Peptide-based solutions for light-triggered delivery of macromolecular therapeutics and nanoparticles

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Surgery


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Technical Summary

The use of several important biopharmaceuticals is severely hampered by their limited ability to reach intracellular targets. This is either due to poor diffusion across the cell membrane or endosomal/lysosomal sequestration upon uptake . Photochemical internalisation (PCI) is a promising solution which exploits the photodynamic action of sub-toxic doses of photosensitisers to promote rupture of lysosomal vesicles, so that entrapped drugs can reach their targets. PCI is designed to use red light where tissue absorption is relatively weak, unlike blue or UV light, so light-triggered, site-specific drug release can be effected at therapeutically useful depths in tissue.
We aim to develop innovative solutions to 3 key challenges in the PCI approach, using peptide-based delivery systems.
1) Photosensitisers for PCI must be lysosomotropic, to localise in the same vesicles as administered drugs. This makes many photosensitisers clinically used for photodynamic therapy unsuitable for PCI. We aim to overcome this by conjugating photosensitisers to cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) to both improve their uptake and control sub-cellular localisation.
2) PCI requires the photosensitiser and drug to localise in the SAME intracellular vesicle. We can achieve this by covalently attaching a drug cargo to a peptide carrier, from which it may dissociate and reach its target post-PCI. Alternatively, a peptide carrier, with the photosensitiser attached, may be used to generate a drug-encapsulating nanoparticle, such as a liposome.
3) For maximum efficacy, the combination of photosensitiser and drug should be delivered only to specific tissues. A CPP construct that is activated for uptake by disease-dependent levels of a protease activity is an ideal way to achieve this.
We will characterise our constructs in detail with respect to their photophysical properties and efficiency at delivering diverse drug molecules in a variety of in vitro cell models and validate them in vivo.

Planned Impact

Our research has the potential to deliver impact for a wide range of beneficiaries, including clinicians and their patients, biomedical scientists and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the direct academic participants at Bath and UCL. For the general public, novel methodologies that can facilitate the delivery of poorly absorbed chemotherapeutic agents will lead to the development of safer and more effective treatments, allowing the use of lower doses and reduction in chemotherapy side effects/morbidity. This outcome will have an impact upon quality of life in the UK and increase the effectiveness of public healthcare. In the pharmaceutical sector, biotherapeutics now comprise a significant proportion of all drugs on the market. Achieving the efficient delivery of such large often hydrophilic molecules to targeted tissues is a major challenge that can limit the therapeutic potential of otherwise promising clinical candidates, and may result in their abandonment, despite huge investments in their discovery and development. The development of tools that expand the scope of the PCI technique are likely to be of great benefit to the pharmaceutical industry in the next 5-10 years (half the new drugs in late-stage clinical trials will soon be antibodies, peptides, nucleic acids, and other macromolecules). For companies in the UK, this could impact positively on economic performance and competitiveness in the global market place, and thus the wealth of the UK.

As well as being of direct benefit to academic researchers in the field of drug delivery, our research will also be of benefit to the academic community at large, who will gain from the knowledge and reagents obtained in these studies that can be applied to other research endeavours (e.g. in gene therapy). The research will also have a key impact for the academic institutions involved, in that our work should produce intellectual property that would be considered very valuable by pharmaceutical companies, thus leading to the possibility to benefit from revenue streams obtained from licensing opportunities. Finally, the researchers who will perform the proposed studies will benefit from the opportunities to participate in a multidisciplinary research project, with valuable training in a range of chemical and biological techniques. This will greatly enhance their value for ultimate employment in either industrial or academic settings. As such, the project will constitute a long-term training investment in the researchers and the creative output of the UK.

We are already in discussion with potential beneficiaries and end users of our proposed research in both the clinical and commercial arena. For example, the Norwegian pharmaceutical company PCI Biotech AS (specialists in the development of PCI technology), and their research director, Dr Anders Hogset; and Mr Colin Hopper, Academic Head of the Unit of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, at UCL Hospital. We have similarly taken taken steps to engage with other leading academic figures in light-based drug delivery research (Prof. Kristian Berg, Institute for Cancer Research, University of Oslo, and Prof. Alex Lou, National Taiwan University). Furthermore, the National Medical Laser Centre, where the UCL group are based, is a translational research institute with extensive experience of converting fundamental bioscience into clinical applications and also exploiting its commercial potential. We are therefore very well placed to both identify results of potential interest to beneficiaries in the biomedical and pharmaceutical arenas and also maximise their economic and societal impact.


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Description The effectiveness of many important drugs is much reduced because they cannot be adequately delivered to the fluid inside cells where their biological targets are located. This means that higher doses are needed, leading to an increase in potential side effects and reduced patient quality of life. Such drugs are often poorly absorbed in the body because they are taken up into cells by endocytosis, where the cell wall or membrane envelops drug molecules leaving them trapped inside small compartments (endosomes, lysosomes) within the cell from which they must escape in order to reach the right part of the cell (e.g. the nucleus). If the drug cannot escape efficiently, it may instead be broken down by enzymes, or expelled from the cell. The technique of photochemical internalisation (PCI) is a novel way to get around this problem. Here, the drug of interest is administered along with a photosensitiser, a molecule that can facilitate the escape process when activated by light. Ideally, the photosensitiser is activated with a low dose of red light which causes minimal damage to healthy tissue and also allows light-activation to take place deep within the target tissue, as tissue absorption at red light wavelengths is weak.

When cells are exposed to PCI light treatment, to activate the photosensitiser, these molecules absorb energy and generate short-lived reactive chemical compounds that break down the walls of the drug-containing compartments, releasing the drug to allow it to reach its target. However, in order for PCI to work effectively, the drug and photosensitiser employed must be incorporated into the same compartment inside the cell and must of course both efficiently enter the cell in the first place. The initial aim of our project has been to develop new photosensitiser molecules for PCI that are water-soluble, cross cell membranes effectively, and are also taken up into cells by endocytosis so that they may be localised in the right cell compartments with drugs that are administered at the same time. We have devised efficient syntheses of a range of photosensitiser molecules that can be selectively and efficiently attached to cell-penetrating peptides. As desired, this makes the photosensitisers which are largely water-insoluble, soluble in water and also able to efficiently cross cell membranes. Importantly, they also localise in the right part of the cell, i.e. endosomes, where drug molecules of interest may be trapped. We have shown that our new molecules give a much more efficient PCI effect than that obtained with a simple photosensitiser alone.

To make this approach as general and as flexible as possible, we have developed an approach that allows the cell-penetrating peptide carrier and photosensitiser to be easily interchanged. This means that we can make use of photosensitisers that absorb red light most efficiently, which is what is required to translate molecules of this type into in vivo applications.

We have also shown that PCI can be used to release nanoparticles when they are trapped in endo/lysosomes. This concept was demonstrated using photoluminescent quantum dots.

To further improve the PCI approach, we have now developed liposomal systems where both a drug and a photosensitiser are associated with the same carrier peptide molecule so that the uptake of both components is enhanced and their localisation in exactly the same cell compartment is guaranteed. Our approach allows us as before to interchange the cell-penetrating peptide carrier and photosensitiser, and particularly to employ peptides that will target delivery to specific cell types.

Several papers are now in preparation to report on our findings.
Exploitation Route The compounds that we have developed so far have been extensively investigated for light-activated drug delivery in vitro. They are also of great interest for the specific intracellular delivery of biological probes, and we are beginning to collaborate with other groups who have seen the potential of the research that we are developing. In the last year, we have also been in contact with one of the major industrial players in the development of biological therapeutics (Medimmune), who have expressed an interest in our PCI approach.
As part of the exploitation of our findings, we now intend to explore the potential of our drug delivery platform for the targeted non-invasive delivery of anti-cancer agents.
Sectors Chemicals


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description To date, the findings of our research have been mainly exploited within the research programme itself and to stimulate further related investigations. Recent presentations and publications relating to results from our first completed objective (the development of a range of novel CPP-photosensitiser derivatives for PCI) have allowed us to initiate/discuss new collaborations and applications for these research tools. This includes researchers at other academic institutions, as well as clinicians and industrial researchers who have expressed initial interest in our research programme.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal


Description Fellowship
Amount € 60,000 (EUR)
Organisation Ramón Areces Foundation 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country Spain
Start 09/2015 
End 09/2017
Description Testing of silver sulphide quantum dots for antimicrobial therapy 
Organisation Koc University
Department Department of Chemistry
Country Turkey 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are setting up a collaboration with UCH to test whether impregnation of nanoparticles and a photosensitiser can confer antimicrobial properties to the surface of clinical devices when exposed to light. This may provide an alternative means of disinfection.
Collaborator Contribution Our clinical partners are supplying the relevant bacterial strains upon which to test the concept.
Impact We are currently setting up our testing models and the project is still in its early stages. The research is multidisciplinary involving cell biology for the in vitro testing, chemical synthesis of the nanoparticles and photochemistry for the quantification of reactive oxygen species generated upon light activation.
Start Year 2019