Blue Biotechnology

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Ocean and Earth Science


Marine microbes from the 'blue' open ocean are highly diverse but poorly characterized and may be sources of useful products (for example, biofuels) that could be of huge value1 and offer massive potential for biotechnology. The realization of this potential will require establishment of high-throughput screening approaches to identify potential microbes from ocean systems, methods for efficient growth on large scales, and development of molecular biology tools (e.g. cloning and gene editing) to enhance the production of desired products.
This project will focus on marine algae (phytoplankton) that can grow using only light and nutrients and as such offer carbon-neutral and sustainable sources of products. The aim is to recreate conditions under which phytoplankton naturally 'bloom'. In parallel to understanding the physiology associated with high and efficient growth rates, the project will develop a molecular tool-kit for manipulation and characterization of novel and highly efficient proteins, both in function and structure, focusing in on nutrient uptake2. Combined, these approaches will elucidate the molecular basis of rapid growth during 'blooms' and also unlock the biotechnological potential of microbes that dominate the 'blue' ocean.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
NE/W503150/1 31/03/2021 30/03/2022
2106799 Studentship NE/W503150/1 30/09/2018 26/12/2022 Hannah Connabeer