Classification, Computation, and Construction: New Methods in Geometry

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Mathematics


We are interested in geometrical shapes given as sets of solutions of many polynomial equations in many variables. More than the abstract study of shapes, it is writing down and solving explicit equations that lends our work its special flavour and power in applications. A first aim of our program is to vastly improve the understanding of the structures that control how we write these equations.

All our shapes can be classified into three different kinds: Fano (positively curved), Calabi-Yau (flat) and General Type (negatively curved). Fano and Calabi-Yau shapes play a special role in geometry as "atomic pieces" when breaking complex shapes down to simpler ones, and in physics as backgrounds for string theory. The second key aim of this research is to classify and write down the equations of these Fano and Calabi-Yau atomic pieces in 3, 4, and 5 dimensions, thereby producing a vast "periodic table" of all possible shapes.

String theory is a leading candidate for a "theory of everything". It postulates that the fundamental objects in physics are not point-like particles but strings. These strings move in a background that, in addition to space and time, has extra hidden dimensions curled up in (depending on the version of the theory) either a 3-dimensional Fano or Calabi-Yau shape (3 complex dimensions = 6 real dimensions). Thus, our classification of shapes is also an encyclopaedia of all the possible background geometries of string theory.

To tackle our classification, we will show how to associate a Fano shape to every reflexive polytope. A reflexive polytope is a geometric object closely related to the "Platonic solids" that we learn about in school. To give an idea of the size and complexity of the problem, the complete list of 4-dimensional reflexive polytopes is known and there are nearly half a billion of them. There is an operation on polytopes, called a mutation, and it is possible to mutate a polytope into another polytope. If two polytopes are related by mutation then they give rise to the same Fano shape, so we need to sort all polytopes up to mutation. In order to do this, we need to perform parallel computations on a massive scale distributed over a High Performance Computing cluster.

In string theory, it can happen that two mathematically very different background geometries produce the same physics. When this happens, the two geometries are said to be "mirror symmetric" to each other. Mirror symmetry is a most fascinating aspect of string theory, and our third key aim is to give the first truly transparent explanation of this phenomenon.

Our project requires us to integrate the scientific expertise of our three institutions, and enlist the specialist collaboration of many mathematicians nationally and internationally. In turn, the results and methods of our work will have significant applications in many areas of mathematics, science, and scientific computation.

In a very exciting spin-off project, we will study some avatars of Fano shapes in the world of congruences between coefficients of Fourier expansions of L-functions. This is a profound area of number theory, started by Ramanujan, that lies at the heart of Wiles' proof of Fermat's last theorem.

As scientists, we are inspired when we see the same structures arise independently and for separate reasons in different parts of mathematics and science - this reveals deep connections between seemingly unrelated scientific disciplines. An example was the discovery of group theory (the theory of symmetries) in mathematics and in quantum physics at the turn of the 20th century. There are several examples in our own work: Fano shapes correspond to lattice polytopes and to congruences of coefficients of L-functions; Calabi-Yau shapes arise independently in geometry and in string theory; cluster algebras are found at the same time in algebra and in the geometry of mirror symmetry.

Planned Impact


Our project will have impact in pure mathematics, string theory and scientific computation. This impact will happen through research results published in peer-reviewed Open Access journals; through workshops, conferences, and invited lecture series by leading international experts; and through new software and datasets that we will produce. The impact on string theory will mainly be through the datasets that we generate: see below. The impact in scientific computation will be through enhancements to existing Computational Algebra Systems (CAS), improving their ability to handle huge datasets ("Big Data") and distributed computation on HPC clusters.


A significant portion of our research output will be in the form of publicly available databases storing new large classifications of geometric objects, and software to interface with these databases and to study the objects themselves. Both the software and the data will be unique resources in academia and science as tools to do research: to make experiments, guide the development of theory, and prove results. In particular, our databases of polytopes and Fano/LG pairs will be an important resource for physicists working in several flavours of string theory. Our datasets will be made available through the Graded Ring Database (; the data and software will be released under a public domain (CC0) license and made available through a public repository. To ensure greater impact, we will take advice from the string theory community, and from participants in our interface workshops, on the design of the databases and search interfaces.


Our PDRAs will receive training that will give them the option of careers in academia, education, policy, and hi-tech industry. They will acquire uniquely broad research expertise combining different research methods, ideas and perspectives. Furthermore they will be trained in: supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students, communication and presentation, research planning and management, computer algebra and software engineering, and outreach.


Indirect economic impact via the People Pipeline and via contributions to Computational Algebra Systems. CASs have concentrated impact in knowledge-intensive, high-technology industrial research, a key wealth-creating sector of the UK economy. Our project partners at Singular have much experience applying computer algebra to problems from cryptography and industry, and this gives us a clear pathway for industrially-relevant research outputs from this program to reach end users outside academia.


The Imperial team (AC, TC) are committed to a long-term effort to take their research to a broad audience in a direct way through collaborations with visual artists. In this context, we plan for two residencies by visual artists, who will produce art directly related to the program. This will lead to exhibitions in galleries and museums, public lectures, drawing workshops for the general public, and academic and art publications. In a separate art/science project, we will contract an artist to develop rules for foreshortening 4-dimensional objects, leading to the development of software for visualising and manipulating 4-dimensional polytopes on screen and with the Google Cardboard virtual reality kit. This will be a direct aid in our research and for mathematical dissemination, but it will also form the basis of artistic collaborations and public demonstrations.

We will make strong media outreach efforts, in particular via the Imperial College Press Office, timed around the artist exhibitions and major scientific milestones in the program. Our track record here shows that basic mathematical research of the kind that we are proposing has romantic appeal and attracts significant public interest.


10 25 50
publication icon
Abramovich D (2020) Decomposition of degenerate Gromov-Witten invariants in Compositio Mathematica

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Argüz H (2022) The higher-dimensional tropical vertex in Geometry & Topology

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Argüz, H (2020) The Higher Dimensional Tropical Vertex in arXiv e-prints

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Benedetti V (2020) Orbital Degeneracy Loci II: Gorenstein Orbits in International Mathematics Research Notices

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Bernardara Marcello (2019) Nested varieties of K3 type in arXiv e-prints

Title And She Built a Crooked House by Gemma Anderson-Tempini 
Description An Exhibition in Leeds 20 October 2023 - 28 January 2024 with work based on 3CinG collaboration. It was written about in the Guardian newspaper 
Type Of Art Artistic/Creative Exhibition 
Year Produced 2023 
Impact (1) We wrote software for visualisation of 4d polytopes. The scope is the production of image for use in visual arts but it can be expanded as aid for research; (2) We developed concepts for workshops suitable for general public and schools; (3) Several objects (images, sculptures) were produced. 
Description 1. BACKGROUND

A theme of the proposal was the construction and classification of "atomic" mathematical shapes of algebraic geometry --- called Fano and Calabi--Yau varieties --- in 3 and 4 dimensions, with the help of the computer. The construction and the classification of these varieties are two of the most fundamental problems in algebraic geometry.

These shapes --- particularly the Calabi--Yau ones --- also appear in string theory, our best candidate for a physical "theory of everything." Most versions of string theory need a background of 10 space-time dimension: the additional 6 (real) dimensions are taken care by a Calabi--Yau variety of (complex) dimension 3. There are a handful of types of string theories, two of them called type IIA and IIB. A second theme of the proposal was to establish and develop the rigorous mathematical basis for mirror symmetry: the physical equivalence of type IIA and IIB string theories first conjectured by the theoretical physics community.

The two themes are intimately related. We observed that, while the Fano varieties that enter the construction of IIA string theories are mysterious objects, the LG models that enter the construction of the equivalent IIB theory are much more accessible. This observation was the basis for our novel approach: bring the new mathematical theory of mirror symmetry to bear on the problem of construction and classification of algebraic varieties. The LG models themselves are encoded by lattice polytopes, and hence we were led to manipulate by computer large databases of lattice polytopes --- for instance the Kreuzer--Skarke database, containing some half a billion 4-dimensional lattice polytopes. To address the challenge of working with such large databases we had to develop an entire new software infrastructure for High Performance Clusters (HPC).

From the start, we worked to build bridges towards, and develop links with, communities of mathematicians in other areas, not necessarily or not obviously closely related to our own.


(1) Intrinsic mirror symmetry, the rigorous mathematica basis for the physical equivalence of type IIA and IIB string theories.

(2) The Higher Dimensional Tropical Vertex, leading in particular to an approach to new constructions in higher dimensional algebraic geometry.

(3) Maximally Mutable Laurent Polynomials: the precise definition of the LG models mirror to Q-Fano 3-folds.

(4) Laurent Inversion: the most promising and powerful new method for explicit construction of algebraic varieties.

(5) Diptych varieties, providing construction and classification of 3-dimensional flips.

(6) Canonical bases for cluster algebras: a key application of ideas from our study of mirror symmetry to cluster algebras.

(7) Publicly available datasets of rigid maximally mutable Laurent polynomials, and of regularized quantum periods for three and four-dimensional Fano manifolds.

(8) Machine Learning the dimension of a Fano variety (Tom Coates, Alexander Kasprzyk, and Sara Veneziale, submitted): a surprising application of Machine Learning to the study of large datasets in algebraic geometry.


We achieved many of our initial objectives. Some of our longer-term objectives turned out to be harder than we thought, some easier. For example, we were very successful in our study of the Fano/LG correspondence for Q-Fano 3-folds, when in fact we had no right to expect that this would be the case. On the other hand, working with smooth Fano 4-folds and Calabi--Yau 3-folds turned out to be much harder than we expected, for reasons of computing power.

There were some completely unforeseen developments, such as employing techniques from data science and machine learning to explore the classification of Fano varieties.
Exploitation Route (1) During the six years of duration of the grant, 3CinG was the focal point for supporting research in algebraic geometry in the UK. It did this directly by funding 16 research workshops and employing 9 Research Assistants, and also indirectly. A key indirect contribution of 3CinG was to strengthen, support, and help to establish and sustain research groups in algebraic geometry in Bath, Birmingham, Loughborough, Nottingham, and Sheffield.

Next I take a few points from the narrative impact statement:

(2) Postgraduate and undergraduate teaching. The work done by Tom Coates and Al Kasprzyk on software development informs the computer course at the EPSRC-funded CDT the London School of Geometry and Number Theory. I am working to ensure that it will also inform future course offerings including cluster scale computational algebra at the undergraduate level.

(3) Software tools for working with HPC. We are one of only two groups in the world to have developed a general-purpose suite of tools for working in pure mathematics with High Performance Clusters. There are a handful of research groups in the world that are ready to exploit tools such as these (parallelisation, databasing). The introduction of cluster-scale computation in pure mathematics may be a transformative development.

(4) Secondments by Coates and Kasprzyk: our work on software development has led to secondment of Kasprzyk and Coates to the Heilbronn Institute. I also note Coates' secondment to the UK Office of the Chief Scientific Advisor, and the Alan Turing Institute.

(5) Public engagement through workshops to the general public and schools. It is common practice among artists funded by the Arts Councils to offer workshops to the general public. These are mostly not taught top-down but offered in a flipped format. Why do we not do this kind of thing in the sciences? Gemma Anderson and I have developed a pilot workshop along these lines and delivered it to a Summer School for Master-level students in arts administration. I am taking this further with my former doctoral student Thomas Prince with the aim of developing a workshop suitable for the general public and for schools.

(6) Public engagement through art. Gemma Anderson was funded by 3CinG for the whole academic year 2021--22 to develop art work related to the grant, see Anderson is funded by Artangel --- a leading funding body in the arts --- for 2022--23 and commissioned to create work for an exhibition some time around October 2023.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Democracy and Justice



Museums and Collections

Description Postgraduate and undergraduate teaching. The work done by Tom Coates and Al Kasprzyk on software development informs the computer course at the EPSRC-funded CDT the London School of Geometry and Number Theory. I am working to ensure that it will also inform future course offerings at the undergraduate course at Imperial College. Together with the work of Kevin Buzzard on LEAN, it may become a transformative development in the teaching of pure mathematics at the undergraduate level. Software tools for working with HPC. We are one of only two groups in the world to have developed a general-purpose suite of tools for working in pure mathematics with High Performance Clusters. There are a handful of research groups in the world that are ready to exploit tools such as these (parallelisation, databasing). The introduction of cluster-scale computation in pure mathematics may be a transformative development. Secondments by Coates and Kasprzyk: our work on software development has led to secondment of Kasprzyk and Coates to the Heilbronn Institute. I also note Coates' secondment to the UK Office of the Chief Scientific Advisor, and the Alan Turing Institute. Public engagement through workshops to the general public and schools. It is common practice among artists funded by the Arts Councils to offer workshops to the general public. These are mostly not taught top-down but offered in a flipped format. Why do we not do this kind of thing in the sciences? Gemma Anderson and I have developed a pilot workshop along these lines and delivered it to a Summer School for Master-level students in arts administration. I am taking this further with my former doctoral student Thomas Prince with the aim of developing a workshop suitable for the general public and for schools. Public engagement through art. Gemma Anderson was funded by 3CinG for the whole academic year 2021--22 to develop art work related to the grant, see Anderson is funded by Artangel --- a leading funding body in the arts --- for 2022--23 and commissioned to create work for an exhibition some time around October 2023.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Government, Democracy and Justice,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural


Policy & public services

Description EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow at Loughborough for Enrico Fatighenti
Amount £1 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description EPSRC grant EP/S024808/1 Moduli and boundedness problems in geometry
Amount £293,500 (GBP)
Funding ID EPSRC grant EP/S024808/1 Moduli and boundedness problems in geometry 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description EU project 746554 - BTMG Birational and tropical methods in geometry
Amount £1 (GBP)
Funding ID EU project project 746554 - BTMG Birational and tropical methods in geometry 
Organisation EU-T0 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 08/2018 
Description Marie Curie Fellowship
Amount € 183,455 (EUR)
Funding ID 746554 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 08/2018 
End 08/2020
Title A dataset of 150000 terminal weighted projective spaces 
Description Weighted projective spaces with at worst terminal singularities A dataset of 150000 randomly generated weighted projective spaces with at worst terminal singularities, in dimensions 1 to 10. The data consists of the plain text files "rank_1_dim_N.txt" where N, which is the dimension of the weighted projective space, is in the range 1 to 10. Each line of the file is a sequence of weights of length N+1. For example, the first line of "rank_1_dim_4.txt" is: [1,2,5,14,21] and this corresponds to the 4-dimensional weighted projective space P(1,2,5,14,21). For details, see the paper: "Machine learning the dimension of a Fano variety", Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, and Sara Veneziale, Nature Communications, 14:5526 (2023). doi:10.1038/s41467-023-41157-1 Magma code capable of generating this dataset is in the file "generate_rank_1.m". If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.5790079 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title A dataset of 200000 terminal toric varieties of Picard rank 2 
Description Toric varieties of Picard rank 2 with at worst terminal singularities A dataset of 200000 randomly generated toric varieties of Picard rank 2 with at worst terminal Q-factorial singularities, in dimensions 2 to 10. The data consists of the plain text files "rank_2_dim_N.txt" where N, which is the dimension of the toric variety, is in the range 2 to 10. Each line of the file specifies the entries of a (2 x N+2)-matrix. For example, the first line of "rank_2_dim_4.txt" is: [[1,3,5,4,1,0],[0,1,2,5,3,1]] and this corresponds to the 4-dimensional toric variety with weight matrix 1 3 5 4 1 0 0 1 2 5 3 1 and stability condition given by the sum of the columns, which in this case is 14 12 For details, see the paper: "Machine learning the dimension of a Fano variety", Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, and Sara Veneziale, Nature Communications, 14:5526 (2023). doi:10.1038/s41467-023-41157-1 Magma code capable of generating this dataset is in the file "generate_rank_2.m". If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.5790096 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title A dataset of 8-dimensional Q-factorial Fano toric varieties of Picard rank 2 
Description This is a dataset of randomly generated 8-dimensional Q-factorial Fano toric varieties of Picard rank 2. The data is divided into four plain text files: bound_7_terminal.txt bound_7_non_terminal.txt bound_10_terminal.txt bound_10_non_terminal.txt The numbers 7 and 10 in the file names indicate the bound on the weights used when generating the data. Those varieties with at worst terminal singularities are in the files "bound_N_terminal.txt", and those with non-terminal singularities are in the files "bound_N_non_terminal.txt". The data within each file is de-duplicated, however the data in different files may contain duplicates (for example, it is possible that "bound_7_terminal.txt" and "bound_10_terminal.txt" contain some identical entries).   Each line of a file specifies the entries of a (2 x 10)-matrix. For example, the first line of "bound_7_terminal.txt" is: [[5,6,7,7,5,2,5,3,2,2],[0,0,0,1,1,2,6,4,3,3]] and this corresponds to the 8-dimensional Q-factorial Fano toric variety with weight matrix 5  6  7  7  5  2  5  3  2  2 0  0  0  1  1  2  6  4  3  3 and stability condition given by the sum of the columns, which in this case is 44 20 It can be checked that, in this case, the corresponding variety has at worst terminal singularities. In this example the largest occurring weight in the matrix is 7.   The number of entries in each file is: bound_7_terminal.txt: 5000000 bound_7_non_terminal.txt: 5000000 bound_10_terminal.txt: 10000000 bound_10_non_terminal.txt: 10000000   For details, see the paper: "Machine learning detects terminal singularities", Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, and Sara Veneziale. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023.   Magma code capable of generating this dataset is in the file "terminal_dim_8.m". The bound on the weights is set on line 142 by adjusting the value of 'k' (currently set to 10). The target dimension is set on line 143 by adjusting the value of 'dim' (currently set to 8). It is important to note that this code does not attempt to remove duplicates. The code also does not guarantee that the resulting variety has dimension 8. Deduplication and verification of the dimension need to be done separately, after the data has been generated.   If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.10046893 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title A dataset of 8-dimensional Q-factorial Fano toric varieties of Picard rank 2 
Description This is a dataset of randomly generated 8-dimensional Q-factorial Fano toric varieties of Picard rank 2. The data is divided into four plain text files: bound_7_terminal.txt bound_7_non_terminal.txt bound_10_terminal.txt bound_10_non_terminal.txt The numbers 7 and 10 in the file names indicate the bound on the weights used when generating the data. Those varieties with at worst terminal singularities are in the files "bound_N_terminal.txt", and those with non-terminal singularities are in the files "bound_N_non_terminal.txt". The data within each file is de-duplicated, however the data in different files may contain duplicates (for example, it is possible that "bound_7_terminal.txt" and "bound_10_terminal.txt" contain some identical entries).   Each line of a file specifies the entries of a (2 x 10)-matrix. For example, the first line of "bound_7_terminal.txt" is: [[5,6,7,7,5,2,5,3,2,2],[0,0,0,1,1,2,6,4,3,3]] and this corresponds to the 8-dimensional Q-factorial Fano toric variety with weight matrix 5  6  7  7  5  2  5  3  2  2 0  0  0  1  1  2  6  4  3  3 and stability condition given by the sum of the columns, which in this case is 44 20 It can be checked that, in this case, the corresponding variety has at worst terminal singularities. In this example the largest occurring weight in the matrix is 7.   The number of entries in each file is: bound_7_terminal.txt: 5000000 bound_7_non_terminal.txt: 5000000 bound_10_terminal.txt: 10000000 bound_10_non_terminal.txt: 10000000   For details, see the paper: "Machine learning detects terminal singularities", Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, and Sara Veneziale. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023.   Magma code capable of generating this dataset is in the file "terminal_dim_8.m". The bound on the weights is set on line 142 by adjusting the value of 'k' (currently set to 10). The target dimension is set on line 143 by adjusting the value of 'dim' (currently set to 8). It is important to note that this code does not attempt to remove duplicates. The code also does not guarantee that the resulting variety has dimension 8. Deduplication and verification of the dimension need to be done separately, after the data has been generated.   If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.10046893 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Certain rigid maximally mutable Laurent polynomials in three variables 
Description This dataset contains certain rigid maximally mutable Laurent polynomials (rigid MMLPs) in three variables. Rigid MMLPs are defined in reference [1]. The Newton polytopes of these Laurent polynomials are three-dimensional canonical Fano polytopes. That is, they are three-dimensional convex polytopes with vertices that are primitive integer vectors and that contain exactly one lattice point, the origin, in their strict interior. See references [2] and [3]. Although the rigid MMLPs specified in this dataset have 3-dimensional canonical Fano Newton polytope, this is by no means an exhaustive list of such Laurent polynomials. The dataset contains examples of rigid MMLPs that correspond under mirror symmetry to three-dimensional Q-Fano varieties of particulaly high estimated codimension: see reference [4]. The file "rigid_MMLPs.txt" contains key:value records with keys and values as described below, separated by blank lines. Each key:value record determines a rigid MMLP, and there are 130 records in the file. An example record is: canonical3_id: 231730 coefficients: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] exponents: [[-1,-1,-1],[0,1,0],[0,1,1],[1,0,0],[1,0,1],[1,2,2],[2,1,2],[2,1,3],[3,3,5],[4,2,5]] period: [1,0,0,12,24,0,540,2940,2520,33600,327600,693000,2795100,35315280,129909780,354666312,3816572760,20559258720,59957561664,435508321248,2969362219824] ulid: 01G5CBH3F86NRYF0TJ8MYWM41H The keys and values are as follows, where f denotes the Laurent polynomial defined by the key:value record. canonical3_id: an integer, the ID of the Newton polytope of f in reference [3] coefficients: a string of the form "[c1,c2,...,cN]" where c1, c2, ... are integers. These are the coefficients of f. exponents: a string of the form "[[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...,[xN,yN,zN]]" where x1, y1, z1, ..., xN, yN, zN are integers. These are the exponents of f. period: a string of the form "[d0,d1,...,d20]" where d0, d1, ..., d20 are non-negative integers that give the first 21 terms of the period sequence for f. ulid: a string that uniquely identified this entry in the dataset The sequences defined by the keys "coefficients" and "exponents" are parallel to each other. The period sequence for f is defined, for example, in equations 1.2 and 1.3 of reference [1]. References [1] Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, Giuseppe Pitton, and Ketil Tveiten. Maximally mutable Laurent polynomials. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477, no. 2254:20210584, 2021. [2] Alexander M. Kasprzyk. Canonical toric Fano threefolds. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 62(6):1293-1309, 2010. [3] Alexander M. Kasprzyk. The classification of toric canonical Fano 3-folds. Zenodo,, 2010. [4] Liana Heuberger. Q-Fano threefolds and Laurent inversion. Preprint, arXiv:2202.04184, 2022. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Classification of Q-Fano 3-folds 
Title Certain rigid maximally mutable Laurent polynomials in three variables 
Description This dataset contains certain rigid maximally mutable Laurent polynomials (rigid MMLPs) in three variables. Rigid MMLPs are defined in reference [1]. The Newton polytopes of these Laurent polynomials are three-dimensional canonical Fano polytopes. That is, they are three-dimensional convex polytopes with vertices that are primitive integer vectors and that contain exactly one lattice point, the origin, in their strict interior. See references [2] and [3]. Although the rigid MMLPs specified in this dataset have 3-dimensional canonical Fano Newton polytope, this is by no means an exhaustive list of such Laurent polynomials. The dataset contains examples of rigid MMLPs that correspond under mirror symmetry to three-dimensional Q-Fano varieties of particulaly high estimated codimension: see reference [4]. The file "rigid_MMLPs.txt" contains key:value records with keys and values as described below, separated by blank lines. Each key:value record determines a rigid MMLP, and there are 130 records in the file. An example record is: canonical3_id: 231730 coefficients: [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] exponents: [[-1,-1,-1],[0,1,0],[0,1,1],[1,0,0],[1,0,1],[1,2,2],[2,1,2],[2,1,3],[3,3,5],[4,2,5]] period: [1,0,0,12,24,0,540,2940,2520,33600,327600,693000,2795100,35315280,129909780,354666312,3816572760,20559258720,59957561664,435508321248,2969362219824] ulid: 01G5CBH3F86NRYF0TJ8MYWM41H The keys and values are as follows, where f denotes the Laurent polynomial defined by the key:value record. canonical3_id: an integer, the ID of the Newton polytope of f in reference [3] coefficients: a string of the form "[c1,c2,...,cN]" where c1, c2, ... are integers. These are the coefficients of f. exponents: a string of the form "[[x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...,[xN,yN,zN]]" where x1, y1, z1, ..., xN, yN, zN are integers. These are the exponents of f. period: a string of the form "[d0,d1,...,d20]" where d0, d1, ..., d20 are non-negative integers that give the first 21 terms of the period sequence for f. ulid: a string that uniquely identified this entry in the dataset The sequences defined by the keys "coefficients" and "exponents" are parallel to each other. The period sequence for f is defined, for example, in equations 1.2 and 1.3 of reference [1]. References [1] Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, Giuseppe Pitton, and Ketil Tveiten. Maximally mutable Laurent polynomials. Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477, no. 2254:20210584, 2021. [2] Alexander M. Kasprzyk. Canonical toric Fano threefolds. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 62(6):1293-1309, 2010. [3] Alexander M. Kasprzyk. The classification of toric canonical Fano 3-folds. Zenodo,, 2010. [4] Liana Heuberger. Q-Fano threefolds and Laurent inversion. Preprint, arXiv:2202.04184, 2022. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Creative Commons Legal Code from Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci 
Description Information about the license for the source code 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Creative Commons Legal Code from Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci 
Description Information about the license for the source code 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data 1 from Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci 
Description Machine readable results from the computer search in the appendix (quiver flag zero loci) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data 1 from Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci 
Description Machine readable results from the computer search in the appendix (quiver flag zero loci) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data 2 from Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci 
Description Machine readable results from the computer search in the appendix (ambient quiver flag varieties) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Data 2 from Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci 
Description Machine readable results from the computer search in the appendix (ambient quiver flag varieties) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Ehrhart series coefficients and quasi-period for random rational polytopes 
Description Ehrhart series coefficients and quasi-period for random rational polytopes A dataset of Ehrhart data for 84000 randomly generated rational polytopes, in dimensions 2 to 4, with quasi-periods 2 to 15. The polytopes used to generate this data were produced by the following algorithm: Fix \(d\) a positive integer in \(\{2,3,4\}\). Choose \(r\in\{2,\ldots,15\}\) uniformly at random. Choose \(d + k\) lattice points \(\{v_1,\ldots,v_{d+k}\}\) uniformly at random in a box \([-5r,5r]^d\), where \(k\) is chosen uniformly at random in \(\{1,\ldots,5\}\). Set \(P := \mathrm{conv}\{v_1,\ldots,v_{d+k}\}\). If \(\mathrm{dim}(P)\) is not equal to \(d\) then return to step 3. Choose a lattice point \(v\in P \cap \mathbb{Z}^d\) uniformly at random and replace \(P\) with the translation \(P-v\). Replace \(P\) with the dilation \(P/r\). The final dataset was produced by first removing duplicate records, and then downsampling to a subset with 2000 datapoints for each pair \((d,q)\), where \(d\) is the dimension of \(P\) and \(q\) is the quasi-period of \(P\), with \(d\in\{2,3,4\}\) and \(q\in\{2,\ldots,15\}\). For details, see the paper: Machine Learning the Dimension of a Polytope, Tom Coates, Johannes Hofscheier, and Alexander M. Kasprzyk, 2022. If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.6614829 quasiperiod.txt.gz The file "quasiperiod.txt.gz" is a gzip-compressed plain text file containing key:value records with keys and values as described below, where each record is separated by a blank line. There are 84000 records in the file. Example record ULID: 01G57JBYP2ZW825E0NT4Q9JQNQ Dimension: 2 Quasiperiod: 2 Volume: 97 EhrhartDelta: [1,50,195,289,192,49] Ehrhart: [1,50,198,...] LogEhrhart: [0.000000000000000000000000000000,3.91202300542814605861875078791,5.28826703069453523626966617327,...] (The values for Ehrhart and LogEhrhart in the example have been truncated.) For each polytope \(P\) of dimension \(d\) and quasi-period \(q\) we record the following keys and values in the dataset: ULID: A randomly generated string identifier for this record. Dimension: A positive integer. The dimension \(2 \leq d \leq 4\) of the polytope \(P\). Quasiperiod: A positive integer. The quasi-period \(2 \leq q \leq 15\) of the polytope \(P\). Volume: A positive rational number. The lattice-normalised volume \(\mathrm{Vol}(P)\) of the polytope \(P\). EhrhartDelta: A sequence \([1,a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_N]\) of integers of length \(N + 1\), where \(N := q(d + 1) - 1\). This is the Ehrhart \(\delta\)-vector (or \(h^*\)-vector) of \(P\). The Ehrhart series \(\mathrm{Ehr}(P)\) of \(P\) is given by the power-series expansion of \((1 + a_1t + a_2t^2 + \ldots + a_Nt^N) / (1 - t^q)^{d+1}\). Ehrhart: A sequence \([1,c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_{1100}]\) of positive integers. The value \(c_i\) is equal to the number of lattice points in the \(i\)-th dilation of \(P\), that is, \(c_i = \#(iP \cap \mathbb{Z}^d)\). Equivalently, \(c_i\) is the coefficient of \(t^i\) in \(\mathrm{Ehr}(P) = 1 + c_1t + c_2t^2 + \ldots = (1 + a_1t + a_2t^2 + \ldots + a_Nt^N) / (1 - t^q)^{d+1}\). LogEhrhart: A sequence \([0,y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_{1100}]\) of non-negative floating point numbers. Here \(y_i := \log c_i\). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Ehrhart series coefficients for random lattice polytopes 
Description Ehrhart series coefficients for random lattice polytopes A dataset of Ehrhart data for 2918 randomly generated lattice polytopes, in dimensions 2 to 8. The polytopes used to generate this data were produced by the following algorithm: Fix \(d\) a positive integer in \(\{2,\ldots,8\}\). Choose \(d + k\) lattice points \(\{v_1,\ldots,v_{d+k}\}\) uniformly at random in a box \([-5,5]^d\), where \(k\) is chosen uniformly at random in \(\{1,\ldots,5\}\). Set \(P := \mathrm{conv}\{v_1,\ldots,v_{d+k}\}\). If \(\mathrm{dim}(P)\neq d\) then return to step 2. The final dataset has duplicate records removed. The data is distributed by dimension \(d\) as follows: d 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # 431 787 812 399 181 195 113 For details, see the paper: Machine Learning the Dimension of a Polytope, Tom Coates, Johannes Hofscheier, and Alexander M. Kasprzyk, 2022. If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.6614821 dimension.txt.gz The file "dimension.txt.gz" is a gzip-compressed plain text file containing key:value records with keys and values as described below, where each record is separated by a blank line. There are 2918 records in the file. Example record ULID: 1FTU9VGPXXU82CTDGD6WYMBF9 Dimension: 3 Volume: 342 EhrhartDelta: [1,70,223,48] Ehrhart: [1,74,513,...] LogEhrhart: [0.000000000000000000000000000000,4.30406509320416975378532779249,6.24027584517076953419476314266,...] (The values for Ehrhart and LogEhrhart in the example have been truncated.) For each polytope \(P\) of dimension \(d\) we record the following keys and values in the dataset: ULID: A randomly generated string identifier for this record. Dimension: A positive integer. The dimension \(2 \leq d \leq 8\) of the polytope \(P\). Volume: A positive integer. The lattice-normalised volume \(\mathrm{Vol}(P)\) of the polytope \(P\). EhrhartDelta: A sequence \([1,a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_d]\) of integers of length \(d + 1\). This is the Ehrhart \(\delta\)-vector (or \(h^*\)-vector) of \(P\). The Ehrhart series \(\mathrm{Ehr}(P)\) of \(P\) is given by the power-series expansion of \((1 + a_1t + a_2t^2 + \ldots + a_dt^d) / (1 - t)^{d+1}\). In particular, \(\mathrm{Vol}(P) = 1 + a_1 + a_2 + \ldots + a_d\). Ehrhart: A sequence \([1,c_1,c_2,\ldots,c_{1100}]\) of positive integers. The value \(c_i\) is equal to the number of lattice points in the \(i\)-th dilation of \(P\), that is, \(c_i = \#(iP \cap \mathbb{Z}^d)\). Equivalently, \(c_i\) is the coefficient of \(t^i\) in \(\mathrm{Ehr}(P) = 1 + c_1t + c_2t^2 + \ldots = (1 + a_1t + a_2t^2 + \ldots + a_dt^d) / (1 - t)^{d+1}\). LogEhrhart: A sequence \([0,y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_{1100}]\) of non-negative floating point numbers. Here \(y_i := \log c_i\) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Read me file from Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci 
Description A read me file with instructions for the machine readable results. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Read me file from Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci 
Description A read me file with instructions for the machine readable results. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Regularized quantum periods for four-dimensional Fano manifolds 
Description The database smooth_fano_4 This is a database of regularized quantum periods for four-dimensional Fano manifolds. The database will be updated as new four-dimensional Fano manifolds are discovered and new regularized quantum periods computed. Each entry in the database is a key-value record with keys and values as described in the paper [CK2021]. If you make use of this data, please cite that paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.5708307 Names The database describes Fano varieties via names, as follows: Names of Fano manifolds Name Description P1 one-dimensional projective space P2 two-dimensional projective space dP(k) the del Pezzo surface of degree k given by the blow-up of P2 in 9-k points P3 three-dimensional projective space Q3 a quadric hypersurface in four-dimensional projective space B(3,k) the three-dimensional Fano manifold of Picard rank 1, Fano index 2, and degree 8k V(3,k) the three-dimensional Fano manifold of Picard rank 1, Fano index 1, and degree k MM(r,k) the k-th entry in the Mori-Mukai list of three-dimensional Fano manifolds of Picard rank r, ordered as in [CCGK2016] P4 four-dimensional projective space Q4 a quadric hypersurface in five-dimensional projective space FI(4,k) the four-dimensional Fano manifold of Fano index 3 and degree 81k V(4,k) the four-dimensional Fano manifold of Picard rank 1, Fano index 2, and degree 16k MW(4,k) the k-th entry in Table 12.7 of [IP1999] of four-dimensional Fano manifolds of Fano index 2 and Picard rank greater than 1 Obro(4,k) the k-th four-dimensional Fano toric manifold in Obro's classification [O2007] Str(k) the k-th Strangeway manifold in [CGKS2020] CKP(k) the k-th four-dimensional Fano toric complete intersection in [CKP2015] CKK(k) the k-th four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero locus in Appendix B of [K2019] A name of the form "S1 x S2", where S1 and S2 are names of Fano manifolds X1 and X2, refers to the product manifold X1 x X2. References [CCGK2016] Quantum periods for 3-dimensional Fano manifolds; Tom Coates, Alessio Corti, Sergey Galkin, Alexander M. Kasprzyk; Geometry and Topology 20 (2016), no. 1, 103-256. [CGKS2020] Quantum periods for certain four-dimensional Fano manifolds; Tom Coates, Sergey Galkin, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, Andrew Strangeway; Experimental Math. 29 (2020), no. 2, 183-221. [CK2021] Databases of quantum periods for Fano manifolds; Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk; 2021. [CKP2015] Four-dimensional Fano toric complete intersections; Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, Thomas Prince; Proc. Royal Society A 471 (2015), no. 2175, 20140704, 14. [IP1999] Fano varieties; V.A. Iskovskikh, Yu. G. Prokhorov; Encyclopaedia Math. Sci. vol. 47, Springer, Berlin, 1999, 1-247. [K2019] Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci; Elana Kalashnikov; Proc. Royal Society A 275 (2019), no. 2225, 20180791, 23. [O2007] An algorithm for the classification of smooth Fano polytopes; Mikkel Obro; arXiv:0704.0049 [math.CO]; 2007. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Regularized quantum periods for four-dimensional Fano manifolds 
Description The database smooth_fano_4 This is a database of regularized quantum periods for four-dimensional Fano manifolds. The database will be updated as new four-dimensional Fano manifolds are discovered and new regularized quantum periods computed. Each entry in the database is a key-value record with keys and values as described in the paper [CK2021]. If you make use of this data, please cite that paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.5708307 Names The database describes Fano varieties via names, as follows: Names of Fano manifolds Name Description P1 one-dimensional projective space P2 two-dimensional projective space dP(k) the del Pezzo surface of degree k given by the blow-up of P2 in 9-k points P3 three-dimensional projective space Q3 a quadric hypersurface in four-dimensional projective space B(3,k) the three-dimensional Fano manifold of Picard rank 1, Fano index 2, and degree 8k V(3,k) the three-dimensional Fano manifold of Picard rank 1, Fano index 1, and degree k MM(r,k) the k-th entry in the Mori-Mukai list of three-dimensional Fano manifolds of Picard rank r, ordered as in [CCGK2016] P4 four-dimensional projective space Q4 a quadric hypersurface in five-dimensional projective space FI(4,k) the four-dimensional Fano manifold of Fano index 3 and degree 81k V(4,k) the four-dimensional Fano manifold of Picard rank 1, Fano index 2, and degree 16k MW(4,k) the k-th entry in Table 12.7 of [IP1999] of four-dimensional Fano manifolds of Fano index 2 and Picard rank greater than 1 Obro(4,k) the k-th four-dimensional Fano toric manifold in Obro's classification [O2007] Str(k) the k-th Strangeway manifold in [CGKS2020] CKP(k) the k-th four-dimensional Fano toric complete intersection in [CKP2015] CKK(k) the k-th four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero locus in Appendix B of [K2019] A name of the form "S1 x S2", where S1 and S2 are names of Fano manifolds X1 and X2, refers to the product manifold X1 x X2. References [CCGK2016] Quantum periods for 3-dimensional Fano manifolds; Tom Coates, Alessio Corti, Sergey Galkin, Alexander M. Kasprzyk; Geometry and Topology 20 (2016), no. 1, 103-256. [CGKS2020] Quantum periods for certain four-dimensional Fano manifolds; Tom Coates, Sergey Galkin, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, Andrew Strangeway; Experimental Math. 29 (2020), no. 2, 183-221. [CK2021] Databases of quantum periods for Fano manifolds; Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk; 2021. [CKP2015] Four-dimensional Fano toric complete intersections; Tom Coates, Alexander M. Kasprzyk, Thomas Prince; Proc. Royal Society A 471 (2015), no. 2175, 20140704, 14. [IP1999] Fano varieties; V.A. Iskovskikh, Yu. G. Prokhorov; Encyclopaedia Math. Sci. vol. 47, Springer, Berlin, 1999, 1-247. [K2019] Four-dimensional Fano quiver flag zero loci; Elana Kalashnikov; Proc. Royal Society A 275 (2019), no. 2225, 20180791, 23. [O2007] An algorithm for the classification of smooth Fano polytopes; Mikkel Obro; arXiv:0704.0049 [math.CO]; 2007. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Classifications of Fano 4-folds 
Title Regularized quantum periods for one-dimensional Fano manifolds 
Description The database smooth_fano_1 This is a database of regularized quantum periods for one-dimensional Fano manifolds. There is one entry in the database. Each entry in the database is a key-value record with keys and values as described in the paper: Databases of Quantum Periods for Fano Manifolds, Tom Coates and Alexander M. Kasprzyk, 2021. If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.5708188 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Regularized quantum periods for three-dimensional Fano manifolds 
Description The database smooth_fano_3 This is a database of regularized quantum periods for three-dimensional Fano manifolds. There are 105 entries in the database. Each entry in the database is a key-value record with keys and values as described in the paper: Databases of Quantum Periods for Fano Manifolds, Tom Coates and Alexander M. Kasprzyk, 2021. If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.5708272 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Regularized quantum periods for three-dimensional Fano manifolds 
Description The database smooth_fano_3 This is a database of regularized quantum periods for three-dimensional Fano manifolds. There are 105 entries in the database. Each entry in the database is a key-value record with keys and values as described in the paper: Databases of Quantum Periods for Fano Manifolds, Tom Coates and Alexander M. Kasprzyk, 2021. If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.5708272 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Explicit mirror symmetry for Fano 3-folds; classification of smooth Fano 3-folds 
Title Regularized quantum periods for two-dimensional Fano manifolds 
Description The database smooth_fano_2 This is a database of regularized quantum periods for two-dimensional Fano manifolds. There are ten entries in the database. Each entry in the database is a key-value record with keys and values as described in the paper: Databases of Quantum Periods for Fano Manifolds, Tom Coates and Alexander M. Kasprzyk, 2021. If you make use of this data, please cite the above paper and the DOI for this data: doi:10.5281/zenodo.5708232 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title PCAS: A Parallel Computational Algebra System 
Description Built in Go, PCAS provides high-performance tooling for cluster-scale computational algebra. This includes microservices for logging, metrics collection, database integration, and HPC cluster management, as well as an interface to these from the Computational Algebra System Magma. There is also a (nascent) collection of Go modules that implement a range of mathematical structures and algorithms for exact computation. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2022 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact General purpose software for cluster scale computational algebra. 
Description Kick-off workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Kick-off activity to start the program
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Warwick Algebraic geometry seminar, 3C in G and East Midlands Seminar in Geometry 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Make contact with community of algebraic geometers in the midlands
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017