Domain decomposition methods based on proper generalized decomposition for parametric heterogeneous problems
Lead Research Organisation:
Loughborough University
Department Name: Mathematical Sciences
Heterogeneous (or multi-physics) problems are very common in engineering and scientific applications. They typically arise when different phenomena occur in two or more subregions of the domain of interest such as, e.g., in the filtration of fluids through porous media in geophysical or industrial applications, in tissue perfusion in biomedicine, in the interactions between fluids and elastic structures. In such cases, at least two different sets of equations (e.g., incompressible fluid equations and elasticity equations) must be defined in each subregion and they must be suitably coupled into a global heterogeneous problem to correctly describe the physical system.
Solving these problems numerically is computationally demanding due to the need to accurately approximate all the different involved physical phenomena. The computational complexity increases even further when these problems must be solved several times for optimisation purposes as it occurs, e.g., in virtual design. Indeed, optimisation requires identifying the optimal values of several parameters used to describe various characteristics of the system such as geometrical features (e.g., the dimension of a structural element), material properties (e.g., the permeability of a porous medium) or process parameters (e.g., the inflow pressure in a filtering device). This is typically done by testing a large number of possible configurations, which dramatically increases the computational cost of numerical simulations and limits their practical applicability.
In this project, we will study a novel mathematical framework to make the numerical treatment of parametric heterogeneous problems more affordable by combining two mathematical methods: Domain Decomposition (DD) and Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD).
The new method uses DD techniques to split multi-parametric heterogeneous problems into families of simpler subproblems of the same nature and with a reduced number of parameters. The solutions of these local subproblems can be computed by PGD that provides an efficient strategy to handle parameters of various nature in a unified manner. Finally, DD can 'compose' the local solutions to obtain the global 'general solution' of the original problem that accounts for all significant values of the parameters. Identifying effective and robust ways of 'composing' local solutions is not an easy task especially in the case of heterogeneous problems and it constitutes an open challenging research question in the PGD context that we address in this project.
We will lay the foundation of the DD-PGD method for heterogeneous problems and develop algorithms that will allow us to tackle the computational challenges encountered in the virtual design of multi-physics multi-parameter systems in various applications, e.g., membrane filtration processes.
Solving these problems numerically is computationally demanding due to the need to accurately approximate all the different involved physical phenomena. The computational complexity increases even further when these problems must be solved several times for optimisation purposes as it occurs, e.g., in virtual design. Indeed, optimisation requires identifying the optimal values of several parameters used to describe various characteristics of the system such as geometrical features (e.g., the dimension of a structural element), material properties (e.g., the permeability of a porous medium) or process parameters (e.g., the inflow pressure in a filtering device). This is typically done by testing a large number of possible configurations, which dramatically increases the computational cost of numerical simulations and limits their practical applicability.
In this project, we will study a novel mathematical framework to make the numerical treatment of parametric heterogeneous problems more affordable by combining two mathematical methods: Domain Decomposition (DD) and Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD).
The new method uses DD techniques to split multi-parametric heterogeneous problems into families of simpler subproblems of the same nature and with a reduced number of parameters. The solutions of these local subproblems can be computed by PGD that provides an efficient strategy to handle parameters of various nature in a unified manner. Finally, DD can 'compose' the local solutions to obtain the global 'general solution' of the original problem that accounts for all significant values of the parameters. Identifying effective and robust ways of 'composing' local solutions is not an easy task especially in the case of heterogeneous problems and it constitutes an open challenging research question in the PGD context that we address in this project.
We will lay the foundation of the DD-PGD method for heterogeneous problems and develop algorithms that will allow us to tackle the computational challenges encountered in the virtual design of multi-physics multi-parameter systems in various applications, e.g., membrane filtration processes.
Discacciati M
A coupling concept for Stokes-Darcy systems: The ICDD method
in Journal of Computational Physics
Discacciati M
Optimized Schwarz methods for the time-dependent Stokes-Darcy coupling
in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Discacciati M
An overlapping domain decomposition method for the solution of parametric elliptic problems via proper generalized decomposition
in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Discacciati M
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII
Description | During the first part of the project, we worked on problems involving the same type of linear parametric equations in the domain of interest. In particular, as planned in Objective 1 of the project, we focussed on the diffusion-transport equation and on the Stokes equation to model incompressible fluids at low Reynolds numbers. We developed algorithms that include an offline phase where general solutions of these problems are computed via proper generalized decomposition (PGD), and an online phase where such solutions are coupled via domain decomposition methods. For the offline phase, by exploiting the linearity of the considered problems, we have characterized an efficient methodology to compute the general solutions in such a way that they not only include physical/geometrical parameters of interest but also feature arbitrary values at selected interfaces (i.e., parts of the boundary of the domain where the problems are solved). Our approach has allowed to overcome well-known limitations in the literature as concerns the number of parameters that PGD can handle. Indeed, we can now efficiently compute general solutions that depend on more than ten parameters. The fact that the general solutions computed in each domain can have arbitrary values at the interfaces is key for the online phase where quantities of interests from different domains are matched at the interfaces to "glue" local general solutions to form a global general solution defined in a more complex geometrical domain. For the online phase we decided to adopt the so-called overlapping domain decomposition techniques (namely, alternating Schwarz methods) instead of non-overlapping methods. This is because we understood that the former lead to efficient and more cost-effective algorithms in the context of PGD. Concerning the computer implementation of our algorithms, we have identified the software package Encapsulated PGD Algebraic Toolbox (see as a valuable tool to compute the local general solutions by PGD, and we have been able to fully integrate this toolbox in our existing finite element software. The objective set for the first year of the project has been largely met, except for the study of non-overlapping domain decomposition strategies in the online phase of our computational framework that we have decided to delay due to identifying more suitable algorithms through overlapping decomposition. |
Exploitation Route | We are preparing journal papers to present the obtained results to the numerical analysis and computational mechanics communities. Moreover, we are going to attend scientific conferences where we will present our results, in particular, the 2023 Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics and the 10th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering. Finally, we are working on a prototypical code that implements the key components of our computational framework and that we plan to release on GitHub to foster the uptake by practitioners. |
Sectors | Other |
Description | Collaboration with UPC |
Organisation | Polytechnic University of Catalonia |
Country | Spain |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | This collaboration is with Dr Matteo Giacomini from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) due to Dr Giacomini's interest in the research topic developed in the project. The contributions made by the PI to this collaboration are: 1) sharing expertise in the formulation and computer implementation of domain decomposition methods for one-physics and multi-physics problems; 2) sharing the supervision of a PhD student based at Loughborough University on a topic related to the EPSRC research grant (computational modelling by model order reduction and domain decomposition). |
Collaborator Contribution | The collaborator, Dr Matteo Giacomini, contributed to this collaboration by sharing expertise on proper generalised decomposition methods and on its implementation. In particular, he has helped to train the jointly supervised PhD student in the usage of the open software Encapsulated PGD Algebraic Toolbox developed at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. |
Impact | The PI and his collaborator, Dr Matteo Gaicomini, submitted two joint conference abstracts: * Real-time domain decomposition of parametric elliptic PDEs via the proper generalised decomposition (submitted to the 2023 Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics); * Reducing the cost of building digital twins: from domain decomposition to multifidelity models (submitted to the 10th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering). |
Start Year | 2022 |