CESCAIL - Capsule Endoscopy delivery at SCale through enhanced AI anaLysis


Our aim is to help eradicate bowel cancer and improve treatment for a wide range of gastrointestinal diseases through integrated solutions for prevention, early detection, and diagnosis.

CorporateHealth International's (CHI) primary product is a tele-endoscopy managed service: Capsule Endoscopy (CE) to visualise the bowel with a swallowable camera and provide a full evaluation to determine bowel cancer risk, diagnose GI symptoms, and precisely decide on optimal follow-up -- if any. This service can be delivered in any setting, from outpatient to self-administration.

Currently, CHI is the single service provider for NHS Scotland in a partnership with the CE manufacturer Medtronic, and only commercial company to offer this managed service across Europe. NHS England is evaluating their approach to deploy CE, potentially offering CHI a broad market entry.

Video analysis is a resource-intensive process, relying on expert nurses and doctors that inspect up to 400,000 images for suspicious findings in a 2-stage process taking up to 2 hours for a high-quality report.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the promise that this process can be made much more efficient while increasing overall accuracy.

CHI is in a unique position to create Machine Learning (ML) data for a Neural Network-based AI solution as well as to have the organizational flexibility to make use of that AI within our operational environment.

Since January 2019, CHI has been partnering with multiple companies, academics, and NHS organizations in the Innovate UK-sponsored project AID-GI to develop such an AI system.

AID-GI concludes February 28, 2021 with a prototype, ready to be used alongside standard operations.

Our project is therefore looking to leverage the prototype to conduct all necessary clinical trials for certification, harden the software to achieve medical device Class IIa status and further improve the breadth and accuracy of the AI system.

The outcome should then be an AI-led process that reduces the average video analysis time to under 30 minutes. In turn that reduces resource requirements to make a truly large-scale service possible. What would take 100 weeks to recruit to address the UK market opportunity, can then be done in 10 weeks.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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