Activity to support identification and prioritisation of challenges around environmental sustainability in China and other DAC countries in the Southeast Asia region

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: UNLISTED


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Technical Summary

1. Carry out desk work around key challenges for China and other DAC countries in Southeast Asia around sustainability and the environment to identify to key needs for the local environment and scoping existing capabilities; specifically, we will focus on three areas: environmental pollution, food security and antimicrobial resistance;
2. Work with our long term partner BGI in China and other local experts such as CAS to identity key synthetic biology groups in China and other DAC countries in southeast Asia capable and/or interested in working on these identified challenges;
3. Plan a series of workshops/meetings with key groups to evaluate capability, explore needs and identify opportunities to apply large scale DNA assembly to address needs specific for China and other DAC countries in southeast Asia (e.g. biosecurity; specific environmental monitoring needs; ethics and the RRI agenda);
4. Host interested parties in Edinburgh for a follow-up workshop and further detailed discussions during January/February;
5. Develop a UK Foundry-China nexus and scope a ‘plan of action for future collaboration’ defining 2-3 collaborative high-profile DNA assembly projects with ODA objectives by end of March 2017.

Planned Impact

Description We have organized two bilateral meetings between UK and Chinese researchers (one in Shenzhen and one in Edinburgh). Through these meetings, we have identified potential opportunities and collaborations.
Exploitation Route Researchers in the UK and China can follow up after the meetings to pursuit some ideas been discussed in this meeting, and build more substantial collaborations from there.
Sectors Environment



including Industrial Biotechology

Description We have identified several potential collaborative opportunities to address China's developmental needs using Synthetic biology approaches such as environmental remediation and alternative energy. The researchers in both countries can team up to develop solutions to address these challenges.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Environment,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Impact Types Policy & public services