Intelligent Modular Robotic ExoSuit



Significant numbers of people in society suffer from a range of disabilities or chronic conditions which prevent them from fully engaging in all activities of daily living. There are three core groups of individuals associated with lower than normal physical capacity and capability: i) those with some form of congenital disability from birth; ii) those who due to illness, disease or accident lose some portion of their physical capacity and capability and iii) the elderly, a growing proportion of the population who gradually lose capacity and capability as a result of the ageing process. There is also another category who have normal capabilities but are constantly involved in heavy duty tasks and activities and hence prone to potential health dangers and injuries and therefore need support. Recent advances in technology afford opportunities for the design, development and implementation of a range of intelligent modular robotic systems to address a range of problems associated with all of these categories. Mechatech Ltd, in collaboration with the University of Leeds is developing a Robotic Exoskeleton Prototype, which will be used as a base for further research and development of Assistive and Enhancive Robotic Exoskeletons.

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