Carbon Reduction Digital Twin (CReDiT ) for Brownfield Remediation

Lead Research Organisation: University of Surrey
Department Name: Civil and Environmental Engineering


Carbon Reduction Digital Twin (CreDiT) for Brownfield Remediation

The project is aimed at stream-lining the processes involved in the remediation of brownfield development sites. Current regulatory planning practices are often lengthy, requiring site investigation, risk assessment, remediation and validation to ensure the land is suitable for re- use. This incurs cost and adds time delays. The resulting site investigation reports are usually extensive and whilst the information is scanned and stored in planning databases (often in hard paper format), it is not automatically collated, nor analysed for environmental research. Furthermore, existing development frameworks are not optimised for achieving sustainability targets, typically favouring cost and time-savings over carbon reduction, wasting the opportunity to integrate the benefits of early intervention highlighted by the well-established carbon reduction curve.

Working together with our non-academic hosts at Leap Environmental, the aim of this research is to develop a digital twin approach as a powerful tool to re-evaluate the proposed remediation processes and take advantage of available digital technology. This will provide value engineering design and an improved understanding of the impact of design choices on a project's carbon footprint and sustainability profile. This would focus the design and resources for developers in terms of requirements for site investigations, risk assessments and remediation plans (for government or private developers) and improve planning and regulatory guidance for local government development strategy.
By applying such thinking early within a project (at pre-purchase or the planning application stage) it could enable clients to review the sustainability of the total system; enable radical rethinking of project design and remediation options, and maximise carbon savings. This in turn may also provide added economic and social benefits through material reuse and associated transport reduction.

A key feature of this project is the interaction with the stakeholders, in particular, the experts within LEAP Environmental - developing the research ideas and applications using software and facilities within this company and using site data and reports from ongoing remediation projects. The work will also be supported by colleagues (specifically, Dr Susan Hughes, Dr Donya Hajializadeh and Dr Mike Mulheron) in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Surrey, who will benefit from the wider application of the digital framework and data which can then support other spin-off research proposals. Other key partners for whom the outcomes would be of interest include local government officers and planning regulators.
Description This research developed a method for digitally representing the real life information and processes occurring in the remediation of a brownfield site. This included historic site date, intrusive site investigation data to assess the site, the information generated in excavating/removing/replacing/disposing contaminated material data and the development of flow diagrams for the complex movement of material. This information was combined to produce a Carbon Reduction Design Tool CReDiT to evaluate the carbon emitted in the brownfield remediation process. CReDiT can be used to compare different remediation options for a site and and determines the optimum, carbon efficient, remediation design for a site.

CReDiT was applied to a case study site - a former landfill that was being redeveloped for housing. CReDiT quantified carbon emissions and material volumes for proposed design options. It demonstrated the carbon savings that can be made by the effective reuse of material onsite and the contribution of waste materials to carbon emissions. Additional carbon savings through the reuse or recycling of carbon-rich or valuable materials were calculated. For this case study site of 150 homes, CReDiT was used to analyse different remediation options, leading to a 47% reduction in embodied carbon for the selected option compared to the original design proposal. CReDiT highlighted the potential waste materials on this site and this led 45% of potential waste being reused and diverted from landfill. CReDiT is now used routinely within LEAP consultancy and has led to a rethink of remediation excavation and cover design. Excavated /waste materials are re-evaluated as a resource; material reuse options are assessed and carbon reduction is included in the design process. This leads to more sustainable remediation solutions.
Exploitation Route This research is being taken forward by LEAP Environmental through:
1) developing a web based version of CReDiT to expand their carbon reduction consultancy capability within UK infrastructure projects;
2) continued routine application of CReDiT remediation to brownfield development sites;
3) submission of an application for Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Fellowship for further CReDiT tool development (collaborating with the University of Surrey);
4) expanding CReDiT remediation to include other brownfield remediation methods;
5) development of further carbon reduction models for application in LEAP infrastructure projects;
~ CReDiT Foundations has also been developed and is routinely applied to evaluate the embodied carbon in foundation options and to advise on optimum carbon solutions.
~ CReDiT Earthworks is currently being developed;
LEAP is leading the development of carbon reduction tools with the parent company RSK Group.

Follow on activities at the University of Surrey:
1) final year project student is using CReDiT and looking at carbon released during earthworks
2) 1 PhD project has been approved - for research in further developing a digital twin for remediation works
3) 1 PhD has been approved and potential students shortlisted for research investigating carbon release and entrapment in brownfield remediation (with Imperial College, London).
4) Dr Hellawell is a visiting researcher at the University of Surrey and continues to look for collaborative research projects between LEAP Environmental and the University.

The development and application of CReDiT is shortly to be published in Environmental Geotechnics outlining the methods used, enabling other consultancies to develop similar tools.
Sectors Construction



Democracy and Justice

Description Presentation to Surrey local government contaminated land officers and the Environment Agency
Geographic Reach Local/Municipal/Regional 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Title CReDiT 
Description Carbon REduction DesIgn Tool - This evaluates the embodied carbon in the most commonly used remediation technique, namely excavate and cover. It compares different remediation options to evaluate the optimum remediation solution in terms of emitted carbon. The tool also evaluates the volume of waste for a site and determines the embodied carbon for reusing this material onsite, offsite, in processing it for reuse or disposing of it in landfill. This focuses remediation design in terms of carbon and waste minimisation and promotes onsite reuse of material. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This research model has led to a rethink of brownfield remediation - where waste material is now viewed as a resource. Certain site materials such as topsoil and clean natural material are now viewed as valuable engineering material and reuse options for these are included in design, Other materials that can be found on a brownfield site such as wood and metal were viewed as waste. CReDiT has shown they are valuable in terms of their emitted carbon and including reprocessing options for them within remediation design can make a significant contribution to reducing the net carbon for the remediation process. 
Description East of England Land Quality Forum Webinar 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I was invited to present a 1 hour webinar on the research and outcomes to Professionals (consultants, academics, local government) in brownfield development. This included a discussion afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Forum for the Built Environment Breakfast 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Presentation of CReDiT and its application as a networking and industry event in Birmingham.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Housing and Build to Rent Conference - presentation and discussion run by Built Environment networking 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Richard Brinkworth for LEAP Environmental gave a presentation of the ongoing work on CReDiT to developers at Kensington Town Hall, December 2022. This was a new sector for presentation to raise the issue of carbon reduction in the built environment as attendees were developers, planners and those involved in communication relating to developments.
This was followed by all day networking and ongoing discussion from R Brinkworth and E Hellawell at a LEAP Environmental stand.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description The Geological Society South East Group Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Building Foundations to Net Zero: Carbon reduction in the construction industry.
Presentation on the development and application of CReDiT for brownfield development given by Sarah Cook of LEAP Environmental in Croyden, January 2023.
This led to discussions and questions and a debate about carbon models.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description UK CARE - China Association of Resources and Environment 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Invited to present the work online at a UK CARE workshop - mainly to young research engineers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023