Bayesian Inference for Diffusion Processes from Partial Observations and Expectations

Lead Research Organisation: London School of Economics and Political Science
Department Name: Statistics


A substantial amount of publicly available datasets represent educated predictions on the evolution of stochastic processes. These include financial derivative instruments, such as option prices, that can be formulated as expectations of the underlying price process. The proposed project considers models with latent diffusion processes that can be linked to direct observations, but also to such conditional expectations. The goal is to utilise advanced computational methods to estimate the data generating mechanism from both datasets. Moreover, to develop a general inferential framework to handle parameter and model uncertainty.

The main focus is on financial applications, and in particular estimating stochastic volatility models estimated from asset and option prices. In this context, the procedure may be viewed as a robust calibration technique for identifying the model driving the option prices while estimating the volatility and its parameters. This facilitates subsequent use for pricing financial derivatives and implementing hedging strategies. Desired features of the proposed methodology will include: applicability to various types of derivatives, accurate and controllable approximations of the intractable quantities in the model, and feasible computational schemes. Other objectives include developing and applying suitable procedures for specifying various aspects of the model in different observation settings, and generalising the existing computational framework to include jump diffusions, support Bayesian model choice and allow implementation in an online manner. The aim is also to develop a general inferential framework that will be able to accommodate applications from different areas. Specific examples in structural credit risk models, electricity markets and macroeconomics will be considered.

The proposed research include simulation based inference for diffusions with stochastic volatility, used for asset pricing. It is therefore expected that it will be beneficial for various academic disciplines such as Computational Statistics, Mathematical Finance and Econometrics. Moreover, as techniques for data calibration and hedging will be developed, it will also be of interest to the financial sector and power markets.

Planned Impact

The results of this project will provide benefits for various research users.

Beneficiaries in the academia include researchers in the field of stochastic processes for tasks such as simulation and inference for their parameters. Also, academics in mathematical and quantitative finance, econometrics, computational statistics and scientists working in applications based on diffusion models. More details on the benefits of the researchers in these academic areas are provided in the academic beneficiaries section.

Beneficiaries outside academia include:

Financial institutions ranging from central banks to hedge funds: The proposed research will be of direct relevance for calibration of option pricing models, offering a rigorous and natural way to incorporate parameter and model uncertainty. Furthermore, it is expected to provide solutions in cases where calibration is difficult to achieve, like the volatility of volatility process. This in turn would lead to a robust estimation of pricing kernels, and will facilitate implementation of hedging strategies for e.g. variance options and swaps. Efficient and accurate estimation of volatility would also facilitate algorithmic trading strategies, for example by targeting or avoiding volatile periods. Contrasts of the volatility estimates from this project's model based approach with well known model-free indices, such as the volatility index (VIX) provided by the Chicago Board of exchange (CBOE), will also be of interest particularly in cases where volatility is traded. Overall, the proposed research is closely related with financial institutions and therefore linked with potential economic development.

Electricity markets: The fact that electricity cannot be stored economically has resulted to the development of specific types of contracts to maintain balance between supply and demand. These include short term contracts (spot), futures, forwards and in some cases path depended derivatives. They are traded extensively in power markets such as Nord Pool. The project will provide a general framework that can be used in a similar manner to asset prices for task such as calibration and hedging. Nevertheless, it will take into account specific features of the underlying electricity price process (seasonality and spikes) and derivatives thereof. This framework would be helpful to electricity traders and market makers.

Economists: The project will consider general equilibrium models for macroeconomic data (e.g. output and labour supply), to link to latent states such as capital and productivity level. The models will have stochastic volatility to capture shocks and structural changes and provide more accurate inference that can be combined with related economic theory.


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Description Volatility of asset prices plays a prominent role in the operation of financial markets. For example, its estimation is crucial for pricing financial derivatives and hedging tasks, whereas forecasting its evolution is a key step for investment strategies. Practitioners in financial institutions often adopt and use stochastic volatility models for such tasks, in which the volatility is viewed as a stochastic process and the developed financial theory provides pricing formulas for financial derivatives, such as options, precluding arbitrage opportunities. The adopted stochastic volatility models contain unknown parameters that are obtained by calibration that is often performed on a daily basis, against observed option prices.

In this project we developed a computational and methodological framework for Bayesian estimation and forecasting of stochastic volatility models, that utilises information from observed option prices as well as historical prices of the underlying asset. We adopted a state-space model in which the unknown parameters may be allowed to vary over time, according to the data and the dynamics of the stochastic volatility model adopted for pricing. The methodology was applied to real data such as the S&P500 index and it was found to be superior, when compared to daily calibration techniques, in terms of both estimation accuracy and forecasting. An important parameter of stochastic volatility models often termed as leverage reflects the typically negative correlation between price and volatility increments. A finding of our analysis is that the observed option prices are very informative about the leverage effect, and reveal substantial evidence that it is varying over time especially on highly volatile periods. This can motivate further research on stochastic volatility models with time varying leverage effect that appear to be understudied.

The project also considered extensions of the standard stochastic volatility models. In particular, models with memory in the volatility were considered based on the fractional Brownian motion. It was found that, in the case of the S&P500 index, the Hurst parameter of the fraction Brownian motion is consistently less than 0.5, indicating medium range dependence which translates into rough paths for the volatility.

The developed framework is quite general and can be applied in other contexts beyond volatility. The project examined models for affine term interest rates where latent factors are used that may reflect other quantities such as liquidity and credit risk rather than volatility. Other potential applications of the developed framework include credit default risk implied by products such as credit default swaps and models with similar structure appearing in macroeconomics and electricity prices.
Exploitation Route The developed methodology and the findings of the analysis are of direct interest to practitioners in the Banking and Finance sector. We have established collaboration with various financial institutions to explore the potential benefits of this methodology. For example a project with the European Central Bank has been initiated to apply a suitably tailored computational schemes in models for credit default and systemic risk.

Furthermore, findings providing evidence towards time varying leverage effects and medium range dependence in stochastic volatility models can motivate further academic research from a mathematical financial theory perspective. Various parts of the methodology and the finding have been and will continue to be presented in relevant workshops and conferences.
Sectors Financial Services

and Management Consultancy

Description London School of Economics PRF award
Amount £16,779 (GBP)
Organisation London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2013 
End 03/2015
Description London School of Economics RIIF award
Amount £11,555 (GBP)
Organisation London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2013 
End 03/2015
Title Hamitonian MCMC methodology suitable for fractional stochastic volatility models 
Description This technique is based on a reparameterization framework that uses the Davies and Harte method for sampling stationary Gaussian processes. Within this framework a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm that allows computationally efficient Bayesian inference. The Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is based on a version of hybrid Monte Carlo that delivers increased efficiency when applied on the high-dimensional latent variables arising in this context. We specify the methodology on a stochastic volatility model allowing for memory in the volatility increments through a fractional specification. The methodology is illustrated on simulated data and on the S&P500/VIX time series and is shown to be effective. Contrary to a long range dependence attribute of such models often assumed in the literature, with Hurst parameter larger than 1/2, the posterior distribution favours values smaller than 1/2, pointing towards medium range dependence. 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Not aware of anything yet