Development, Diversity And Evolution Of Reptilian Skull Shape

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Cell and Developmental Biology


What factors determine animal shape, both during the life of an individual and during evolution? Identifying the forces shaping organismal form and biodiversity is recognised as one of the great scientific challenges of the 21st century. Addressing this challenge demands a large-scale, interdisciplinary approach capable of disentangling the numerous and complex factors known to influence animal form.

Vertebrate skulls are enormously diverse, and are shaped by predetermined developmental programmes and evolutionary history, as well as by various functional demands - housing and protecting the brain and sense organs, feeding, interactions with other organisms (communication, combat), and even the external environment. All of these factors work together to control shape; however, it is unclear to what extent each contributes to final adult form or how they act during the evolution of a lineage. My ambitious proposal will bring together large datasets, cutting-edge methods, and world-class expertise to precisely identify the determinants of skull shape at two very different timescales: during the development and growth of an individual, and through evolutionary time.

Reptiles (both living and fossil forms) are an ideal model system for investigating the impact of multiple factors on skull shape: they occupy diverse terrestrial, aquatic, marine and aerial habitats; consume a wide range of foods; exhibit enormous differences in body size; and feature an excellent fossil record stretching back over 300 million years. In order to document changes in reptilian skull shape and pinpoint the forces driving these changes, I will apply a holistic approach involving: advanced 3D imaging and visualization of the skull and (for living reptiles) soft tissues of the head; contemporary morphometrics analyses to quantify form; and state-of-the-art biomechanical modelling techniques - including musculoskeletal modelling and finite element analysis - to rigorously determine skull performance, such as bite forces, jaw closing speed, and skull strength. These models will be refined and validated using new information on muscle architecture and biological material properties collected during the project. The proposed research is particularly timely as it will draw on a wealth of data - anatomical, experimental, phylogenetic and developmental - from my own previous work and from ongoing collaborations. Integrating these disparate strands of information will allow me to determine how different factors interact to shape reptilian skulls.

This work will bring us closer than ever to understanding one of the most important and fundamental questions in evolutionary biology: precisely how do complex forces interact with each other to drive organismal change and biodiversity? I will set new standards for performing truly multidisciplinary, comprehensive studies in functional morphology that can be applied to other organismal groups and body systems. The project will establish new and solidify existing UK and overseas collaborations, and provide vital training for two early career scientists. Workers across diverse fields - evolutionary and developmental biologists, palaeontologists, engineers, and ecologists and conservation scientists - will benefit from vast new data sets, and new workflows and methodological advances, sparking many future studies. Finally, the visual and technological aspects of this work, as well as its focus on charismatic living and fossil animals, will appeal to the general public, generating engagement opportunities and media interest. Project results will be incorporated into teaching and a museum exhibit at UCL's Grant Museum, and 3D digital models will be made freely accessible, leading to greater appreciation of how organisms develop and evolve, and the importance of researchers across different fields working together to address big questions.


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Title Using AI for automated data processing 
Description My postdoc on this project, Eloy Galvez Lopez, has been working with colleagues in UCL Mechanical Engineering to develop automated tools for processing computed tomography (CT) data. A primary part of our workflow is capturing 3D shape of reptile heads (skeletal and soft tissues) using microCT scanning. Processing these data to isolate areas of interest (segmentation) is very labour-intensive and time-consuming to do manually. We are working with colleagues to develop algorithms (BounTI) that work within the visualization software Amira as well a deep learning neural networks that work within the visualization software Dragonfly to automate these process, saving weeks of time per data set. We and our collaborators will be publishing on these methods in the near future. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact These new AI techniques to process CT data have the potential to overcome what is currently one of the biggest bottlenecks in our workflow - processing high-resolution anatomical CT data - in order to allow us to incorporate far more specimens into our analyses. 
Description Anatomy and biomechanics of the Alligator head 
Organisation University of Chicago
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I will be using data provided by the partner (see below) to create biomechanical models that will be used to test major project hypotheses.
Collaborator Contribution The project partner has provided/is providing me with CT data of alligator heads for biomechanical analyses. These specimens are associated with experimental data collected by the partner and myself, including bite forces and bone strains, that will be crucial for validating model accuracy.
Impact None yet, however publications and conference presentations arising from this collaboration are being prepared/submitted.
Start Year 2022
Description Anatomy and biomechanics of the chameleon head 
Organisation National History Museum, Paris, France
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution I will be using specimens and information provided by the partner, CT scanning specimens to extract information on skeletal and soft tissue anatomy, and generating biomechanical models to test major project hypotheses.
Collaborator Contribution Partners are providing me with a growth series, including males and females, of chameleon heads. Specimens have experimental data associated with them - bone strains and bite force - that will be invaluable for validating model accuracy.
Impact None yet, although publications/presentations arising from this collaboration are being prepared/accepted as conference abstracts.
Start Year 2023
Description Anatomy and biomechanics of the turtle head 
Organisation University of Fribourg
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I will be using scans of turtle heads provided by the partner to generate and analyse biomechanical models of the head, testing major project hypotheses.
Collaborator Contribution The partner has provided my research team with CT scans of dozens of species of living and fossil turtles for our project.
Impact No outputs yet, however, an undergraduate student project that will be finishing shortly will contribute to a publication.
Start Year 2022
Description Public lecture to 130 attendees 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Developed and delivered the Faculty of Life Sciences Alumni Winter Lecture on my research to a general audience of 130 attendees. Former alumni of the Faculty included academics, some current students, members of the media. Sparked questions and discussion afterwards, several attendees have subsequently contacted me that they were very interested and impressed by the talk. Potential financial donors to UCL were also in the audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024