Cross-disciplinary research for Discovery Science

Lead Research Organisation: Bangor University
Department Name: Sch of Computer Science & Electronic Eng


Bangor will fund proposals via a proactive, transparent and fair competition to support interdisciplinarity in Discovery Science. Research activities will be in line with the ambition of the Pushing the Frontiers of environmental science call. Funding will 'pump prime collaborations that will enable researchers to be truly adventurous and ambitious in the pursuit of curiosity-driven, high-risk and high-reward projects that address environmental challenges'.


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Description This institutional award was allocated via an agile internal competition aimed as ECRs. Six projects which proposed excellent research-related activities which fulfilled taking a interdisciplinary approach to Pushing Frontiers Discovery Science.
1. One-Health Workshop
2. ClicherComm: Climate change, Cultural heritage and Communication in North Wales
3. Looking through a superlens at the impact of ozone on tree seed germination, establishment and mycorrhization
4. ReAct: Revealing Climate Change Activism and Bias in Environmental Scientists
5. You are what you do: how behaviour shapes composition and functional potential of the microbiome
6. AI-Powered Extreme Coastal Seastate Prediction
Exploitation Route Allocating the funding to PIs from the ECR community was very valuable in terms of developing our pipeline of talent, albeit on a relatively small scale. Interdisciplinary research can sometimes be incremental and lacking a critical mass to achieve interdisciplinarity and so the formalisation and incentivisation of the research via the NERC Discovery science for cross-disciplinary research has been highly effective. The financial support to build on our existing cross-disciplinary forums has been highly valuable in supporting the further development of networks, particularly external ones.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Leisure Activities

including Sports

Recreation and Tourism



Museums and Collections