DUO Wave power unit for recharging autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)

Lead Participant: PURE MARINE GEN LTD


Pure Marine has developed and patented a new design for a wave energy converter, called DUO, which produces wave power from both the up and down, and the side to side, wave motions at the same time -- and this delivers a step change improvement in the economics of wave energy production.

The company is initially targeting markets for the supply of their wave energy technology to customers requiring a low cost, low carbon alternative to off-grid energy generation. Applications include power for marine observation systems, wave powered desalination systems and recharging autonomous underwater vehicles to extend their mission range. In the longer-term the DUO technology can be scaled up for deployment in large wave farms arrays for grid connected energy generation projects.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

PURE MARINE GEN LTD £99,062 £ 99,062




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