Automated ILW Drum Scanning Using Robotic Manipulators

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Physics


The PhD project will conduct a detailed investigation into the development and optimisation of integrated micro-sized gamma spectrometry instrumentation for use as part of a robot arm mounted radiation scanning system. The project will also investigate the use of miniaturised and radiation hard coincident laser profiling systems to topographically map target objects or scenes.
The aim of the project is to conduct fundamental and applied research towards an advanced automated ability to map the radiation energy and intensity (and dose) on the external surfaces of Intermediate Level Nuclear Waste (ILW) packages and thereby produce a map which can indicate the presence of contained highly radioactive material e.g. fuel carry-over or cladding sections, close to the package walls. Simultaneously the system will also produce a digital topographic model of the package surfaces highlighting any distortions that may have arisen from corrosion related swelling/expansion of materials inside.

The project will make use of Kuka Robotic Arm systems already housed at the UoB, utilising the Fenswood Farm research site where laser and radioactive work can be undertaking inside a robot safety enclosure.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/R513179/1 30/09/2018 29/09/2023
2128861 Studentship EP/R513179/1 30/09/2018 30/03/2022 Samuel White