Boosting Reduction of Energy Intensity in cleaN STeelwork platfORM

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: School of Earth and Environment


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Description The BREINSTORM project has shown high potential to reduce carbon emissions from steel industry in view of the use of the blast furnace gas which represents approximately 50% of the CO2 generated in the integrated steelmill. In case of CCS, the cost of CO2 avoidance will depend on the type of utilities used to supply the additional energy for the separation, in particular for the electricity which is needed to allow for the gas separation. in case of carbon capture and utilisation, the combination of blast furnace gas and green hydrogen could lead to a large production of low-carbon fuels and substantially reuse the the carbon by reducing the impact on fossil fuel depletion. The project have identified few relevant applications and already engaged with policy makers and industrial stakeholders to consider further development and improvement.
Exploitation Route Continuous interactions between academics and industrial partners Improvement of the developed tools to understand the technology more accurately and provide solid theoretical and industrial background to partners Finalise the techno-economic and environmental performance to provide the necessary indicators which would quantify the real impact on society.
Sectors Chemicals



including Industrial Biotechology

Description The results of this project has generated interest among industrial company within UK and Europe. As an example, TotalEnergies, Johnson Matthey and Arcelor Mittal have engaged with us to develop further study for the decarbonisation of chemical and energy processes and steel industry. the research grants which are following this project includes the scale up of the technology to decarbonise also steel industry.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Chemicals,Energy
Impact Types Economic