Stimulus-responsive nanoparticles for intraoperative NIR imaging and treatment of pancreatic cancer

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Surgical Biotechnology


Patients with pancreatic cancer are usually diagnosed at late stage, when the disease has progressed and is difficult to treat. Surgery is the primary treatment after diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Surgical treatment aims to remove all or as much of the cancerous tissue as possible. However, it is difficult to identify the borders between cancerous and normal tissue and, often, fragments of the disease are left behind without being removed. This residual cancer tissue after surgical procedure will lead to further cancer progression and will reduce survival of the patient.
Current methods used to distinguish different tissue structures, such as lymph nodes, during surgery are based on fluorescence and this procedure is termed fluorescence-guided surgery or intraoperative fluorescence imaging. Indocyanine green (ICG) is an agent that can emit fluorescence when exposed to high-wavelength light, which can transmit efficiently through tissue. This agent is safe to administer through blood circulation and it has already been used in fluorescence-guided surgery. However, ICG is very unstable in the body, it loses its fluorescence within minutes after injection in the blood and most of the agent accumulates in the liver. In this project, ICG, as well as similar cyanine molecule with improved optical properties, will be incorporated inside nanosised particles and this will consequently increase blood circulation time of these agents, it will temporarily quench their fluorescence emission and it will increase their accumulation in pancreatic tumours. In addition, based on preliminary experiments, once the agent is gathered within the cancerous mass, certain molecules present in the area, such as proteolytic enzymes, will break the particles apart releasing the cyanine molecules and the fluorescence emission of the agent will be recovered only inside the tumour. This will enable surgeons to identify the borders of the cancerous tissue and improve surgical removal of the disease.
In recent work, it has been discovered that when the size of these particles is decreased under exposure to conditions similar to those in pancreatic cancer tissue, more cyanine agent can accumulate inside cancerous cells. It is also been shown that when cancer cells contain cyanine dye and are exposed to laser light, these cells are destroyed. On the basis of these findings, the nanosized particles are intended to be used, not only for fluorescence-guided surgery, but also to destroy any residual cancer tissue left behind by irradiating the surgical resection area with laser light. This intraoperative treatment will improve the outcome of surgical procedures and will improve survival of patients.
The research proposed herein includes a series of experiments for characterizing the properties of the nanosized particles that contain ICG and the improved cyanine agent. Early work will establish how these particles respond to conditions similar to those of pancreatic tumours and we will examine the efficiency of the particles in highlighting cancer tissue and in destroying the latter, using cell-based systems. A subsequent series of experiments will be conducted using experimental animals that carry pancreatic tumours. These experiments will establish the safety and the efficiency of the cyanine-containing particles in fluorescence-guided surgical removal of pancreatic tumours and in the destruction of residual cancer at the resection site. Analysis will also be performed to investigate the effect of the treatment in the biology of the cancer.
The proposed approach will improve the prognosis for patients that undergo surgery for pancreatic tumour resection and will also provide new insights for the development of combined fluorescence-guided surgery and intraoperative treatment of cancer.

Planned Impact

The aim of the proposed project is to exploit nanotechnology for developing a system that has significant potential to increase the efficacy of surgical treatment in pancreatic cancer, and subsequently improve prognosis. The aspect of intraoperative treatment can also reduce the need for extensive post-operative radiotherapy and exposure to ionizing radiation. The proposed theranostic system has the potential to be adopted for the combined near infra-red guided surgical resection and intraoperative treatment of different cancers overexpressing cathepsin B, such as breast cancer and head and neck cancers. Importantly, the formulation described here is adaptable and different carriers can be exploited in the future for developing systems that are responsive to varying, disease-specific proteolytic enzymes. Such an approach has the potential to stimulate the initiation of research for the exploitation of similar intraoperative theranostic approaches in a broad spectrum of cancers. The system will provide a valuable means of improving the surgical treatment of highly diffuse cancers, extend the limits of resectability and eliminate any residual microscopic disease in the tumour bed after resection.
The simplicity and versatility of this system will maximize the efficacy of surgical treatment at affordable cost. The afore-mentioned will undoubtedly present economic benefit to the National Health Service provider. The simplicity and the cost-effectiveness of this intraoperative theranostic approach will also allow the affordable and feasible adoption of this technology in hospitals. Importantly, the proposed research fits in very well with key research theme strategies of the Research Council, within the spectrum of research from exploration of physical phenomena and molecular mechanisms, through to more translational medical research that can facilitate the development of new health interventions.
The implementation of the proposed study will contribute to the efforts aiming to bring research in the UK at the forefront of therapeutic and technological advances for cancer and trigger innovative projects. The potential clinical translation of the system described in this study will be a pioneering development in pancreatic cancer treatment, with the UK having a leading role in this advancement. We have proposed a theranostic system that will involve the opportunity for new product development, both in terms of formulation and automation equipment. This opportunity will eventually improve innovation performance, which plays a catalytic role in facilitating competitiveness and national progress.
Description The study has generated the basis for a system that has the potential to improve surgical resection in pancreatic cancer and to prolong survival. In addition, a novel therapeutic strategy will become available for overcoming treatment inefficiency associated with post-operative radiotherapy of hypoxic and resistant residual tumour tissue, making exposure to ionizing radiation unnecessary. This combined intraoperative imaging and treatment approach, with proper optimization and efficient clinical translation, has the potential to improve survival and quality of life by eliminating the need for further costly drug therapies.
Exploitation Route For facilitating clinical translation of the system developed in this study, we will follow strategies for communicating the findings from the proposed study to the relevant target audiences. We have started to liaise with clinicians that specialise in pancreatic cancer surgery for identifying the settings in which my research findings are to be received and translated to the clinic. Collaboration with other UK leading pancreatic cancer specialists will also be sought. In addition, the current study will catalyse the acquisition of collaborative funding with leading research groups specializing in imaging and photonics in order to identify novel means of further increasing the diagnostic and therapeutic efficacy of this technology. The results of the this study can support and justify additional preclinical studies in order to further characterize the performance of the formulation and the efficacy of the intraoperative combined NIR imaging and treatment approach in orthotopic tumours, in a non-rodent species and later, in large animals. All studies will be conducted in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP). GLP compliance will accelerate risk/safety assessments and ensure subsequent approvals by the regulatory authorities. The formulation production-process is designed so that it is compatible with GMP requirements and it can be readily transmitted to a GMP-accredited facility. A facility that has a Manufacturer's Authorisation from the MHRA and is accredited for GMP, will be identified for the preparation of the formulation intended for first-in-man trials. Additional preclinical studies will provide the essential information required for the selection of a safe starting dose and escalation for first-in-man trials based on toxicology/pharmacology data and the minimal anticipated biological effect level (MABEL) by integrating all acquired in vivo and in vitro data. For supporting subsequent studies, I would apply for a CRUK NAC Preclinical Combination Grants, DoH/Wellcome Healthcare Innovation Challenge Fund, NIHR invention for innovation, MRC Catalyst and the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund. The further funding of this project will also fit with the Technology Strategy Board and the CRUK Drug Delivery and Feasibility Trial schemes.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description We are currently discussing with clinicians (Professor Dimitris Zacharoulis, hepatopancreatobiliary surgeon) about how to proceed for facilitating the clinical translation of the combined NIR imaging/treatment intraoperative system for improving surgical outcomes, the system/equipment integration in the clinic and the additional equipment that can complement the existing system in a surgical setting. A clinical study protocol has been submitted to the Greek authorities for approval. Currently, the nanoparticle formulation is still covered with a patent owned by UCL.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Description Consultation on Newly Notified Procedure: IP1111 Sonodynamic Photodynamic Therapy
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Implementation circular/rapid advice/letter to e.g. Ministry of Health
Description EPSRC Doctoral Training Programme
Amount £94,623 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/N509577/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2017 
End 09/2021
Description Knowledge Exchange EPSRC impact acceleration accounts (IAA)
Amount £7,000 (GBP)
Organisation University College London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 02/2024 
End 05/2024
Title A new near infrared responsive formulation that responds to the tumour microenvironment 
Description A new near infrared responsive formulation that responds to the tumour microenvironment. The formulation contains a specially designed and derivatized cyanine molecule and a derivatized co-polymer. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Availability of a novel and efficient formulation for intraoperative imaging and treatment of pancreatic cancer 
Description Exploitation of the tumour microenvironment for developing novel theranostic formulations for cancer 
Organisation Ulster University
Department School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In the context of this project, my team has studied the effect of distinctive characteristics of the tumour mocroenvironment, such as hypoxia and acidic pH, in the performance of a polyglutamate-based nanoparticulate formulation for delivering sonodynamic treatment. The expression and secretion profiles of a key proteolytic enzyme, cathepsin B, which is overexpressed in malignant tumours, were studied in detail. The findings were shared with leading academics in sonodynamic therapy at Ulster University, towards the development of a preclinical portfolio that includes in vivo studies for testing the efficacy of the formulation in experimental animal models. Professor Anthony McHale and Professor John Callan have a long and successful record of performing in vivo studies for demonstrating the effect of sonodynamic therapy and similar treatment modalities that involve tumour sensitisation and the application of externally-applied stimuli, such as ultrasound and light. The partnership also has led to the submission of a joint EPSRC standard proposal for a project that is supported by findings from the current EPSRC grant and aims to develop a formulation for combined near-infra red intraoperative imaging and treatment of cancer. The new EPSRC application is led by me and the partners from Ulster University, who will manage the in vivo experimentation, have been included as co-applicants.
Collaborator Contribution The partners from Ulster University have supported the efficient progression of the current project by offering expert advice on formulation preparation and characterization, as well as an early insight in subsequent in vivo experimentation that will fully demonstrate the potential of the system developed during the project. They have also offered me access to specialized equipment based in their laboratory facilities at Ulster University. The partners have also contributed to the submission of a new EPSRC grant, as co-applicants.
Impact The collaboration with Ulster University is multi-disciplinary, involving the following disciplines: Chemistry, biomaterials, physics (acoustics), optics, biology and biochemistry. There are a number of joint research publications that have resulted from this partnership.
Start Year 2017
Description Exploring novel pancreatic cancer intraoperative imaging and treatment options 
Organisation University of Thessaly
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provided expertise in novel approaches for improving pancreatic cancer resection and intraoperative treatment. Contributed to postgraduate teaching in this knowledge area and interacted with clinicians specializing in pancreatic cancer surgery in Greece, Germany and the US.
Collaborator Contribution Provided consultation for clinical translation of the technology described in this project
Impact Knowledge and knowhow transfer. Multidisciplinary collaboration: medicine-physics-biology-biochemistry-surgery
Start Year 2022
Description Submission of clinical trial protocol for approval and preparation for clinical studies 
Organisation University of Thessaly
Department Faculty of Medicine
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The aim of this collaboration is the clinical translation of the technology developed in the context of the EPSRC project. A clinical team affiliated with the University of Thessaly expressed interest in performing clinical studies for establishing the relevant technology to the clinic for the intraoperative and laparoscopic treatment of pancreatic cancer, and in general of hepatopancreatobiliary cancers. I, as the PI of the EPSRC project (Professor Nikolitsa Nomikou, UCL) have led several meetings with the clinical team since September 2023, in order to discuss the requirements, the feasibility, the strategy and the timelines of the clinical studies. I have drafted the clinical study protocol entitled: "Combined intraoperative/laparoscopic near-infrared imaging and treatment of hepatopancreatobiliary cancers", which the clinical team has submitted to the Greek authorities for approval. The collaboration is overlooked by the UCL Translational Research Office and UCLBusiness. Hence, my contribution is described by the following aspects: -Conceptualization -Work with the UCL Translational Research Office for putting together the MoU and Confidentiality Agreement for the collaboration -Work with UCLBusiness to identify IP in terms of Know-How and means/strategy to protect it -Know-How transfer to the clinical team -Design of the clinical study -Facilitate the availability of the resources (equipment and accessories) for the trial (on-going)
Collaborator Contribution The partner's contribution is described by the following aspects: -Know-How in terms of feasibility of the intervention and the surgical procedures -Adjustment of the clinical study protocol and submission to the Greek authorities for approval -Preparation of the facilities for the clinical studies -Planning of patient recruitment and stratification of treatment strategies
Impact Multidisciplinary collaboration: biomedical engineering, surgical technology, physics (photonics), medicine, pharmacology
Start Year 2023
Title Nanoparticles for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy 
Description The present invention relates generally to methods and materials for use in photothermal or sonodynamic therapy. The invention novel nanoparticles for use in delivering sensitizers to solid tumour target, wherein the nanoparticles are composed of a polymers or co-polymer of monomers linked by peptide bonds, wherein the polymer or co-polymer comprises one or both of glutamate or derivatised glutatamic acid, and optionally a further, different, monomer which is a naturally occurring amino acid or synthetic monomer having a side chain group, wherein the polymer or co-polymer is not composed only of glutamate. The pendant groups and/or side chains of the polymer or co-polymer interact non-covalently with the sensitizer. 
IP Reference US 16/385,591 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2019
Licensed No
Impact Securing further funding for clinical translation
Title Intraoperative NIR imaging for pancreatic cancer 
Description Nanoparticles based on derivatized polyglutamic acid carrying a modified form of the cyanine dye IR808 were developed and successfully tested in pancreatic tumour baring mice for the intraopative imaging and image-guided tumour resection upon near infrared laser exposure. The safety of the nanoparticles for systemic administration via blood circulation has been verified in animal studies. The study demonstrated that the nanoparticulate formulation enabled cancerous tissue visualisation during surgical resection, a tool that can lead to the improvement of surgical outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients.Further funding will be sought from MRC for the design and implementation of first-in-man trials. 
Type Diagnostic Tool - Imaging
Current Stage Of Development Refinement. Non-clinical
Year Development Stage Completed 2022
Development Status Actively seeking support
Impact The system demonstrated the feasibility and simplicity of the intraoperative imaging approach for refining/optimizing resection of pancreatic cancer and potentially improve prognosis for pancreatic cancer patients. 
Title Intraoperative NIR treatment of residual disease in pancreatic cancer resection 
Description Nanoparticles based on derivatized polyglutamic acid carrying a modified form of the cyanine dye IR808 were developed and successfully tested in pancreatic tumour baring mice for the intraoperative treatment of residual disease upon near infrared (NIR) laser exposure after cancer resection. The safety of the nanoparticles for systemic administration via blood circulation has been verified in animal studies. The study demonstrated that the nanoparticulate formulation facilitated the elimination of residual disease upon NIR laser irradiation, after surgical resection of the bulk tumour, a tool that can lead to the improvement of surgical outcomes and improved prognosis for pancreatic cancer patients.Further funding will be sought from MRC for the design and implementation of first-in-man trials. 
Type Therapeutic Intervention - Surgery
Current Stage Of Development Refinement. Non-clinical
Year Development Stage Completed 2022
Development Status Actively seeking support
Impact The study demonstrated the feasibility and simplicity of the system to be used in a clinical setting for the locoregional intraoperative ablation of residual disease upon NIR laser exposure after resection of the bulk cancerous tissue, for the potential improvement of surgical outcomes and prognosis for pancreatic cancer patients. 
Description Presentation at Medical/Scientific Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The presentation of our results from the EPSRC project attracted interest from clinical teams and triggered the initiation of a strong collaboration for the clinical translation of the relevant technology.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Presentation at the Centre of Advanced Biomedical Imaging 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact a 90' presentation of the project, discussing the progress and how the research approach can be improved with the use of advanced facilities
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019