Lead Research Organisation:
University of Aberdeen
Department Name: Engineering
This project studies development of high power DC transmission networks. There is currently significant interest in developing technologies that will enable interconnection of distributed DC sources to DC networks in multi MW power sizes. The application fields include offshore renewable power parks, North Sea Supergrid, subsea power supplies in oil industry and many more. A medium power DC network test rig will be developed at Aberdeen University which will include DC transformers and fault isolation components. The project will investigate efficient, light-weight DC transformer topologies that will enable cost-effective power exchange between DC systems at wide varying voltage levels. The DC test rig will enable practical testing of DC circuit breaker which will be one of the crucial enabling technologies for DC networks. The project further investigates the operational and control principles of future large DC power networks. This project strengthens collaborative links between University of Aberdeen and Ryerson University LEDAR laboratory.
People |
Dragan Jovcic (Principal Investigator) |

Hajian M
Evaluation of Semiconductor Based Methods for Fault Isolation on High Voltage DC Grids
in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Hajian M
30 kW, 200 V/900 V, Thyristor LCL DC/DC Converter Laboratory Prototype Design and Testing
in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

Hajian M
DC Transmission Grid With Low-Speed Protection Using Mechanical DC Circuit Breakers
in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Jovcic D
Feasibility of DC transmission networks

Jovcic D
Fast fault current interruption on high-power DC networks

Jovcic D
LCL DC/DC Converter for DC Grids
in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

Jovcic D
LCL VSC Converter for High-Power Applications
in IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Description | Thyristor-based harware DC/DC converter has been demonstarted with following properties: - DC/DC voltage stepping, - Controllable DC power flow, - DC fault isolation, An IGBT-based DC converter has been developed and modeled on simulator with the follwing properties: - DC/DC voltage stepping, - Controllable DC power flow, - DC fault isolation, A DC-fault tolerant VSC AC/DC converter has been developed. This converter is simple and inexpesive and yet suitable for high power applications. |
Exploitation Route | New DC/DC converters and VSC AC/DC converters. Converter models and control methods. DC grid building principles. |
Sectors | Energy |
URL | |
Description | Secondment at Partner organisation |
Organisation | Ryerson University |
Country | Canada |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Collaboration on the project research |
Collaborator Contribution | Collaboration on the project research |
Impact | three joint articles |
Start Year | 2010 |
Title | 30kW, 200/900V DC/DC converter prototype |
Description | A thyristor-based 30kW bidirectional DC/DC converter has been developed and tested. This converter works as a DC transformer, DC power flow regulator and DC circuit breaker. |
Type Of Technology | Physical Model/Kit |
Title | DC grid hardware model |
Description | A DC grid model has been developed. The grid consists of 4 large converters: - 30kW, 200V, VSC AC/DC converter, - 30kW, 200V, LCC, AC/DC converter, - 30kW, 900V, VSC converter, - 30kW, 200/900V, DC/DC converter |
Type Of Technology | Physical Model/Kit |