which they influence synaptic function is a particularly interesting problem of cell biology.

To develop an understanding of lysosomal function in neurons, this project will describe what happens to neural development and synaptic activity when lysosomes are dysfunctional. We will use mutations in lysosomal storage disorder genes to generate lysosomal dysfunction in the fruit fly, Drosophila, and perform a multi-gene survey to determine what happens to neural development in each case. We will then ask what effects each lysosomal mutation has on the electrical properties of synapses and on behaviour

To identify the molecular mechanisms underpinning the neural phenotypes we will firstly look for changes to lysosomal calcium homeostasis and ask how these affect synapse activity. Then, we will examine two cellular processes that require lysosomal activity - autophagy and TORC signaling - and ask how they are affected in each mutant. Finally, we will map protein interactions at the lysosomal membrane to identify the protein complexes regulating lysosomal function then validate key interactions in vivo in Drosophila.

Planned Impact

1. Academic impact
This project will investigate the consequences for neural development, homeostasis and function of lysosomal dysfunction. It will primarily have academic impact. If successful, we aim to publish our results in high quality, peer-reviewed, open access journals with high visibility in the fields of neurobiology, cell biology and development and to present at scientific conferences. This will inform and instruct our colleagues' research into related aspects of neurobiology, neurophysiology, cell and developmental biology and lysosomal biology. We will increase the knowledge economy in general.

2. Long-term societal impact
In the longer term, our research will impact upon researchers interested in the large group of inherited syndromes known as the lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs). The more than 50 disorders in the group have lysosomal dysfunction as a common feature and are collectively the most common form of inherited neurological disorders with an incidence as high as 1 in 8000 live births in Western Europe. Our research is focussed on the basic cell biology of lysosomes but our findings should help to explain why neural pathology occurs in many of the LSDs. In turn, our findings will inform future translational studies searching for new avenues and targets to intervene in these disorders.

3. Training impact
This project will have an impact on the training of a junior post-doctoral fellow. By the end of the project (s)he will have received high-quality training in numerous research disciplines, in project and time management, in publication writing and, due to the requirement to work in a team, (s)he will have stronger collaborative and communication skills. All of these skills are transferable and they will benefit personally, as will the community more generally when they move to subsequent positions, be they in or outside of science. As a junior PI, I will also benefit greatly from the experience of managing my first Research Council project grant. By improving my planning, project management and collaboration skills I will improve my research output, which will benefit the both the University of Birmingham and the UK scientific community more generally.
Description This project set out to try and understand some of the biology that controls how the nervous system develops. We focussed on two genes, Cln3 and Cln7, because mutations in these genes cause forms of inherited neurodegeneration affecting infants or young children. We used fruit flies because studying development of the nervous system is relatively straightforward in comparison to mammals and because we could use powerful genetic tools to delete these genes in the flies or to add tags so we could see where the protein the genes encodes is inside cells or the brains of flies.

We identified that the genes do have function in the development of the nervous system but both genes seem to be present at higher levels in the glial cells rather than in nerve cells. Glial cells are the other type of cell in the central nervous system and are essential for normal function of the nervous system. We identified that both the Cln3 and Cln7 genes are important for regulating how nerve cells grow as the animal grows. Our findings may help to understand why neurological disease occurs in children with mutations in these genes.

In the course of the project we developed fruit fly strains that will be useful tools for others studying these genes. We will deposit the strains in the stock centre in due course where they can be ordered by others. We also developed a new technique to assess how the nervous system of fruit flies is performing over time. This was a modification of two techniques used widely in the field. This technique allowed us to identify that the responses of the nervous system to damaged DNA are a critical component of neurodegeneration. These discoveries have opened a new avenue of research.

This project has trained one junior postdoctoral fellow who has now moved to a second postdoctoral position and is on course to become an independent researcher; one research technician who has now started a PhD; and two graduate students who have both now graduated with PhDs. Hence, this project has made a significant contribution to the training of the next generation of researchers.
Exploitation Route The findings of this award should lead to a further application for funding from the BBSRC. Other research groups in the field may use our reagents and strains and a new methodology we developed for the project. Our publications have added our understanding of neural development and in particular, how the post-synaptic cell coordinates with the pre-synaptic neuron to regulate growth during development. Our findings also have implications for those trying to understand the basis of inherited forms of neurodegeneration caused by mutations in the two genes we studied.
Sectors Healthcare

Title Adaptation of tracking technologies for longitudinal assessment of neural output in Drosophila models of disease 
Description Groups using Drosophila models of human disease in commonly need to assess neural activity. A simple method that has been used for many years is to quantitate the ability of flies to climb up the side of a plastic vial after being tapped to the base. This is an effective but primitive method which is not very sensitive to subtle changes and is very time consuming to perform. We adapted the Drosophila Arousal System (DART) which was designed for quantifying circadian behaviour to replace the climbing assay. The assay uses vibrational stimuli and records position of flies continuously before and after stimulation. We demonstrated it is reproducible and more sensitive than the climbing assay. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The method has been included in one publication from my group to date and will be used in subsequent publications. 
Title Continuous tracking of startled Drosophila as an alternative to the negative geotaxis climbing assay 
Description The fruit fly, Drosophila, is commonly used to study late-onset neurodegenerative diseases due to the combination of powerful genetic tools, cheap and simple husbandry and short lifespan. One widely-used measure of disease progression is the age-dependent decline in motor performance that manifests in most Drosophila neurodegeneration models. This is usually quantified using a simple climbing assay. However, the standard climbing assay lacks sensitivity and suffers from high variability meaning large numbers of flies are needed or bespoke apparatus and software solutions. Here, we present a modification of the open-source, MATLAB-based, DART software to measure the decline in "startle response" with age. We demonstrate that the DART setup is more sensitive to the motor performance decline induced by adult-onset neuronal expression of amyloid beta (Aß) peptides than a traditional climbing assay despite using smaller cohorts of flies. DART also has the potential to generate multiple metrics of motor behaviour during the startle response. The software requires no coding skills to operate and the required apparatus can be purchased commercially. Therefore, DART is a more useful method than the climbing assay for longitudinal assays of motor performance and will enable higher-throughput screen for genetic and pharmacological modifiers of neurodegeneration. In our proof-of-concept screen for modifiers of Aß-dependent phenotypes, we identified that in vivo knock-down of p53 in adult neurons is neuroprotective. This supports recent work targeting p53 in vitro and demonstrates the potential for DART to be used to screen for targets that ameliorate neurodegeneration. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Continuous tracking of startled Drosophila as an alternative to the negative geotaxis climbing assay 
Description The fruit fly, Drosophila, is commonly used to study late-onset neurodegenerative diseases due to the combination of powerful genetic tools, cheap and simple husbandry and short lifespan. One widely-used measure of disease progression is the age-dependent decline in motor performance that manifests in most Drosophila neurodegeneration models. This is usually quantified using a simple climbing assay. However, the standard climbing assay lacks sensitivity and suffers from high variability meaning large numbers of flies are needed or bespoke apparatus and software solutions. Here, we present a modification of the open-source, MATLAB-based, DART software to measure the decline in "startle response" with age. We demonstrate that the DART setup is more sensitive to the motor performance decline induced by adult-onset neuronal expression of amyloid beta (Aß) peptides than a traditional climbing assay despite using smaller cohorts of flies. DART also has the potential to generate multiple metrics of motor behaviour during the startle response. The software requires no coding skills to operate and the required apparatus can be purchased commercially. Therefore, DART is a more useful method than the climbing assay for longitudinal assays of motor performance and will enable higher-throughput screen for genetic and pharmacological modifiers of neurodegeneration. In our proof-of-concept screen for modifiers of Aß-dependent phenotypes, we identified that in vivo knock-down of p53 in adult neurons is neuroprotective. This supports recent work targeting p53 in vitro and demonstrates the potential for DART to be used to screen for targets that ameliorate neurodegeneration. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description Birmingham Science Museum Lates 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The University of Birmingham and the Birmingham Science Museum organised a "ThinkTank Lates" evening in which the University sciences departments put on exhibitions of technologies and new scientific findings. The neuroscience research groups using fruit flies exhibited various models and strains to facilitate discussion with the public on how we use flies to study neurodevelopment and neurological disease.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Brain Awareness Week 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was a 2-day mixtures of neuroscience and neurobiology demonstrations aimed primarily at children held at the Birmingham Science Museum to coincide with Brain Awareness Week. Numbers were not recorded but several hundred children engaged in hands-on activities over 2 days.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description British Neuroscience Festival - public outreach activities 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact To coincide with the British Neuroscience Association conference in Birmingham, we held public outreach sessions in the National Convention Centre in Central Birmingham with hands-on demonstrations and activities for the general public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017