An ICT Framework for Supplementary Electrical Heating for Decarbonisation of Domestic Heating
Lead Research Organisation:
Queen's University of Belfast
Department Name: Sch of Electronics, Elec Eng & Comp Sci
This research concerns the use of 'Supplementary Electric Heating' as a means to reduce carbon dioxide emissions caused by the consumption of fossil fuels for domestic heating. This will be achieved by using advanced storage heating appliances, for space heating and water heating, that will consume electricity when there is an abundance of low carbon generation such as wind power. This augments the conventional central heating system in the household, and reduces the amount of fossil fuels (oil and gas) consumed.
To achieve widespread uptake of supplementary electric heating it is necessary to be mindful electricity grid operation. The supplementary electric heaters must respect capacity constraints on the distribution networks they are installed on, and not adversely affect power quality. Additionally, there are challenges operating electricity grids with high capacities of non-synchronous renewable generation, specifically grid stability and inertia. By equipping the supplementary electric heaters with advanced monitoring equipment, it is possible to utilise a large population of these appliances to assist grid stability and simulate system inertia.
In order to achieve this level of control, an advanced communications network is required. Electrical utilities have traditionally had little motivation to have widespread, real-time communications with customers. Thus, the main thrust of this project is concerned with identifying the information communication technology needs of the supplementary electric heating control systems under both normal operation and in times when they must respond to system faults, and constructing a framework for the successful operation of the whole system.
The ICT framework that will be developed in this work will consider the unique challenges of Machine-to-Machine communication in the utility sector, where cyber-security threats remain a persistent concern. The framework will form the basis for future technologies in the active network management, or 'Smart Grid', sector.
To achieve widespread uptake of supplementary electric heating it is necessary to be mindful electricity grid operation. The supplementary electric heaters must respect capacity constraints on the distribution networks they are installed on, and not adversely affect power quality. Additionally, there are challenges operating electricity grids with high capacities of non-synchronous renewable generation, specifically grid stability and inertia. By equipping the supplementary electric heaters with advanced monitoring equipment, it is possible to utilise a large population of these appliances to assist grid stability and simulate system inertia.
In order to achieve this level of control, an advanced communications network is required. Electrical utilities have traditionally had little motivation to have widespread, real-time communications with customers. Thus, the main thrust of this project is concerned with identifying the information communication technology needs of the supplementary electric heating control systems under both normal operation and in times when they must respond to system faults, and constructing a framework for the successful operation of the whole system.
The ICT framework that will be developed in this work will consider the unique challenges of Machine-to-Machine communication in the utility sector, where cyber-security threats remain a persistent concern. The framework will form the basis for future technologies in the active network management, or 'Smart Grid', sector.
Planned Impact
The following beneficiaries may directly or indirectly gain from the proposed research. The beneficiaries include the worldwide electrical power research community, especially those working in active network management; the formal project partners outlined in the Case for Support; manufacturers of intelligent appliances, including manufacturers of electrical heating equipment (for example, Glen Dimplex); electrical utilities and renewable energy producers; the environment; the UK as a whole in meeting climate change targets and gaining a competitive edge in this technology.
The definition of a reliable and secure ICT framework for intelligent household appliances will create a trickle up effect into other sectors of industry, accelerating technologies which support renewable electricity generation and reduce carbon emissions to be rapidly designed, tested and deployed. The lack of a defined ICT platform is a limiting factor in the development of Smart Grids. Manufacturers of various appliances, either domestic scale or commercial scale, will benefit from a reference platform allowing interoperability of equipment. Utilities will benefit from a common platform for issuing commands and taking measurements from intelligent appliances.
Impact Plan
To ensure that the impact of this research is maximised for the beneficiaries, the PI will:
1) Make full use of conference presentations and attendances (e.g. IEEE PES GM) to publicise the outcomes of the research,
2) Publish in leading journals of the IEEE / IET in accordance with EPSRC open access policy,
3) Make visits to the collaborator's institutions and give talks related to the research, making use of QUB business engagement professionals,
4) Use websites, social media and other means of dissemination of the research findings,
5) Maintain involvement in professional working groups where the impact of the research can be utilised.
The definition of a reliable and secure ICT framework for intelligent household appliances will create a trickle up effect into other sectors of industry, accelerating technologies which support renewable electricity generation and reduce carbon emissions to be rapidly designed, tested and deployed. The lack of a defined ICT platform is a limiting factor in the development of Smart Grids. Manufacturers of various appliances, either domestic scale or commercial scale, will benefit from a reference platform allowing interoperability of equipment. Utilities will benefit from a common platform for issuing commands and taking measurements from intelligent appliances.
Impact Plan
To ensure that the impact of this research is maximised for the beneficiaries, the PI will:
1) Make full use of conference presentations and attendances (e.g. IEEE PES GM) to publicise the outcomes of the research,
2) Publish in leading journals of the IEEE / IET in accordance with EPSRC open access policy,
3) Make visits to the collaborator's institutions and give talks related to the research, making use of QUB business engagement professionals,
4) Use websites, social media and other means of dissemination of the research findings,
5) Maintain involvement in professional working groups where the impact of the research can be utilised.
People |
David Laverty (Principal Investigator) |

Guo Y
Synchrophasor-Based Islanding Detection for Distributed Generation Systems Using Systematic Principal Component Analysis Approaches
in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Title | Electric DeLorean |
Description | The School of EEECS at QUB, with sponsorship from NIE Networks, has invested in the conversion of a DeLorean Sports car to electrical propulsion for the purpose of inspiring the next generation of electrical engineers at public exhibitions. Demonstrations will include explanations of grid integration of electric vehicles, renewable generation, and compliments the EPSRC funded iGive (EP/L001063/1) and Supplementary Electric Heating (EP/M000656/1) projects. |
Type Of Art | Artefact (including digital) |
Year Produced | 2015 |
Impact | A launch day was held on Oct 21st 2015 to a full house at the Ulster Museum. Follow up events have been scheduled throughout 2016. |
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Title | Model House Demonstration |
Description | A model house is under construction my an MEng Electrical & Electronic Engineering student at QUB to demonstrate the concept of Supplementary Heating to the public. |
Type Of Art | Artefact (including digital) |
Year Produced | 2016 |
Impact | To be demonstrated in May 2016. |
Description | Preliminary investigation suggested that transitioning to electrical heating would realise an immediate reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the use of oil and gas in domestic properties. Rigorous investigation of the source data for greenhouse gas emissions by generation type yields a more complex story, suggesting that electrification alone yields a marginal improvement. For significant improvement, intelligent control is necessary. Consequently, a telecoms framework has been designed which allows for rapid, full control of domestic heating appliances such that they can be optimised to yield environmental benefit, technical benefit to the system operator, and potential for economic benefit to the owner subject to the creation of market mechanisms. A demonstrator system has been created at the university, and further projects with existing and new industry partners are carrying the project to the next phase. |
Exploitation Route | A demonstrator system has been created at the university, and further projects with existing and new industry partners are carrying the project to the next phase. Specifically, the US-Ireland "CREDENCE" project will explore technologies to automatically locate the electrical location of installed appliances, and the CASE (Northern Ireland) funded "DINOSAURS" project will investigate performance requirement metrics to improve the design of the communications mechanisms. |
Sectors | Energy Environment Government Democracy and Justice Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology Transport |
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Description | Informal meetings with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive have occurred to describe the research on Supplementary Heating. This has led to advising on the potential for Supplementary Heating to be integrated into the design of new social housing with a view to lowering bills for the residents and decarbonising electricity generation as a whole. This work continues into 2017. Additionally, the new CASE grant, DINOSAURS, will see discussions with electrical utility TSO/DNO, equipment vendors and service aggregators to tailor the ICT framework to produce a feasible practical solution to demand response. In 2021, preliminary research has commenced on new low cost sensor technologies. Funding will be sought in the near future. |
Sector | Government, Democracy and Justice |
Impact Types | Societal |
Description | NSF Workshop - Real Time Data Analytics for the Resilient Electric Grid |
Geographic Reach | North America |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Description | Demand Initiated Network Optimisation for Systems Accommodating Unprecedented Renewable Sources (DINOSAURS) |
Amount | £248,780 (GBP) |
Organisation | Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 04/2017 |
End | 11/2018 |
Description | EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award (IAA) |
Amount | £14,910 (GBP) |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 01/2017 |
End | 03/2017 |
Description | EPSRC Studentship |
Amount | £65,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2015 |
End | 04/2018 |
Description | US-Ireland CREDENCE |
Amount | £320,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Government of Northern Ireland |
Department | Department for Employment and Learning Northern Ireland (DELNI) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 01/2017 |
End | 06/2021 |
Title | DIGSilent to Point-on-Wave for Synchrophasor Estimation |
Description | Allows power system events, particularly transients, to be simulated in industry standard software but the data extracted and presented as point-on-wave sampled values which can be processed by the OpenPMU system for generation of Synchrophasor values. |
Type Of Material | Computer model/algorithm |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | This system has been used to study the effectiveness of PMUs during transient events. The outcomes and model will later be published. |
Title | Electricity CO2 Intensity |
Description | A technique to quantify the CO2 equivalent intensify of the all-Ireland power system has been constructed using real system data, and accounting for non-linearity in the datasets (e.g. pumped storage) and "in-house" consumption of electricity by power stations. This methodology will be directly applicable to the UK grid. |
Type Of Material | Data analysis technique |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | The methodology used demonstrates that published figures for CO2 intensity are generally optimistic, but a more in-depth analysis is required to account for all forms of consumption and the resultant emissions. |
Title | Temperature Performance Logs |
Description | Temperature performance logs have been captured for a typical UK home, of 1950s construction with some energy efficiency improvements (e.g. double glazing, loft insulation). This data will be used to check models. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | This data is used to verify models which are under development. |
Title | Wide Area Communication for Distributed Energy Resources |
Description | A novel method for collection, aggregation and storage of wide area system data from Distributed Energy Resources is under development. This method uses the MQTT protocol to traverse wide area networks efficiently with minimal data overhead or duplication. Security is provisioned using OAUTH2. |
Type Of Material | Data handling & control |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | A demonstrator of the system is presently being implemented on Glen Dimplex Quantum products using open source code on a Raspberry Pi computing platform. |
Description | Glen Dimplex (Supplementary Heating) |
Organisation | Glen Dimplex |
Country | Ireland |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | My research team and I have developed a scalable, reliable and secure telecommunications design framework applicable to the products producted by Glen Dimplex, namely their range of space and water heating electrical appliances. The framework has been designed with security in mind from the outset and utilises a number of proven open sources technologies. The innovation added has been the application of these technologies to extremely low cost embedded system devices, making their practical application a possibility. The technology is applicable to all distributed energy resources (DERs) and can be tailored to suit other appliance or vendor requirements as necessary. |
Collaborator Contribution | Geln Dimplex are facilitating the adaptation of their Quantum storage heater project to an open source telecoms system developed under the Supplementary Heating Project. Glen Dimplex have provisioned engineer time to liaise with the funded Research Assistant to develop a protocol converter to exchange data between their closed source interface and the new open source interface which is under development. As of the end of the project, a demonstrator system has been created, shown to be operational, and the is the subject of publication at an international conference. |
Impact | Demonstrator system for control of Distributed Energy Resources MQTT control of heating appliances with cryptographic security mechanisms Publication at international conference (IEEE PES GM) |
Start Year | 2015 |
Description | OpenPMU Simulation Integration |
Organisation | University of the Andes |
Country | Colombia |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are exploring opportunities to integrate the OpenPMU platform into the GridTeractions real-time scenario simulation tool developed at University of the Andes. |
Collaborator Contribution | Presentation on the GridTeractions platform. Identification of local funding to support a programme of work. |
Impact | None at this time, too early. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Statnett SF (OpenPMU) |
Organisation | Statnett |
Country | Norway |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Statnett SF conducted an evaluation of the OpenPMU platform for use in their substations. This involved feedback on design and user requirements from Statnett SF which were developed into a prototype by the team at QUB. |
Collaborator Contribution | User requirements, standards identification, timing requirements. |
Impact | Prototype PMU. Internal report at Statnett SF. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Statnett SF (Supplementary Heating) |
Organisation | Statnett |
Country | Norway |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | My research team and I have presented our open source telecoms framework for distributed energy resources (DERs) to Statnett ST, the Norwegian electricity Transmission System Operator (TSO), throughout its development. Norway is a heavy user of electrical heating appliances, and Statnett have a track record in the use of intelligent control systems for operating their grid. Feedback from Statnett on the design of our telecoms framework was extremely useful, providing a TSO's perspective. Consequently, this informed the design of how appliances should be "clustered" in the logical hierarchy of the telecoms system, affording the TSO fine/subtle control over bulk numbers of appliances. |
Collaborator Contribution | Statnett SF have given advice on the heating loads seen on the Norwegian power system and how these are accommodated and controlled in line with system dispatch. Details have been provided of incumbent technologies, and the advantages and limitations of current designs. This proved crucial to understanding the TSO's perspective for the control of intelligent heating appliances, and informed the design of the telecoms framework. |
Impact | Publications have been presented at major conferences nationally and internationally (UPEC, IEEE PES GM). A notable outcome of this work is that Statnett have seen the benefit of the telecoms framework designed for DERs being applied to the monitoring of Phasor Measurement Unit equipment. A new project in this area is in developmental stages. |
Start Year | 2014 |
Title | MQTT for DERs |
Description | A new telecoms framework was developed for efficiently controlling a large population of distributed energy resources (DERs) using low cost commodity hardware and any available telecoms delivery technology. The framework is centred around the MQTT messaging system, but design for resilience, reliability, scalability, and the needs of Transmission System Operators (TSOs) as well as appliance vendors and the consumer have led to heavy customisation. A demonstrator system has been created and shown to relevant stakeholders. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2016 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | Glen Dimplex, a project partner, have applied a telecoms system to their product and expressed interest in the lessons learnt from the MQTT demonstrator. A further project in this area has recently received funding. Statnett SF have expressed interest in the use of the telecoms framework for application to other technologies, namely phasor measurement units (PMU). |
Title | Precision Time Laboratory |
Description | A precision time protocol clock and related equipment has been purchased and installed in the laboratory, providing atomic time to various test and measurement studies in the PMU area. |
Type Of Technology | Systems, Materials & Instrumental Engineering |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Impact | Validation of novel PMU data acquisition clock technologies. |
Description | Meeting with Northern Ireland Housing Executive |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Meetings with members of the NI Housing Executive regarding application of novel technologies to decarbonise domestic heating through electrification. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2016,2017,2018 |
Description | NASPI DisTT Webinar - OpenPMU: Experience and lessons from operating PMUs in Distribution Networks |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Presentation of state of the art PMU communications technologies and update on the OpenPMU project. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Participation in a advisory committee - NSF Workshop - Real Time Data Analytics for the Resilient Electric Grid (2018) |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Discussion forum on the use of PMU technology especially in power distribution networks, and the measurement, data and communication issues that arise. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |