WEGEN World gas Engine GENerator

Lead Participant: OAKTEC LIMITED


UK gas engine specialist OakTec, market leading engine supplier EP Barrus and generator manufacturer Sutton Power are joining forces with world leading anaerobic digestor manufacturer Sistema Biobolsa to develop and test a mini biogas power station to serve agricultural communities in Kenya. The combined technologies will be developed to offer low cost electricity created from farm waste to any off-grid community throughout the world. The project uses Sistema Bio's biogas production technology that has already been adopted by 1500 agricultural enterprises in Kenya and introduces a biogas specific derivation of OakTec's novel gas engine technology to provide an efficient conversion medium to produce reliable electrical power through a Sutton generator. The focus of the project is to harness the attributes of the combined technologies to deliver the most robust, reliable and efficient small-scale bio-generation system in existence, at a cost that is economically attractive to the customers. The project will focus on the many positive benefits that clean low cost energy can bring to the communities it will serve such as health, communication, education, economic development and quality of life.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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