VOLT (Validation Of Li-ion repurposing Technology) by BuffaloGrid Limited

Lead Participant: BUFFALOGRID LTD


*Issue – Worldwide 1.2bn people lack access to the electricity grid. With IUK support, BuffaloGrid (BG) has

developed a solar powered Hub providing PAYG electricity, off grid mobile phone charging and wireless

internet in developing regions. BG hubs currently contains Li-ion cells spot welded together in caddies.

However, battery packs connecting multiple cells without a Battery Monitoring System have very

restrictive export/import requirements. Cell welding is also an expensive process, prevents reuse of

battery packs extracted from EoL BuffaloGrid Hubs in other devices and prevents use of upcycled Li-ion


*Solution - In this VOLT feasibility project , BuffaloGrid will investigate the feasibility of developing a

battery pack that uses compression to hold Li-ion cells together and develop a prototype.

*Challenges for BuffaloGrid - Due to the harsh operating environment of BuffaloGrid Hubs, developing a

Caddy that uses compression is challenging.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

BUFFALOGRID LTD £24,998 £ 24,998




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