HI-PROSPECTS - HIgh resolution PRinting Of Solar Photovoltaic EleCTrode Structures
Lead Research Organisation:
Swansea University
Department Name: College of Engineering
The research to be carried out by Swansea University is to understand the issues and develop solutions related to up
scaling the near transparent copper grid to larger sizes. There is a significant challenge in this in that increases in size
brings both scientific and engineering challenges. When scaling, issues such as substrate form (which can be ignored at
small scale) become important, substrate stressing due to differential temperature profiles can lead to catastrophic failure
and thus optimized curing / sintering at small scale will have to be refined as the substrate size increases. In addition the
tolerance to defects and variations in deposit due to materials or processing conditions (some of which cannot be
controlled) may be insignificant at small scale but become significant as the substrate size increases. As well as process
and material considerations, there are design consideration. As substrate size increases then there may be a need to alter
the nature of the deposited grid such that higher conductor density is required towards the centre of a cell / module as a
charge generated at the centre of the cell will have a extended resistive path length to reach an electrode. The optimization
of this patterning and its impact is to be investigated in the work. Understanding these scale effects such that their impact
can be mitigated is critical in developing an engineering solution for large area processing of electrodes. The research
activity will address the optimization of the line structure and geometry for large areas through modelling and in parallel
perform install the system for experimental development of the ESJET over large areas. SPECIFIC will also provide lifetime
testing of the PV cells / modules manufactured in order to establish whether the copper grid has any detrimental / beneficial
effect on PV performance.
In order to establish optimal grid patterning simulation software (such as PSPICE) will be used to model the geometries
and film thicknesses, their effect on the sheet resistance and its subsequent effect on performance of PV cells created
using the fine copper patterning. This will take material data from the lab trials and estimate the geometric design and
process windows.
The clean room facilities at SPECIFIC provide an ideal test environment where glass substrate > 1m2 are routinely printed
using conventional printing techniques. The second main research activity is design and install a larger scale ESJET
system on the glass processing line at SPECIFIC and demonstrate that the copper can be deposited to the substrate over
a large area and that this substrate can be used to create a large area PV cell. This will establish the design of the
installation based on operational / material tolerances, physical layout requirements and operational processing issues. To
compliment the deposition requirements of the ESJET copper, the sintering process which will need to be designed and
implemented. This provides additional challenges in terms of maintaining consistent energy distributions (thermal and
photonic) over a large area. Such a development is non trivial having to take account many complex interacting parameters
such as photonic absorbance, differential thermal expansions, thermal properties and real world intensity variations.
The performance and lifetime of the PV cells will be carried out in suite of PV characterization and lifetime testing facilities
at SPECIFIC. The standards used for these tests (illumination, RH and temperature) will be determined from the relevant
standards and in house best practice with perovskite and OPV cells. Control samples using conventional TCOs, Ag grid &
TCOs combinations will also be used to identify only those degradation routes which can be attributed to the presence of
the copper grid.
scaling the near transparent copper grid to larger sizes. There is a significant challenge in this in that increases in size
brings both scientific and engineering challenges. When scaling, issues such as substrate form (which can be ignored at
small scale) become important, substrate stressing due to differential temperature profiles can lead to catastrophic failure
and thus optimized curing / sintering at small scale will have to be refined as the substrate size increases. In addition the
tolerance to defects and variations in deposit due to materials or processing conditions (some of which cannot be
controlled) may be insignificant at small scale but become significant as the substrate size increases. As well as process
and material considerations, there are design consideration. As substrate size increases then there may be a need to alter
the nature of the deposited grid such that higher conductor density is required towards the centre of a cell / module as a
charge generated at the centre of the cell will have a extended resistive path length to reach an electrode. The optimization
of this patterning and its impact is to be investigated in the work. Understanding these scale effects such that their impact
can be mitigated is critical in developing an engineering solution for large area processing of electrodes. The research
activity will address the optimization of the line structure and geometry for large areas through modelling and in parallel
perform install the system for experimental development of the ESJET over large areas. SPECIFIC will also provide lifetime
testing of the PV cells / modules manufactured in order to establish whether the copper grid has any detrimental / beneficial
effect on PV performance.
In order to establish optimal grid patterning simulation software (such as PSPICE) will be used to model the geometries
and film thicknesses, their effect on the sheet resistance and its subsequent effect on performance of PV cells created
using the fine copper patterning. This will take material data from the lab trials and estimate the geometric design and
process windows.
The clean room facilities at SPECIFIC provide an ideal test environment where glass substrate > 1m2 are routinely printed
using conventional printing techniques. The second main research activity is design and install a larger scale ESJET
system on the glass processing line at SPECIFIC and demonstrate that the copper can be deposited to the substrate over
a large area and that this substrate can be used to create a large area PV cell. This will establish the design of the
installation based on operational / material tolerances, physical layout requirements and operational processing issues. To
compliment the deposition requirements of the ESJET copper, the sintering process which will need to be designed and
implemented. This provides additional challenges in terms of maintaining consistent energy distributions (thermal and
photonic) over a large area. Such a development is non trivial having to take account many complex interacting parameters
such as photonic absorbance, differential thermal expansions, thermal properties and real world intensity variations.
The performance and lifetime of the PV cells will be carried out in suite of PV characterization and lifetime testing facilities
at SPECIFIC. The standards used for these tests (illumination, RH and temperature) will be determined from the relevant
standards and in house best practice with perovskite and OPV cells. Control samples using conventional TCOs, Ag grid &
TCOs combinations will also be used to identify only those degradation routes which can be attributed to the presence of
the copper grid.
Planned Impact
The research carried out by SPECIFIC as part of the project will have a direct short term impact on the partners in the
1. PVI will have a demonstration of their unique ESJET technology at large scale. This will provide them with demonstrators
and proof that their deposition technology is scalable opening new markets and product areas for ESJET.
2. NSG will derive important information on the interaction between grid geometries, material properties and resultant sheet
conductivities. Identifying the means by which surface conductivity can be fine tuned the additional of additional liquid
coatings is known to be an important area of research for NSG.
3. Intrinsiq will derive benefit from the testing of their materials in full functioning third generation PV devices.
4. All supply chain partners will posses demonstrator samples of their technology being used to create novel technology for
decarbonisation of energy supply.
5. Intrinsiq will derive benefit from the use of alternative sintering technologies on their materials. Take up of copper ink
materials is handicapped by the necessity of a specialised sintering technology and its associated capital cost. As part of
the study other photonic sintering (NIR) will also be tested. Capital cost for NIR is approximately 20% of photonic or laser. If
lower cost sintering technology can be applied, then its impact will be to de-risk copper ink adoption and open the
possibility for large area low cost circuits
In addition to the short term direct impacts, the research will have longer term impacts to a wider industrial audience by
demonstrating an alternative additive metal pattering processes using a potentially low cost conductive material which is
capable of sub 10 micron features. This has been a barrier to many applications where small feature sizes are required e.g.
printed display backplanes, printable logic and "invisible electronics" where basic logic is laid out over a transparent
substrates. No scaleable printing process can readily achieve such features, photo lithography and subtractive processing
being the only mode of manufacture. If the technology is demonstrated on glass as rigid substrate then there is a natural
progression for it to extend to flexible substrates. The demonstration offers significant impact with increased production
rates, larger substrates and less wasteful manufacture leading to new products in displays, healthcare devices and IOT
If the technology is shown to be compatible with third generation PV devices (OPV and perovskite) then it will have
significant impact as it will remove a commercial barrier to adoption associated with the cost (and variation in cost) of silver.
This will become increasingly important as the perovskite research and fledgling commercial sector begins to move
towards module size devices where full circuit conductivity becomes increasingly dominant. Lower reliable sheet resistances may provide an additional impact by allowing simpler monolithic devices to be created in place of the more
complex series connected cells.
1. PVI will have a demonstration of their unique ESJET technology at large scale. This will provide them with demonstrators
and proof that their deposition technology is scalable opening new markets and product areas for ESJET.
2. NSG will derive important information on the interaction between grid geometries, material properties and resultant sheet
conductivities. Identifying the means by which surface conductivity can be fine tuned the additional of additional liquid
coatings is known to be an important area of research for NSG.
3. Intrinsiq will derive benefit from the testing of their materials in full functioning third generation PV devices.
4. All supply chain partners will posses demonstrator samples of their technology being used to create novel technology for
decarbonisation of energy supply.
5. Intrinsiq will derive benefit from the use of alternative sintering technologies on their materials. Take up of copper ink
materials is handicapped by the necessity of a specialised sintering technology and its associated capital cost. As part of
the study other photonic sintering (NIR) will also be tested. Capital cost for NIR is approximately 20% of photonic or laser. If
lower cost sintering technology can be applied, then its impact will be to de-risk copper ink adoption and open the
possibility for large area low cost circuits
In addition to the short term direct impacts, the research will have longer term impacts to a wider industrial audience by
demonstrating an alternative additive metal pattering processes using a potentially low cost conductive material which is
capable of sub 10 micron features. This has been a barrier to many applications where small feature sizes are required e.g.
printed display backplanes, printable logic and "invisible electronics" where basic logic is laid out over a transparent
substrates. No scaleable printing process can readily achieve such features, photo lithography and subtractive processing
being the only mode of manufacture. If the technology is demonstrated on glass as rigid substrate then there is a natural
progression for it to extend to flexible substrates. The demonstration offers significant impact with increased production
rates, larger substrates and less wasteful manufacture leading to new products in displays, healthcare devices and IOT
If the technology is shown to be compatible with third generation PV devices (OPV and perovskite) then it will have
significant impact as it will remove a commercial barrier to adoption associated with the cost (and variation in cost) of silver.
This will become increasingly important as the perovskite research and fledgling commercial sector begins to move
towards module size devices where full circuit conductivity becomes increasingly dominant. Lower reliable sheet resistances may provide an additional impact by allowing simpler monolithic devices to be created in place of the more
complex series connected cells.

Abbas B
Thermal sintering of printable copper for enhanced conductivity of FTO coated glass substrates
in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

Abbas B
Blended Copper and Nano-Silver Screen-Printed Circuits on FTO-Coated Glass
in Journal of Electronic Materials

Abbas B
Photonic sintering of copper for rapid processing of thick film conducting circuits on FTO coated glass.
in Scientific reports

De Rossi F
All Printable Perovskite Solar Modules with 198 cm 2 Active Area and Over 6% Efficiency
in Advanced Materials Technologies

Meroni S
Homogeneous and highly controlled deposition of low viscosity inks and application on fully printable perovskite solar cells
in Science and Technology of Advanced Materials

Mouhamad Y
Geometrical optimization for high efficiency carbon perovskite modules
in Solar Energy
Description | The design of printed electrodes on photo-voltaic cells dictates how well the charge generated can be extracted from the cell. Charge generated further away from the electrodes is wasted due to the resistance between the point of charge generation and the electrode but increasing the size of the electrode covers more the cell, reducing the overall output as shadowed areas provide no current. It has been demonstrated by modelling of the charge transfer on the PV cell surface that a pattern of fine features which are spread evenly across the cell surface can improve charge extraction by around 20%. The network of fine structures provide a local route to the large electrodes and their fine size means that shadowing is limited. Experimental confirmation of these models has been confirmed with a research publication having been submitted and in the review process. With the fine detail high resolution deposition enabled by the ESJET patterning, A piece of specialist equipment has been designed and builts which is capable of creating fine structures over a 500 mm x 500 mm area. In additions significant progress has been made on the understanding of the sintering process and in particular the use of sintering nano copper particles using intense flash lamps. This reduces a 45 minute heating process to a sub second process, improving productivity and reducing the energy requirement for nano copper sintering |
Exploitation Route | The modelling techniques developed could be used to examine charge extraction in a number of 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation PV cells. This is already being used internally within the Swansea University research group to examine charge collector electrode design for high efficiency perovskite cells. With patterning required for deposition of the active liquid material, possible electrode / active material reaction chemistry are being investigated. The potential for free form electrodes, is already giving some insights as progress is made from small 1cm2 cells (where electrode pattern is of little relevance) to 100cm2 modules where the electrode pattern is critical. The creation of the large area deposition system means the technology will be applicable for a range of applications including smart windows, printed sensors and large area electronics.This is being made available under the open access facilities of SPECIFIC with interest from multinational industrial companies on its use for other applications and material refinement. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Electronics Energy Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology |
Description | RCUK College Studentship |
Amount | £60,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Research Councils UK (RCUK) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2016 |
End | 09/2019 |
Description | Swansea University SPIN |
Amount | £600 (GBP) |
Organisation | Swansea University |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 05/2018 |
End | 07/2018 |
Description | Mexico Workshop Aug 18 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Dr Youman Mouhamad undertook a workshop on perovskite PV manufacture and how the research carried out in Swansea on the up-scaling of perovskite PV such that the technology can transition from the laboratory to a manufacturing at scale, The patterning of the electrode fulfils a critical part of this as the electrode patterning becomes critical as the device size increases. The workshop was given at the XXVII International Materials Research Congress, in Cancun, Mexico on August 21-24 2018 with a target of researchers (undergraduate, postgraduate, post doctoral and industrial) who have an interest in the fundamentals of perovskite materials and how the technology can make the jump from small laboratory devices to real world manufacturing and applications. In addition to the workshop, an invited talk was given at the conference on the ESJet technology which has been developed by the HiProspects project |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
URL | http://www.mrs-mexico.org.mx/imrc2018/tutorial-hybrid-perovskite-solar-cells |
Description | National Science festival 2017 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | As part of the British Science Festival which was based in Swansea in 2017, Dr Youmna Mouhamad took a lead roll in presenting work on the science of solar cells to the public. Demonstrations of third generation cells were given as part of a wider team activity aimed at enthusing the public on science and low carbon energy generation. The work on modelling enhanced conductor grids was used as an example of how scientific understanding can result in more energy efficient power generation. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2016 |
Description | Youmna Hay Festival |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | As part of Hay Festival of Literature, Dr Youmna Moyhamad took part in a science workshops on two successive days. Using mostly domestic materials and equipment which would be available in many homes, attendees were invited to manufacture their own dye sensitised solar cells. The overall aim to develop interest in science in the public, in particular children, and to demonstrate the means by which University research can help to drive green technology forward to meet the challenges of climate change. Over 500 members of the public took part in the activity and were followed through the process |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Youmna Mouhamad, Soapbox science |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Youmna Mouhamad was a lead in the women in Science festival (soapbox science - http://soapboxscience.org/) which engaged with general public, particularly school children, with the aim of showcasing a career in science, technology and engineering for young girls / women. Through hands on demonstrations on making PV and printing on the streets of Swansea, the hugely important role that women play in science was highlighted. Around 50 -150 children took part in the activities and this raised awareness of both science and the opportunities that are available in STEM. As part of her career development, Youmna is now leading much of activity within the college. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
URL | http://soapboxscience.org/gallery/2017-swansea/youmna-mouhamad/ |