Modeling and Analysis of Higher-Order Switched Linear Systems

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Electronics and Computer Science


Switched linear dynamics arise e.g. in power electronics, distributed power systems, multi-controller schemes, etc.; classically they are modeled by state space equations of the same order. However, such representations may be unnecessarily restrictive or complex: first-principles models are often of higher order, and often the modes often do not really share a common global state space. Consider e.g. distributed power systems, where the loads connected to the source have dynamics of different complexity: the state space changes depending on which loads are actually connected. Modelling such systems using a global state variable results in a more complex model than necessary, reduces modularity, and thus is done mainly to satisfy a priori-defined structural properties.

I am developing a new framework where the dynamical modes are described by systems of higher-order linear constant coefficient differential equations. The system trajectories satisfy these equations on time-intervals determined by a switching signal. "Gluing conditions", i.e. algebraic equations involving the system trajectories and their derivatives before and after the switching instant, specify whether the piecewise restrictions can be concatenated to form an admissible trajectory. This framework is based on polynomial algebra and is thus conducive to the use of computer algebra techniques for modelling, analysis, and control. It is efficient in the number of variables and equations used to model a system, completely modular, and integrates perfectly with hierarchical modelling. The final aim of my research is contributing to the creation of a modelling, simulation and design environment based on a sound mathematical methodology aligned with efficient simulation techniques.

In this framework I obtained encouraging results on Lyapunov stability, but much work remains to be done. I propose here to investigate 3 areas:

- detection of impulsive phenomena:

Gluing conditions may implicitly specify that certain trajectories cannot be concatenated smoothly at switching. This may imply instantaneous surges in the values of the system variables, which may lead to component breakdown. I aim at developing algebraic tests to ascertain when such situations may occur. These tests could be used to detect automatically the presence of impulsive behavior from the equations describing the systems, and thus would be useful for implementing my framework in a computer-aided design environment.

- dissipative switched systems:

I want to extend my framework to open systems and to modelling the interaction between dynamics and environment associated with energy exchange. This is a first step towards the investigation in this new framework of control techniques based on dissipation ideas for switched systems.

- polynomial methods for differential variational inequalities.

In many situations (e.g. in circuits, chemical processes, genetics, hydraulics, etc.) switching depends on the satisfaction of sets of algebraic inequalities, rather than on an external switching signal. Such a point of view can also efficiently overcome the combinatorial complexity associated with modelling transitions via switches. I want to investigate how to represent inequality-based transition rules in a polynomial setting; the well-posedness of solutions in a polynomial setting; the algebraic characterization of stability and the computation of Lyapunov functionals. This is a completely new area of application of polynomial algebraic techniques to the description of dynamical systems.

The three areas described above constitute challenging test fields for the soundness of my approach, and offer the opportunity for developing it further in directions important for applications.

Planned Impact


The relevance of the proposed research for the academic community, both national and international, lies in the absolute originality of the issues considered here. With the exception of a single conference publication recently produced by Prof. S. Trenn of Kaiserslautern, there has been no attempt at developing a higher-order approach to switched systems. Scientifically speaking, the problems we aim to investigate are by and large unexplored, given the narrow scope (state-space systems sharing the same state space) of previous research in this area. Successful results in addressing such issues would thus effect a considerable impact on the switched systems community, and would perhaps contribute to a re-evaluation and a re-alignment of research in this area to problems concerned with real-life situations (such as those posed by power distribution networks, control, genetics, and so forth), rather than academic abstractions thereof.

We plan to increase the impact on the academic community by aiming to publish in top control and systems journals (e.g. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica) and spreading our message in leading international conferences (e.g. IEEE CDC, American Control Conference). National-level seminars will disseminate the project outcomes on a more local basis.


The impact of this research will also be felt outside of academia. Given the importance within the project of the development of algorithms and given our determination on modelling naturally and effectively real switched systems, as opposed to dealing only with academic examples, the relevance of our research for the engineering community is very high. The possibility of modelling in a natural, modular way complex switched systems is important for applications, and our final aim to contribute to an integrated computer-aided design environment for switched systems informs every aspect of our work. Specifically, one of the proposed work packages aims at providing automatic identification of impulsive behaviours in switched systems, an important feature of any design tool. The other work packages aim at developing the theory so as to encompass larger classes of systems, and making use of efficient representations, thus enlarging the scope of application of our approach to more complex systems.

We have especially in our aim to contribute to the modelling and analysis of distributed power networks, that are of increasing importance for environmental and energetic reasons. We believe that our modular, parsimonious and efficient (less variables and less equations) approach has much to recommend itself for in such area, where accurate models for effective simulation are necessary to address the upcoming challenges set by an ageing infrastructure and increased demand. Preliminary contacts with the Electrical Power Engineering group at Southampton, a leader in research concerning distribution and transmission networks, are being further developed so as to provide our framework with a challenging test field for present, current and future research problems and their solution.

We plan to develop software implementing some of the algorithms devised during this research, so as to put them to the test of actual engineering situations, and to provide the scientific and engineering community with computer-algebra-based software tools usable in practice. Such software will be publicly available through the Web pages of the University of Southampton.


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publication icon
Rapisarda P (2016) State-Space Modeling of Two-Dimensional Vector-Exponential Trajectories in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization

Description We have developed a theory of dissipative switched linear systems which is finding application in the modelling analysis and control of micro- and smart-grids, for example in the constant power load problem. We have made good progress in the integration of our modelling and analysis framework with the port-Hamiltonian framework championed by van der Schaft and collaborators; this will bring decisive improvements to our approach, in providing automatic derivation of certain important features of our models directly from first principles.
Exploitation Route We are developing a framework for the analysis and control of large-scale switched linear systems, which can be used to effectively and modularly modelling power grids, simplifying considerably the control of such complex systems. INterest from the power electronics and power distribution community is increasing, and has resulted in the submission of several joint research proposals.
Sectors Electronics


Description We are now capable of modelling and analysing a larger class of switched systems than before. We have now concrete proof that our framework can be used advantageously to control large scale systems such as power grids. The characteristic of modularity, reusability and parsimony exhibited by models in our framework make them advantageous to address crucial issues in power systems, especially those based on renewable energies. There is an increasing interest of the power electronics/power distribution community in our techniques, as evidenced by common research proposals submitted in the last 12 months and being submitted as I write.
First Year Of Impact 2016
Sector Electronics,Energy
Impact Types Cultural

Description Grant application to EPSRC Global Challenges call 
Organisation Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education
Country Mexico 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration arose out of the RAE Newton Grant, to continue our cooperation on scientific and technological issues of interest to Mexican and UK partners. Together with Dr. Scheffer and Dr. Aristidou of the Schol of Electronic and Electrical Engineering of the University of Leeds, and Prof. Mayo-Maldonado of Tecnologico de Monterrey, and in collaboration with my Southampton colleague Dr. Bing Chu, we submitted a proposal to the Global Challenges EPSRC call for collaboration with Mexico. The proposal was aimed at developing an intelligent low-cost power-to-grid interface for congestion relief in weak distribution networks. We proposed a low-cost way of addressing several issues arising from the integration of renewable energies in the MExican energy system, and from the liberalisation reforms recently initiated there.
Collaborator Contribution Together with Dr. Scheffer and Dr. Aristidou of the Schol of Electronic and Electrical Engineering of the University of Leeds, and Prof. Mayo-Maldonado of Tecnologico de Monterrey, and in collaboration with my Southampton colleague Dr. Bing Chu, we submitted a proposal to the Global Challenges EPSRC call for collaboration with Mexico.
Impact Unfortunately the proposal was not funded, but we plan to continue our collaboration and submit further proposals.
Start Year 2016
Description Grant application to EPSRC Global Challenges call 
Organisation University of Leeds
Department School of Healthcare
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration arose out of the RAE Newton Grant, to continue our cooperation on scientific and technological issues of interest to Mexican and UK partners. Together with Dr. Scheffer and Dr. Aristidou of the Schol of Electronic and Electrical Engineering of the University of Leeds, and Prof. Mayo-Maldonado of Tecnologico de Monterrey, and in collaboration with my Southampton colleague Dr. Bing Chu, we submitted a proposal to the Global Challenges EPSRC call for collaboration with Mexico. The proposal was aimed at developing an intelligent low-cost power-to-grid interface for congestion relief in weak distribution networks. We proposed a low-cost way of addressing several issues arising from the integration of renewable energies in the MExican energy system, and from the liberalisation reforms recently initiated there.
Collaborator Contribution Together with Dr. Scheffer and Dr. Aristidou of the Schol of Electronic and Electrical Engineering of the University of Leeds, and Prof. Mayo-Maldonado of Tecnologico de Monterrey, and in collaboration with my Southampton colleague Dr. Bing Chu, we submitted a proposal to the Global Challenges EPSRC call for collaboration with Mexico.
Impact Unfortunately the proposal was not funded, but we plan to continue our collaboration and submit further proposals.
Start Year 2016
Description Course by Prof. Sira-Ramirez on "Algebraic methods for nonlinear system identification" 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The course consisted of six two-hourly lectures for staff and postgraduate students. The course was well attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description One-day workshop in honour of Prof. Sira-Ramirez 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The speakers were: K. Glover (Univ. Cambridge), N. Karcanias (City Univ. London), C. Edwards (Leicester), D. Shona-Laila (Univ. Southampton), B. Chu (Univ. Southampton), P.
Rapisarda (Univ. Southampton), H. Sira (CINVESTAV-IPN).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Seminar at CINVESTAV-Guadalajara 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Staff of CINVESTAV-Guadalajara and Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara, together with their postgraduate students, attended my seminar (together with J.C. Mayo-Maldonado, of Tecnologico de Monterrey) on "Switched linear differential systems".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Seminar at Exeter University by J. Mayo-Maldonado and P. Rapisarda 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The talk was about Modular Modelling of Power Systems. The visit was motivated also by the presence of a power group at Exeter with particular interest in modelling renewable energy systems. Discussions were initiated for joint proposals, one of which is being submitted to the EPSRC UK-China ORE call.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Seminar at University of SOuthampton by J. Mayo-Maldonado 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Prof. Mayo-Maldonado gave a talk on HVDC power transmission. The talk was well attended.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Short course at CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Six one- or two-hour lectures (depending on the topic) were given to postgraduate students at CINVESTAV-IPN, on "The behavioural approach to modelling and control". The titles were:

1) Models and behaviors

2) Polynomial matrices

3) Latent variables and the state

4) Interconnection and control

5) Deterministic identification

6) Quadratic- and bilinear differential forms
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016