A fully quantum theory of ultrafast chemical dynamics.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry


In 1929 Dirac stated that: "The fundamental laws necessary for the mathematical treatment of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulty lies only in the fact that application of these laws leads to equations that are too complex to be solved." We will show that recently developed methods of quantum dynamics can now overcome the difficulty noticed by Dirac. The fundamental outcome of the current project will be to show that the dynamics of a moderately complicated polyatomic molecule can now be described solely on the basis of quantum lows of motion albeit on a very short time scale of few hundred femtoseconds. Recently developed methods of Quantum Direct Dynamics which treat all electrons and nuclei of a molecule on a fully quantum level will be used to simulate the movements of molecules which follow the absorption of a UV photon. On the ultrafast time scale this motion always reveals a wealth of quantum phenomena such as electronically nonadiabatic processes (i.e. the changes in electronic states when electrons forming chemical bonds rearrange) and tunnelling. On the practical side the project will focus on 3 types of experiments.

First, hydrogen photo- detachment from small heteroaromatic molecules studied in the gas phase will be simulated. In these experiments the initial excitation of a molecule by a photon initiates chemistry and causes the dissociation of hydrogen, which is later ionised with time delay of a few tens of femtoseconds and the "ion image" of the reaction is detected. This allows to obtain very detailed information about the dynamics of reaction by analysing the evolution of spatial and energy distribution of its products.

Second, the new pump-probe experiments have been developed to study similar reactions in solution with femtosecond time resolution. These experiments provide time resolved spectral images of chemical reactions which allow to reconstruct the dynamics and to see their mechanisms.

Third, new and unique experiments are becoming possible now with the construction of the new international Free Electron Laser X-ray facilities in Stanford and Hamburg. In the new time resolved X-ray diffraction experiment, an X-ray probe pulse is combined with femtosecond laser pulses in the visible and UV region, which initiate chemistry, and chemical dynamics is followed by measuring the changes in the X-ray diffraction images.

The molecules studied in the above experiments often represent prototypes or building blocks of larger biologically important molecular species and their photodynamics often models the processes in living organisms, which occur under the influence of light. The proposed theory will explain the experiments and will help to unravel new mechanisms of the ultrafast chemistry. On the other hand the fully quantum theory will be benchmarked against experiment and it will be shown that the difficulty pointed out by Dirac can now be overcome.

Planned Impact

Firstly, the project will help the UK to maintain its leadership in the study of ultrafast photodynamics with imaging techniques many of which were pioneered in the UK. The project will provide a fully quantum theory of the ultrafast gas phase imaging experiments. Both experiment and theory are looking at the molecules which represent building blocks of larger molecular species such as porphyrins, proteins and DNA. New experiments are now under development to study the same building blocks in condensed phase. Linking highly differential gas-phase measurements to observations in the solution-phase is an extremely topical area because of the exquisite information that can be obtained from gas-phase studies, which can then be applied to more realistic scenarios. Interpreting such experimental techniques with state-of-the-art theory and computation will make a transformative and timely contribution to an area, which targets the physical sciences grand challenge, Understanding the Physics of Life.

Secondly, the proposal may have serious impact on a number of experiments based on the use of new light sources, such as the LCLS instrument in Stanford and a new Hamburg Free Electron Laser scheduled to become operational in 2017. The UK has a substantial share in the latter European international project. We will help to provide a theoretical toolbox for simulating and therefore interpreting the emerging ultrafast time-resolved X-ray diffraction experiments. In the future our AIMC-MCE approach may also be useful for a number of other experiments such as time resolved electron diffraction imaging, which is currently under development.

Finally, the current project will benchmark the new Quantum Direct Dynamics approach against experiment, which is an ultimate benchmark, and prove that modern first principles quantum simulations are now capable of accurately describing ultrafast chemical dynamics. This very ambitious statement is based on the previous record of the results obtained with the proposed approach in the model systems and first results obtained with its QDD version. The size of quantum systems treated with AIMC-MCE direct dynamics is much bigger that previously was believed to be possible. Well converged and quantitatively accurate calculations were performed with the level of accuracy, which has not been achieved with other trajectory based method. Thus, the project addresses the central problem of the exponential curse of quantum mechanics, and develops new ways of dealing with it which fits in the theme of Quantum Physics for New Quantum Technologies. New code developments will be incorporated into the AIMS-MOLPRO package, which is already broadly available and is used by a large number of groups worldwide. This will ensure its broad use and international impact.


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Freixas V (2019) Photoinduced non-adiabatic energy transfer pathways in dendrimer building blocks in The Journal of Chemical Physics

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Kirrander A (2016) Ultrafast X-ray Scattering from Molecules. in Journal of chemical theory and computation

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Shalashilin DV (2018) Zombie states for description of structure and dynamics of multi-electron systems. in The Journal of chemical physics

Description This project is based on the key findings of the two previous projects EP/J001481/1 and EP/I014500/1 in which it has been demonstrated that a fully quantum simulations, which treat all electrons and all nuclei in a small polyatomic molecules are possible. We developed and tested a new algorithm which allows to treat tunnelling more efficiently within the framework of the ab initio Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest Approach developed earlier. We also have developed a new algorithm, which allows to simulate the excitation of a molecule by a short laser pulse. We have developed and validated a number of sampling techniques, fully quantum treatment of non-adiabatic dynamics. In a series of papers we have looked at a number of photochemical experiments, in which small hetero-aromatic molecules were dissociated after excitation by femtosecond laser pulses. The time scale of hundreds of femtosecond is very short for experimentalists but it is very long for the first principle atomistic simulations. Eventually we were able to meet experiment and theory. Our simulations treated all electrons and all nuclei solely with the Schrodinger equation. In our simulations we were able to reproduce accurately a large volume of experimental data, such as dissociation times, product kinetic energy distribution, velocity maps and isotope effects in all those features, which provides the proof that a fully quantum theory of ultrafast photochemistry now exists.
Exploitation Route This new algorithm is the key to quantitative understanding a number of experiments focused on the dynamics and mechanisms of ultrafast photochemistry. We improved computational methods of quantum dynamics, making fully quantum treatment of molecular dynamics possible. Our findings are now used.

Research data is available at

Data associated with 'Ab initio multiple cloning simulations of pyrrole photodissociation: TKER spectra and velocity map imaging'
Data associated with 'Toward fully quantum modelling of ultrafast photodissociation imaging experiments. Treating tunnelling in the ab initio multiple cloning approach'
Data associated with 'Floquet Hamiltonian for incorporating electronic excitation by a laser pulse into simulations of non-adiabatic dynamics'.
Data associated with ' Ultrafast photodissociation dynamics of 2-ethylpyrrole: adding insight to experiment with ab initio multiple cloning '
Christopher Symonds and Dmitry Shalashilin (2019): Computational data for the simulation of cases of the Spin Boson Model using the Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest method - dataset. University of Leeds.
Sectors Chemicals



Description The research lead to the development of new computational methods used for simulation of dynamics of molecules in excited electronic states, which are now finding their ways to industrial applications. An example of such applications is recent implementation of Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest method in NEXMD package developed in Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, which has been used in industry for research and development of photosensitive materials and light harvesting (see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00248 ). Currently we are also working with a company Quantemol to use these methods to simulate dissociation of molecules excited by electron impact in plasma for modelling of plasma etching for semiconductor industry.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Chemicals,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Energy
Title Computational data for the simulation of cases of the Spin Boson Model using the Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest method - dataset 
Description This data gives input and output files for simulations carried out using the Multiconfigurational Ehrenfest method to show the importance of sampling methods such as cloning and trains, and how the use of these techniques in the "Multiple Cloning" scheme can allow the MCEv2 method to generate results which are converged to benchmark calculations where previously this was not possible. Included also is the source code of the program used to generate these data files. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data associated with 'Floquet Hamiltonian for incorporating electronic excitation by a laser pulse into simulations of non-adiabatic dynamics' 
Description The dataset contains the spreadsheets, hi-resolution images and raw research data associated with our paper: 'Floquet Hamiltonian for incorporating electronic excitation by a laser pulse into simulations of non-adiabatic dynamics', Chem. Phys., 515 (2018) 46-51, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemphys.2018.07.048 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data associated with 'Toward fully quantum modelling of ultrafast photodissociation imaging experiments. Treating tunnelling in the ab initio multiple cloning approach'; 
Description Data for 3 figures (including original matlab files) and raw calculations data. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data associated with 'Ultrafast Photodissociation Dynamics of 2-Ethylpyrrole: Adding Insight to Experiment With Ab Initio Multiple Cloning.' 
Description Ab initio multiple cloning calculated and experimental total kinetic energy release spectra, dissociation times, velocity map images and electronic state populations for the ultrafast photodissociation of 2-ethylpyrrole. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes