Molecular metrics for assessing the status of peatlands
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Chemistry
Peatlands, thick water-logged organic matter rich soils produced by the decay of plant and animal materials, are vital to humanity by providing countless benefits and ecological services. They represent a major carbon store, containing twice the amount of carbon than the entire forest biomass on this planet. When in a healthy condition, peatlands continuously remove carbon from atmosphere, helping our battle against climate change.
Peatlands are natural sponges, holding up to 90% water and their ability to retain this water is important not only for sustaining their stability but also for providing a source of drinking water (e.g. 70% of UK drinking water runs from upland peatland catchments). They are also an important factor in flood management. Peatlands provide a unique habitat for many plant and animal species. Globally, peatlands have been damaged by human activities such as drainage to promote grazing lands, or extraction for a fuel or for making whisky; around 80% of UK's peatlands are classified as damaged. Damaged peatlands are a major cause for concern as they cannot provide many of their vital ecosystem services, e.g. they start releasing carbon rather than storing it.
Rewetting of peatlands, thus raising their water table, is a widespread method for peat bog restoration. This reintroduces conditions where species like Sphagnum moss return, reducing the loss of carbon to waters and the atmosphere. However, recent studies suggest that rewetting does not always restore the peat back to full health in terms of biodiversity, water dynamics and carbon sequestration capacity. In order to understand these issues we need to ask a question: what is the peat made off? If peat is losing carbon, what are the molecules that are most affected? What if degradation removed some of the key molecules that protect peat against decomposition and carbon loss? What then happens when we try to restore the peat? In such instances, peat may not be able to return to its healthy state and rewetting could even cause it to degrade further. A better understanding of these processes at the molecular scale is required in order to suggest site specific measures that could address these issues. By developing molecular metrics to classify and monitor the restoration levels of peat we will help in preventing further peatland damage.
The aim of my project is to examine changes of peatlands on the molecular level by comparing molecular characteristics of intact, degraded and restored sites. As human health has been advanced through structural studies of biomolecules yielding molecular level understanding of their function, molecular level structure-function relationships need to be developed for soil systems. The progress in this area is hindered by incredible complexity of soil organic matter, which is commonly cited as the most complex mixture on this planet. NMR and MS are universally acknowledged as the two most promising techniques for characterisation of the molecular composition of organic matter and I will use and further develop these techniques in my research.
In my previous work I have already demonstrated the power of NMR to unravel the structures of certain, important types of molecules found in peat. The aim of the proposed work is to provide comprehensive, molecular level characterisation of peat. I aim to uncover the differences in molecular composition of peat organic matter and organic matter from peat pores in different bog conditions and to provide a molecular metrics to characterise the status of peat bogs. Such research is required to monitor effectiveness of restoration/preservation schemes and ultimately will contribute to bringing the bogs back to health and keeping them there. Once we know the molecules, we know what is happening to the carbon pool; we can follow its movements in and out of peat bogs, and therefore also improve models predicting effects of future land use and climate change on peat.
Peatlands are natural sponges, holding up to 90% water and their ability to retain this water is important not only for sustaining their stability but also for providing a source of drinking water (e.g. 70% of UK drinking water runs from upland peatland catchments). They are also an important factor in flood management. Peatlands provide a unique habitat for many plant and animal species. Globally, peatlands have been damaged by human activities such as drainage to promote grazing lands, or extraction for a fuel or for making whisky; around 80% of UK's peatlands are classified as damaged. Damaged peatlands are a major cause for concern as they cannot provide many of their vital ecosystem services, e.g. they start releasing carbon rather than storing it.
Rewetting of peatlands, thus raising their water table, is a widespread method for peat bog restoration. This reintroduces conditions where species like Sphagnum moss return, reducing the loss of carbon to waters and the atmosphere. However, recent studies suggest that rewetting does not always restore the peat back to full health in terms of biodiversity, water dynamics and carbon sequestration capacity. In order to understand these issues we need to ask a question: what is the peat made off? If peat is losing carbon, what are the molecules that are most affected? What if degradation removed some of the key molecules that protect peat against decomposition and carbon loss? What then happens when we try to restore the peat? In such instances, peat may not be able to return to its healthy state and rewetting could even cause it to degrade further. A better understanding of these processes at the molecular scale is required in order to suggest site specific measures that could address these issues. By developing molecular metrics to classify and monitor the restoration levels of peat we will help in preventing further peatland damage.
The aim of my project is to examine changes of peatlands on the molecular level by comparing molecular characteristics of intact, degraded and restored sites. As human health has been advanced through structural studies of biomolecules yielding molecular level understanding of their function, molecular level structure-function relationships need to be developed for soil systems. The progress in this area is hindered by incredible complexity of soil organic matter, which is commonly cited as the most complex mixture on this planet. NMR and MS are universally acknowledged as the two most promising techniques for characterisation of the molecular composition of organic matter and I will use and further develop these techniques in my research.
In my previous work I have already demonstrated the power of NMR to unravel the structures of certain, important types of molecules found in peat. The aim of the proposed work is to provide comprehensive, molecular level characterisation of peat. I aim to uncover the differences in molecular composition of peat organic matter and organic matter from peat pores in different bog conditions and to provide a molecular metrics to characterise the status of peat bogs. Such research is required to monitor effectiveness of restoration/preservation schemes and ultimately will contribute to bringing the bogs back to health and keeping them there. Once we know the molecules, we know what is happening to the carbon pool; we can follow its movements in and out of peat bogs, and therefore also improve models predicting effects of future land use and climate change on peat.
Planned Impact
Academic Impact
My research will develop molecular scale metrics to assess peatland status by combining information from liquid- and solid-state NMR and mass spectrometry (MS). Adding molecular information will not only add value to existing monitoring schemes based on bulk measurements, but will open new avenues to add reasoning to the observations made, by unravelling the cause and effect relationship for the observed changes. Particular beneficiaries will be those in the field peat soil science. For example those monitoring the status of peatlands by examining microbiota as links could be made between the chemical composition and microbial activity.
Peatland carbon cycling is not fully understood and thus molecular information, especially when combined with other carbon turnover measurements, will improve the quality of carbon cycling models.
The wider soil science community will also benefit from the developed methodology and data collected in this work. Soil organic matter (SOM) has a role in biogeochemical cycles of all soil types and in each case the exact structure-function relationships are not fully understood. Knowledge of the molecular composition is essential for full understanding of processes occurring within soils. For example, the removal of pollutants in soil and aquatic systems will become most effective when we understand their interactions with environmental matrices on a molecular level.
Individual tools (tagging chemistry, NMR and MS protocols) answer the request for high-resolution analytical techniques for structure characterisation of complex mixtures such as biofluids, pharmaceuticals, plant extracts, lignin degradation products as well as food and beverages. Current methods for mixture analysis rely on MS (particularly GC-MS) or 1D NMR screening or FT-IR which can only be utilised effectively if the compounds present in mixtures are already known, whereas the untargeted approach offered e.g. by the tagging methodology does not have this limitation.
Economic and Societal Impact
Peatlands provide vital ecosystem services. They regulate catchment hydrology, mitigate climate change and offer a habitat for diverse biota. They are a symbol of national identity, a record of cultural and environmental history and an icon of outdoor recreation. Reflecting their importance, a number of governmental organisations, charities, professional groupings, and industries have stakes in maintaining healthy and fully functioning peatlands.
Effective monitoring of managed peatlands and restoration actions will ultimately translate into reduced the costs to industries and governments that occur due to peatland damage, such as floods, landscape erosion, GHG emissions, habitat degradation, water quality issues and health issue. Creating a reliable metric will also guarantee that the public spending and industrial investment in peatland restoration are properly accounted for.
Chemical and physical properties underlie efficient design and optimisation of membrane technologies, water treatment plants and DOM removal. Characterisation of DOM at molecular level thus will contribute to the sustainable provision of safe drinking water to all communities.
Engagement with the public, explaining the analytical techniques in the context of the ecosystem services of peat will bring personal and societal benefits in inspiring and educating future generations to safeguard these lands.
As a by-product of my research, the development of methodology for compositional analysis of complex mixtures will have an impact on numerous industries, who will be able to use the developed methodology to characterise complex mixtures in order to comply with 2006 EU regulation (REACH). Industries analysing complex mixtures in areas of soil fertility products, nutraceuticals or beverages will particularly benefit.
My research will develop molecular scale metrics to assess peatland status by combining information from liquid- and solid-state NMR and mass spectrometry (MS). Adding molecular information will not only add value to existing monitoring schemes based on bulk measurements, but will open new avenues to add reasoning to the observations made, by unravelling the cause and effect relationship for the observed changes. Particular beneficiaries will be those in the field peat soil science. For example those monitoring the status of peatlands by examining microbiota as links could be made between the chemical composition and microbial activity.
Peatland carbon cycling is not fully understood and thus molecular information, especially when combined with other carbon turnover measurements, will improve the quality of carbon cycling models.
The wider soil science community will also benefit from the developed methodology and data collected in this work. Soil organic matter (SOM) has a role in biogeochemical cycles of all soil types and in each case the exact structure-function relationships are not fully understood. Knowledge of the molecular composition is essential for full understanding of processes occurring within soils. For example, the removal of pollutants in soil and aquatic systems will become most effective when we understand their interactions with environmental matrices on a molecular level.
Individual tools (tagging chemistry, NMR and MS protocols) answer the request for high-resolution analytical techniques for structure characterisation of complex mixtures such as biofluids, pharmaceuticals, plant extracts, lignin degradation products as well as food and beverages. Current methods for mixture analysis rely on MS (particularly GC-MS) or 1D NMR screening or FT-IR which can only be utilised effectively if the compounds present in mixtures are already known, whereas the untargeted approach offered e.g. by the tagging methodology does not have this limitation.
Economic and Societal Impact
Peatlands provide vital ecosystem services. They regulate catchment hydrology, mitigate climate change and offer a habitat for diverse biota. They are a symbol of national identity, a record of cultural and environmental history and an icon of outdoor recreation. Reflecting their importance, a number of governmental organisations, charities, professional groupings, and industries have stakes in maintaining healthy and fully functioning peatlands.
Effective monitoring of managed peatlands and restoration actions will ultimately translate into reduced the costs to industries and governments that occur due to peatland damage, such as floods, landscape erosion, GHG emissions, habitat degradation, water quality issues and health issue. Creating a reliable metric will also guarantee that the public spending and industrial investment in peatland restoration are properly accounted for.
Chemical and physical properties underlie efficient design and optimisation of membrane technologies, water treatment plants and DOM removal. Characterisation of DOM at molecular level thus will contribute to the sustainable provision of safe drinking water to all communities.
Engagement with the public, explaining the analytical techniques in the context of the ecosystem services of peat will bring personal and societal benefits in inspiring and educating future generations to safeguard these lands.
As a by-product of my research, the development of methodology for compositional analysis of complex mixtures will have an impact on numerous industries, who will be able to use the developed methodology to characterise complex mixtures in order to comply with 2006 EU regulation (REACH). Industries analysing complex mixtures in areas of soil fertility products, nutraceuticals or beverages will particularly benefit.
People |
Nicholle Bell (Principal Investigator / Fellow) |

Bell NGA
Molecular level study of hot water extracted green tea buried in soils - a proxy for labile soil organic matter.
in Scientific reports

Sakas J
Reduced dimensionality hyphenated NMR experiments for the structure determination of compounds in mixtures.
in Faraday discussions

Smith AJR
New 19F NMR methodology reveals structures of molecules in complex mixtures of fluorinated compounds.
in Chemical science

Smith AJR
19F-centred NMR analysis of mono-fluorinated compounds.
in RSC advances

Trifiró G
High-Resolution Molecular-Level Characterization of a Blanket Bog Peat Profile.
in Environmental science & technology

York R
Molecular Tagging for the Molecular Characterization of Natural Organic Matter.
in Environmental science & technology
Description | That peatland chemistry changes due to management. There is clear difference the molecular composition of whole and labile peat samples taken from sites of difference health. This difference occurs in samples taken from the anoxic zone. Differences in pore water composition on a metabolite level are very clear. Samples taken from damaged and near natural sites are different with regard to the site condition, while the composition of samples from restored sites are a lot more variable. This indicates that the sites are in a transitional state even after 10 years but do show signs of restoration. The main compound classes giving rise to these differences have been identified and new chemical method has been created to allow the specific compounds that are important to start to be identified. Tea bags buried in damaged vs restored sites reflect the molecular level differences between damaged and restored sites and may be used as a proxy for organic matter decomposition. |
Exploitation Route | This could influence how management is assessed and our understanding of peat decomposition |
Sectors | Environment Leisure Activities including Sports Recreation and Tourism Government Democracy and Justice |
Description | The findings of this study regarding restoration vs damaged peat sites has encouraged those managing the site to consider restoring a damaged site based on the results of our work. The findings of this study have also changed public opinion of peatlands. |
First Year Of Impact | 2018 |
Sector | Environment |
Impact Types | Societal |
Description | Use of NMR and FTICRMS oon soil and water samples |
Geographic Reach | National |
Policy Influence Type | Influenced training of practitioners or researchers |
Impact | NMR and FTICRMS were not utilized by peat, organic soil or water quality researchers in the UK. I have now changed this by training researchers and showcasing what these methods can do, which has now increased the use of these techniques to advance research projects |
Description | Molecular, microbial & enzymatic synergies and their significance to peatland condition |
Amount | £712,696 (GBP) |
Funding ID | NE/S015310/1 |
Organisation | Natural Environment Research Council |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2019 |
End | 09/2024 |
Title | FTICRMS of whole peat samples |
Description | Method developed that allows the ionization and MS analysis of whole peat samples without extraction |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | This allows direct measurement of peat samples without chemical extraction to obtain thousands of molecular formulae. Changes and advances our knowledge on peat composition. |
Title | Reduced dimensionality NMR protocol |
Description | Reduced dimensionality experiments have been created to allow complex environmental samples such as peat to be studied by non-experts. The previous method required high level of skill to work with 3D and 4D spectra. Reducing them to 2D now allows anyone who has worked with standard NMR spectra to use these experiments. |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | They allow the measurement of spectra of complex samples by non-experts |
Title | Tagging procedure for peat samples |
Description | New method to tag peat samples without extraction. |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Peat has been historically extracted using alkaline conditions to get a soluble workable fraction for chemical modification. Our method removes the need for extraction and therefore has opened the door for fast molecular characterisation. |
Title | Collection of peat samples from damaged, restored and healthy Scottish peatlands |
Description | A collection of peat samples from healthy, damaged and restored peatland sites (Flow Country, Munsary and Red Moss of Balerno). These are over 500 years old and represent a unique dataset. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Allows other researchers to add value to their research |
Description | Flow Country |
Organisation | University of the Highlands and Islands |
Department | Environmental Research Institute |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are sharing the same sites for assessment of restoration. We are conducting the molecular level assessment using peat cores. |
Collaborator Contribution | They have offered equipment, transport, lab space, field work help, introduced us to relevant partners and offered an extensive amount of site data and expertise. |
Impact | Knowledge-exchange Molecular level differences deduced from the sites chosen as damaged and under restoration. Publication in progress Further colloborations for future projects. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Flow Country restoration assessment |
Organisation | University of Nottingham |
Department | Faculty of Engineering |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | My role is to conduct the molecular assessment of samples using the same field sites that will complement their analysis. |
Collaborator Contribution | Their experiments were used to choose the specific sites that I took my samples from. |
Impact | Deduced differences in the molecular composition between the sites. Knowledge exchange: mutual sharing of results, theory and meaning. Publication in progress. |
Start Year | 2016 |
Description | Forest to Bog restoration |
Organisation | James Hutton Institute |
Department | Ecological Sciences |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | We are assessing the molecular composition of peat samples taken from sites that have been damaged and restored. |
Collaborator Contribution | They have provided samples, site information and have conducted microbial measurements. |
Impact | Outputs in progress |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | International Science Festival 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Over 1000 people attended a Planet X workshop held at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh as part of the International Science Festival. As part of this event, participants had to run a series of soil tests to determine if the soil was good enough to sustain life on a new planet. At the same time, information regarding my work with peat soils was projected for participants to learn about. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Invited presentation 16th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation technology |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Invited presentation to conference of international experts in separation science. Has sparked new research ideas and also an invited magazine article. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
Description | Invited presentation at the Royal Society London |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Presented the outcomes of the fellowship to a large audience at the Royal Society London. My research was also features in a magazine, You Tube video, Twitter posts and articles. The presentation reached farmers, policymakers, media, postgraduates and other researchers. This has increased the understanding of the current knowledge on peatland restoration and sparked discussion and potential change of practice. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Nature Live Natural History Museum London |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | I was interviewed in front of a live studio audience. The purpose was to inform the public about the work I am doing on peatlands, why it is important, what we have found and how they could do their bit to help. This sparked a discussion with audience members who asked about the issues regarding compost, climate change, historical activity etc. The outcome was assessed by asking the audience members what they thought about bogs before the event and what they thought about them afterwards. The impact was that there was a clear misunderstanding about what a bog is and their importance. The audience members all left reporting a change in understanding. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Peatlands Workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Policymakers/politicians |
Results and Impact | Aim was to bring together researchers, policy makers and funders from the upland and lowland Peatland communities. Key areas of research and focus were highlighted. Sparked discussion between policy makers aims and what is possible from the funds suggested. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
Description | Presentation at the SOM17 Conference |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Presented research to audience of experts on the subject matter. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
Description | Save Our Soil Exhibition |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | As part of the NERC UnEarthed event, I participated in the Save Our Soils exhibition. The purpose was to make the people aware of the key features of soils and their importance. It sparked a lot of interest from the public and schools. Members of the public were able to take a free soil test kit away to test their soils at home, which was very well received. Media and policy makers were also present and visited the exhibition, sparking discussions. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
Description | Soil : Our Buried Treasure |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Over 1000 people attended the workshop which involved learning about the importance of our soils and what we are doing as scientists to protect them. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |