Vehicle to Heat Pump (V2HP)

Lead Participant: PASSIV UK LIMITED


The Vehicle to Heat Pump (V2HP) project brings together Passiv UK and the Active Building Centre (ABC) to prototype and trial a fully automated smart control system that will harness the flexibility of bidirectional EV charging combined with heat pump optimisation to enable smarter whole home and energy system operation.

The project addresses the two largest domestic energy loads required for net-zero: the transition to private EV's and the electrification of domestic heating. BEIS's Energy White Paper estimates electricity demand will potentially double as heat and transport are electrified. Without smart optimisation, demand spikes will occur as households return from work and simultaneously plug in their EV's and turn on their heat pumps. Resulting fluctuations in the energy system will be further compounded by an increased reliance on intermittent generation from wind and solar that varies dramatically depending on the time of day, season and weather conditions.

Our whole energy system must become more efficient, flexible and interconnected to optimise the amount of generation and network reinforcement needed to meet peak demands. Enabling domestic energy consumers to reduce their bills through the use of smart technologies with dynamic tariffs and flexibility services from networks will require sophisticated monitoring, control and integration. V2HP will combine and automate the operations of high-energy EV charging and heat pumps assets at the household level, delivering significant financial benefits to consumers.

Future Homes Standard will result in new homes installing EV charge points and heat pumps at scale from 2025 providing an early mass-market opportunity for V2HP. Consumers will be able to manage down bills, charging their EV at low-cost periods, using bidirectional vehicle battery to power the heat pump at peak price periods and provide additional grid services. The project will work with housing developers to develop a demonstration showcase of this emerging technology.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

PASSIV UK LIMITED £105,526 £ 63,316




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