Bio-inspired electrodes for energy transport applications in renewable energy devices

Lead Research Organisation: Northumbria University
Department Name: Fac of Engineering and Environment


The aim of my project is to produce bio-inspired structures which function as electrical contacts. Integration of multiscale feature structures as contacts will ideally follow the same characteristics as leaf-venation patterns; providing optimal coverage for electron transport while producing as little optical shading as possible. This project will investigate the potential for feature scalability, repeatability and overall shape flexibility. The goal application for these bio-inspired structures is as solar cell top contacts, meaning that the fabricated contacts will be compared to existing solar cell top contacts for conductivity and optical transparency.

Planned Impact

ReNU's enhanced doctoral training programme delivered by three uniquely co-located major UK universities, Northumbria (UNN), Durham (DU) and Newcastle (NU), addresses clear skills needs in small-to-medium scale renewable energy (RE) and sustainable distributed energy (DE). It was co-designed by a range of companies and is supported by a balanced portfolio of 27 industrial partners (e.g. Airbus, Siemens and Shell) of which 12 are small or medium size enterprises (SMEs) (e.g. Enocell, Equiwatt and Power Roll). A further 9 partners include Government, not-for-profit and key network organisations. Together these provide a powerful, direct and integrated pathway to a range of impacts that span whole energy systems.

Industrial partners will interact with ReNU in three main ways: (1) through the Strategic Advisory Board; (2) by providing external input to individual doctoral candidate's projects; and (3) by setting Industrial Challenge Mini-Projects. These interactions will directly benefit companies by enabling them to focus ReNU's training programme on particular needs, allowing transfer of best practice in training and state-of-the-art techniques, solution approaches to R&D challenges and generation of intellectual property. Access to ReNU for new industrial partners that may wish to benefit from ReNU is enabled by the involvement of key networks and organisations such as the North East Automotive Alliance, the Engineering Employer Federation, and Knowledge Transfer Network (Energy).

In addition to industrial partners, ReNU includes Government organisations and not for-profit-organisations. These partners provide pathways to create impact via policy and public engagement. Similarly, significant academic impact will be achieved through collaborations with project partners in Singapore, Canada and China. This impact will result in research excellence disseminated through prestigious academic journals and international conferences to the benefit of the global community working on advanced energy materials.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/S023836/1 31/03/2019 29/09/2027
2742811 Studentship EP/S023836/1 30/09/2022 29/09/2026 David Roughton-Reay