iFuelActive - Smart diesel fuel solutions for the low carbon transition.



Fuel becomes contaminated over time and contamination is mainly a result of either water, bacteria and/or particulates settling to the bottom of the tank and then being extracted by standard fuel pipes. Water in diesel fuel is the leading cause of contamination, causing pump and injector failures \[Parker, 2018\]. It is also the toughest to combat, with no universal solution for prevention as water precipitates to the bottom of the tank \[Axi International, 2019\].

Fuel contamination can lead to engine damage, machine downtime and reduced productivity, particularly in sectors such as construction (currently the least productive sector in the UK) and agriculture. Research in the industry and from existing clients (Volvo, Komatsu, GroundHog) indicates that there is an unmet need for monitoring fuel within fuel tanks and the identification of contamination levels. Currently, the only method to address this is to manually check the inline filters and conduct regular fuel tank cleaning which requires expensive, bulky tools.

Fuel Active Ltd (FAL) are building on proven success in the fuel contamination market, having developed a floating fuel extraction pipe to ensure that the cleanest fuel is delivered to the engine, mitigating the risk of injector damage and engine failure. This proposed project is focused on developing **iFuelActive**, a smart fuel extraction unit which uses in-tank sensors and telemetry to remotely monitor fuel quality (levels; water content; temperature; flow rate, particulates) and report on any issues to equipment users. The reporting will be done via a control unit which sends data to equipment owners and users who can then incorporate preventative maintenance into their scheduling, whilst more accurately monitoring fuel levels across assets. This data-driven decision making will ensure reduced downtime and efficient fuel management within fleets. As the supply of cleaner fuel allows diesel engines to operate more efficiently, harmful emissions from exhaust gases are reduced, which helps these energy-intensive markets reduce carbon emissions, and assist the UK in achieving its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050\.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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