Covid-19 worker safety tag with social distancing warnings and contact tracing functionality .

Lead Participant: EXTRONICS LTD


Instances of Covid-19 worldwide are still increasing at an alarming rate - the global pandemic is not going away quickly. Although a vaccine is available and is being rolled out free of charge in the UK, this isn't the case in many other countries. It is unknown how long it will take to vaccinate the world population and therefore it is highly likely that social distancing and contact tracing will need to remain in place for many years. Facilitating safe working is still key to getting economies back up and running. The benefits of contact tracing and prioritising testing of operatives who have had encounters with a confirmed case have proven to be useful and practical to organisations.

Extronics has designed the world's first hybrid technology tracking tag for hazardous area Zone 0, 1 and 2\. Approaches to customers have demonstrated that there is notable interest in this integrated solution within the hazardous area segment.

For the second phase of this project we will be producing prototypes that use alternative low-power backhaul technologies, creating an API from our location selector to other GIS, adding anti-microbial additives to the ATEX polymer and creating a multicharger capable of dispensing Cold Plasma as a cleansing agent.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

EXTRONICS LTD £388,170 £ 388,170




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