Quantifying Oceanic Whitecap Energy Dissipation and Bubble-Mediated Air-Sea Fluxes

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Civil & Environmental Engineering


The winds constantly transfer energy from the atmosphere to the global oceans and seas helping to generate surface waves, currents and tearing water droplets directly from the crests of the steepest waves. The interaction of the wind and the surface ocean is an extremely complex process that still remains to be fully understood by ocean scientists and engineers and remains an active area of research. Perhaps the most fundamental consequence of wind blowing over the surface of the oceans is the generation of waves. Our ability to forecast the generation, evolution, and decay of ocean waves is important for the way humans interact with the global oceans. For example, wave forecasts are routinely used to help shipping companies plan the transport of goods and people across the global oceans, marine engineers need to know how often large waves occur and how these waves will interact with the structures they build for use in the ocean, oceanographers need to predict the how ocean waves affect weather and climate, and recreational sailors, swimmers and surfers rely on accurate wave forecasts to safely enjoy the seas and oceans around our coastline.

Of particular interest to oceanographers is the energy balance between the wind and the waves. Since the wind acts as the primary source of energy for the waves, there must be a mechanism for dissipating this energy input, otherwise the waves would continue to grow. Part of this energy dissipation occurs along our coastlines where incoming waves break as they enter shallow water, releasing their energy. This release of energy helps to entrain air into the water, to move sediment and sand, and to create chaotic turbulent water motions. However, the vast majority of wave energy is dissipated by waves breaking in the open ocean. These are easy to spot on a windy day because of the bubbles and white foam they produce, commonly called whitecaps.

The importance of these whitecaps to how the Earth's climate evolves is an area of huge interest to oceanographers, atmospheric scientists and climate scientists. Within each whitecap there are thousands of bubbles ranging in size from the width of a human hair to about the width of a 5 pence piece. These bubbles are like tiny replicas of the atmosphere that exchange gas with the surrounding water. This bubble-mediated mechanism of gas transfer is very important to how much carbon dioxide is transferred from the atmosphere to the ocean. When each of these bubbles rises to the water surface and bursts it can send tiny sea spray droplets into the atmosphere, much like the fizz of a glass of soda drink that you see when you look at it from the side. When these tiny droplets are in the atmosphere they can help to form clouds over the ocean, transport bacteria from the ocean surface into the atmosphere and can scatter light from the sun. Gaining a better understanding of how much these bubbles and sea spray droplets matter to the Earth's climate is important to make accurate future projections of the Earth's climate.

To tackle these difficult questions, our research will use state of the art wave making facilities to replicate breaking ocean waves in the laboratory at Imperial College, and will photograph whitecaps in the Adriatic Sea where we have access to a unique ocean observing platform that is operated by the Italian Institute of Marine Science. We will use a combination of wave height gauges, digital cameras and stereovision image processing techniques, to measure wave energy, photograph the breaking wave foam, and count the number and measure the size of bubbles generated by the breaking waves. These data will be used to improve computer models of ocean waves, and predictions of the exchange of gas between the atmosphere and the oceans for use in computer models of Earth's climate.

Planned Impact

As an island nation with a strong maritime/marine connection, the UK benefits enormously from its surrounding seas. These seas provide an abundant food source helping to drive the fishing industry; the strong tidal flows and exposed coastal regions provide natural locations to harness the renewable energy of ocean tides and to build ever-growing offshore wind turbine farms; and the cleanliness of the seas provide recreational benefits to the population as a whole. Along with these easy-to-see benefits of the seas around our coastlines, the seas also help moderate our weather and climate in ways that aren't immediately obvious. For example, when ocean waves break they can trap air beneath the water surface forming thousands of bubbles ranging in size from the width of a human hair up to the size of 5 pence coin. These bubbles when they are below the water surface help mix gases from the air into the sea, and when they rise up to the surface and burst, they can send tiny droplets into the atmosphere that affect cloud formation and the Earth's radiative balance. The primary focus of this research project is to study breaking waves in the sea and in the laboratory, and to use this data to improve how we model the evolution of the wave field and how we estimate the roles breaking waves and bubbles play in regulating climate and weather.

The balance between wind energy input to the ocean and wave energy dissipation at the ocean surface helps govern how the wave field evolves at any given time. This dynamical energy balance controls the wave field which is made up of many waves of different heights, lengths and frequencies. Sophisticated computer models are able to predict how this vast spectrum of waves evolves when given certain input parameters such as (i) the wind energy input, (ii) the distribution of this energy across the wave spectrum, and (iii) how much energy is lost through wave breaking. Of these three terms, it is the energy loss driven by wave breaking that is the least understood. Providing better estimates of the energy dissipation of wave breaking will help the numerical modellers improve how dissipation is incorporated in wave models. The outputs from this project will provide more detailed information on the energy lost by waves when they break, and this in turn can help us develop a better understanding of how the wave field evolves which can deliver more accurate wave forecasts. A better understanding of the evolution of ocean waves and more accurate wave forecasts can have benefits for the fishing, shipping, energy and tourist industries, as well as being important for weather forecasters and climate modellers to provide better predictions of weather and climate variation.

There is increasing awareness of the critical role physical exchange processes occurring at the air-sea interface affects our climate in a profound way by altering the composition of our atmosphere and regulating the Earth's radiative balance. Air-entrainment and bubble formation by breaking waves is a key contributor to some of these physical air-sea exchange processes. Bubble-mediated gas exchange is a vital pathway by which anthropogenic carbon dioxide emitted from fossil fuel burning is absorbed into our oceans and removed from the atmosphere. As breaking wave energy increases, more air is entrained below the water surface enhancing the potential for greenhouse gas removal from the atmosphere. The proposed research will provide more detail on how much energy is dissipated during wave breaking, on a wave-by-wave basis, which will lead to improved estimates of air-entrainment and associated gas exchange across the air-sea interface. Ultimately such data has the potential to enhance our knowledge of how the carbon cycle is affected by marine processes and predict how this might change as mean global wind speed, and hence wave breaking, continues to change in response to climate change.


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Description Experiments conducted during the course of the grant have indicated a subsantial difference in the behaviour of breaking waves in the presence and ansence of wind. In the presence of wind, breaking waves produce bubble plumes that have a longer horizontal extent and shallower vertical extent than breaking waves generated in the absence of wind. This is a key finding because the majority of laboratory breaking waves are studied in the absence of wind forcing whereas breaking waves in the natural environment always have a certain level of wind forcing.

Short-crested 3-D breaking waces exhibit spatial heteorogeneity in bubble concentrations along their wave crest.

We have developed software that is currently being prepared for public release which allows users to identify and track individual whitecaps in digital images of the sea surface. This is curently being written up for submission for peer-review.
Exploitation Route This result indicates that laboratory experiments carried out in the future should, where possible, always take place in the presence of wind forcing.
We have created software, in the process of being released, that can provide a much more complete view of wave breaking activity that was previously possible.
Sectors Energy



Title A Comparison of Laboratory and Field Measurements of Whitecap Foam Evolution from Breaking Waves 
Description Sufficiently energetic breaking ocean waves produce distinctive visible foam signatures on the water surface called whitecaps. The mixture of surface whitecap foam cells, and sub-surface bubbles, results in the broad-band scattering of light that allow whitecaps to be measured with optical cameras. In this paper the temporal evolution of whitecap foam area from laboratory and oceanic breaking waves is compared. When appropriately scaled, the foam area time series for both laboratory and oceanic breaking waves follow similar trends, despite occurring in vastly different settings. Distinct similarities of the signature of foam stabilisation due to the presence of surfactants in the controlled laboratory experiments are also found in the field suggesting foam stabilisation may be a means to remotely sense the presence/absence or concentration of surfactants in the ocean. In addition, probability density distributions of key whitecap variables such as foam area growth and decay timescales and maximum foam area are compared between laboratory and oceanic whitecaps. The oceanic whitecaps are much larger in scale than the laboratory breaking waves, whereas the whitecap growth and decay timescales are similar in magnitude, the latter suggesting that the depths to which bubbles are injected during active air entrainment in the field are relatively shallow. The aggregated whitecap statistics are used to estimate the energy dissipation of individual whitecaps in a novel manner. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/A_Comparison_of_Laboratory_and_Field_Measurements_of_Whitecap_...
Title Automated Detection and Tracking of Whitecaps in Sea Surface Images 
Description My research group is currently in the latter stages of development of an automated whitecap detection and tracking methodology used with digital images of the sea surface. When fully finished, this will be published and shared with the wider scientific community. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The development of this technique will enable us to analyse large datasets of images of the sea surface to create novel statistics of breaking waves which have not yet been reported extensively in the scientific literature. 
Description ENTIRE - Oil Spill Modelling 
Organisation SINTEF
Country Norway 
Sector Multiple 
PI Contribution I have participated in several meetings with colleasgues in SINTEF, Norway, who are funded to study the effects of oil droplet dispersal by beraking waves. I will contribute data in terms of laboratory work and field observations of breaking waves.
Collaborator Contribution The partners are leading this study
Impact No research output has yet been derived from this partnership.
Start Year 2022
Description Installation of a Stereovision system on an oceanograpic reseach tower 
Organisation National Research Council
Country Italy 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We are developing an automated image processing technique that will be used by our partner in the future on existing datasets of sea surface images to automatically track, count and measure breaking wave whitecaps
Collaborator Contribution The partners have installed our stereovision system on the Aqua Alta oceanographic researchTower in the Adriatic Sea. We had planned to install this system ourselves earlier in the project, but due to the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, this was not possible, and our collaborators have done this. This represents a very important point in the ongoing project.
Impact This is still early in the collaboration. However, the main outcome of this collaboration is the installation of stereovision camera system on the Aqua Alta Tower in the Adriatic Sea.
Start Year 2019
Title SInterp 
Description This software performs spatial interpolation of wave fields where there are limited spatial measurements. The code is available at https://github.com/EMPadilla/Sinterp 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2023 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The paper in which this software has been described has been viewed 144 times as of 11th March 2024 
URL https://github.com/EMPadilla/Sinterp
Description End of project meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact A 2-day end of project meeting to discuss the science developed durng the funded project with participants from the UK, Italy and Norway.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Mini-symposium and Project Meeting in Imperial College London 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact A 2-day project kickoff meeting was held in February 2020 with participants from the UK and Italy. Organisations represented were Imperial College London, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts and the Italian Institute for Marine Science.

Day 1 consisted of a series of scientific talks that constitutued a mini-symposium.

Day 2 consisted of formal project meetings with the project partners along with researchers at Imperial College London.

The purpose of the meeting was to highlight the science underpinning the project to interested parties and to spark potentiall follow-on collaborations and projects.

As PI of the project, I organised and led the 2-day meeting which included presentations from all academics, postdoctoral scholars and postgraduare students related to the ongoing work and the wider scientific area.

The kickoff meeting was advertised on the social media accounts of the Fluid Mechanics section of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Participation in and hosting of CO2 flux workshop at Imperial College London in March 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact A best-practice workshop on CO2 flux measurement was hosted at Imperial College. The workshop brought together circa 40 scientists from around the globe to discuss a standardised approach to making CO2 flux measurements in the field.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023