Participation in the S306 Experiment at GSI in January 2009
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Liverpool
Department Name: Physics
We propose to study the ground-state properties of neutron-rich nuclei 27,29Ne (N=17,19), 30Na,31Mg, 32Al (N=19), 33Mg, 34Al ( N=21)), investigating the shell structure of neutron-rich nuclei around N~20, through Coulomb break up of secondary beams at intermediate energy (400-500 MeV/A). This is a completely different method than those which have been used so far to study the ground-state properties of these nuclei. The secondary beams can be obtained by fragmentation of an 40Ar beam at an energy 550 MeV/nucleon delivered by the SIS facility at GSI, Darmstadt. The experiment will be performed at the FRS-LAND-ALADIN setup by detecting forward focussed neutrons of high energy ( 200-500 MeV), fragments (projectile like with energy 400-500 MeV/nucleon) and transition gamma-rays from excited fragments in coincidence with the corresponding projectile. The ground-state properties, i.e., ground state configuration, spin and hence occupation of valence neutron(s) can be obtained by comparing both cross section and shape of the experimental invariant mass analysis spectra with those calculated in a direct-breakup model. Information about the shell structure, particularly, the possibility of an inversion of nd3/2 - nf7/2 , p3/2,1/2 orbitals can be deduced.
People |
Marielle Chartier (Principal Investigator) |

Chakraborty S
Ground-state configuration of neutron-rich Aluminum isotopes through Coulomb Breakup
in EPJ Web of Conferences

Rahaman A
Study of Ground State Wave-function of the Neutron-rich 29,30 Na Isotopes through Coulomb Breakup
in EPJ Web of Conferences
Description | R3B Collaboration (NUSTAR) |
Organisation | Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research |
Department | Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Collaborative research/experiments. Leadership in design and construction of detection systems (e.g. Si Tracker and associated EDAQ). Data analysis and monte carlo simulations (supervision of PhD students), scientific input (experimental proposals, authorship of publications...). Manpower (technical and research staff, PhD students) for construction of equipment and running experiments.. Presentations at collaboration meetings, workshops, conferences. |
Collaborator Contribution | Access to research large-scale facility and beam time, instrumentation for experiments, technical support, PhD students and research staff, etc. T. Aumann spokesperson of R3B collaboration. |
Impact | Publications. PhD theses (S. Paschalis, J. Taylor). Training of PhD students and research staff. Invitations to speak at meetings, workshops, conferences. Project leadership of Si tracker (NUSTAR-UK project grant). |
Description | R3B Collaboration (NUSTAR) |
Organisation | Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Collaborative research/experiments. Leadership in design and construction of detection systems (e.g. Si Tracker and associated EDAQ). Data analysis and monte carlo simulations (supervision of PhD students), scientific input (experimental proposals, authorship of publications...). Manpower (technical and research staff, PhD students) for construction of equipment and running experiments.. Presentations at collaboration meetings, workshops, conferences. |
Collaborator Contribution | Access to research large-scale facility and beam time, instrumentation for experiments, technical support, PhD students and research staff, etc. T. Aumann spokesperson of R3B collaboration. |
Impact | Publications. PhD theses (S. Paschalis, J. Taylor). Training of PhD students and research staff. Invitations to speak at meetings, workshops, conferences. Project leadership of Si tracker (NUSTAR-UK project grant). |
Description | R3B Collaboration (NUSTAR) |
Organisation | Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres |
Department | GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Collaborative research/experiments. Leadership in design and construction of detection systems (e.g. Si Tracker and associated EDAQ). Data analysis and monte carlo simulations (supervision of PhD students), scientific input (experimental proposals, authorship of publications...). Manpower (technical and research staff, PhD students) for construction of equipment and running experiments.. Presentations at collaboration meetings, workshops, conferences. |
Collaborator Contribution | Access to research large-scale facility and beam time, instrumentation for experiments, technical support, PhD students and research staff, etc. T. Aumann spokesperson of R3B collaboration. |
Impact | Publications. PhD theses (S. Paschalis, J. Taylor). Training of PhD students and research staff. Invitations to speak at meetings, workshops, conferences. Project leadership of Si tracker (NUSTAR-UK project grant). |
Description | S306 Collaboration (R3B experiment) |
Organisation | International R3B Collaboration |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Participation of PI Chartier in S306 experiment (data taking phase) as well as involvement in the analysis and interpretation of the data via regular R3B-analysis video meetings. Involvement of two PhD students from Liverpool in setting up and running of the experiment in December 08 - January 09. |
Collaborator Contribution | Access to beam time at the GSI accelerator facility in Darmstadt (Germany) for Experiment S306; Spokesperson U. Datta Pramanik from GSI & Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kolkata (India). |
Impact | Recognition as an active member of the R3B collaboration. |