Total Diet Study Exposure
Lead Research Organisation:
Quadram Institute
Department Name: UNLISTED
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
Technical Summary
Total Diet Studies (TDS; TDSEXPOSURE) facilitate risk assessment (RA) and health monitoring (HM) by obtaining information on real dietary exposure to food contaminants consumption and estimating chronic exposure to pesticide residues in food and food additives intake. TDS consider total exposure from whole diets and are based on food contamination as consumed rather than contamination from raw commodities, thus ensuring a realistic exposure measure. Some EU Member States (MS) and Candidate Countries (CC) have no TDS programme or use various methods to collect data, which were not examined yet to tell whether they are comparable or not. This is of interest for European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and WHO-FAO. Similarly it is important to harmonise methods to assess dietary exposure risks in MS, CC and at the European level compared with other world regions. The methods proposed will aim for food sampling, standard analytical procedures, exposure assessment modelling, priority foods and selected chemical contaminants consistency across MS and CC. Various approaches and methods to identify sampling and analyses will be assessed and best practice defined. Contaminants and foods which contribute most to total exposure in European populations will be defined. Priority will be given to training and support in EU MS and CC currently without TDS. It will demonstrate best practice in creating a TDS programme using harmonised methods in regions previously lacking TDS, and ensure consistency of data collected. A database will be set up describing existing EU studies and collating harmonised exposure measures and designed to allow risk assessors and managers handling dietary exposure more accurately and more specifically. The project will spread excellence in TDS throughout stakeholders and establish a legacy of harmonised methods for sampling and analysis, and science-based recommendations for future global studies.
Planned Impact
- Quadram Institute (Lead Research Organisation)
- Edmund Mach Foundation (Collaboration)
- Technical University of Munich (Collaboration)
- University College Dublin (Collaboration)
- Agency for the Promotion of European Research (Collaboration)
- Scale Focus (Collaboration)
- National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) (Collaboration)
- National Research Council (Collaboration)
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Collaboration)
- Nutritics (Collaboration)
- International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) (Collaboration)
- National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM) (Collaboration)
- University of Ghent (Collaboration)
- Premotech GMBH (Collaboration)
- University of Florence (Collaboration)
- Wageningen University & Research (Collaboration)
- Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) (Collaboration)
- ISEKI-Food Association (Collaboration)
- The Hyve (Collaboration)
- RTDS Association (Collaboration)
- The European Federation of Food Science and Technology (Collaboration)
- IMDEA Research Institute on Food & Health Sciences (Collaboration)
- GS1 (Collaboration)
- Capacity Development in Nutrition Research (Collaboration)
- European Food Information Resource (Collaboration)
- Institute Josef Stefan (Collaboration)
- Technical University of Denmark (Collaboration)
- Maastricht University (UM) (Collaboration)
- Harokopio University (Collaboration)
- University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Collaboration)
People |
Paul Finglas (Principal Investigator) |
Albuquerque TG
Traditional foods from the Black Sea region as a potential source of minerals.
in Journal of the science of food and agriculture
Bell S
Towards a European food composition data interchange platform.
in International journal for vitamin and nutrition research. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Vitamin- und Ernahrungsforschung. Journal international de vitaminologie et de nutrition
Casala E
Monitoring and addressing trends in dietary exposure to micronutrients through voluntarily fortified foods in the European Union
in Trends in Food Science & Technology
Coelho I
Experimental approaches for the estimation of uncertainty in analysis of trace inorganic contaminants in foodstuffs by ICP-MS.
in Food chemistry
Di Lorenzo C
Adverse effects of plant food supplements and botanical preparations: a systematic review with critical evaluation of causality.
in British journal of clinical pharmacology
Duffy ME
Biomarker responses to folic acid intervention in healthy adults: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
in The American journal of clinical nutrition
Finglas PM
Assessing and improving the quality of food composition databases for nutrition and health applications in Europe: the contribution of EuroFIR.
in Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.)
Gurinovic M
Establishment and advances in the online Serbian food and recipe data base harmonized with EuroFIRâ„¢ standards.
in Food chemistry
Description | The immediate impact of TDS-EXPOSURE has been the creation of an information system for TDS and exposure assessment software for food contaminants, which will be useful for risk assessors and risk managers for existing EU TDSs. The majority of organisations currently responsible for EU TDS (CZ, FR, IE, IT, UK, ES, NL etc.) are engaged with TDS-EXPOSURE, and one work package was entirely dedicated to building a resource (FoodCASE-Risk) to meet users' need and managing existing data. To estimate exposure accurately, TDS-EXPOSURE has improved and adapted MCRA software for exposure and risk assessment. MCRA includes new functionality to address uncertainties in the TDS approach and estimate the impact of mitigation measures to be set by risk managers in case the exposure levels are exceeding acceptable daily intakes. Practical instructions on how to use MCRA in the perspective of a harmonised approach are provided. This will impact and facilitate future decision to be made by the Codex Alimentarius and the European risk managers based on TDS data. TDS-EXPOSURE has established a European TDS Network including specialists in the implementation of TDS methodology for countries currently without TDS. With 26 participants in 19 countries, including four countries outside the EU, TDS-EXPOSURE benefited from participation of teams managing national TDS as well as invited experts from WHO and FAO, which have provided TDS training for more than 20 years. Together with harmonisation of TDS methods, these outputs will enable better understanding of food safety determinants, improve food safety, and help set priorities in public health policies across Europe in the long term. It will also allow monitoring of trends and verification of subsequent behaviour. Similarly, for public health, the expected impact is better knowledge of contaminant exposure from the diet amongst populations and, as a consequence, improved protection of Europeans through regulations and other means. For EU Member States with TDS, benchmarking of exposure to food contaminants will focus efforts on the most important public health topics. For food/ agriculture producers, the European food industry, and food distribution and service sectors, the expected impacts are information about high priority food contaminants and foods contributing to population exposure, which will facilitate efficient allocation of chemical food safety budgets and better target risk management (e.g., Hazards Analysis of Critical Control Point). For consumer associations and non-governmental organisations, TDS-EXPOSURE has contributed to delivery of transparent public information on chemical food risks, helping to ensure only foods with a favourable risk assessment, measured using harmonised approaches, are available for consumption throughout the European Union, especially cross-border. For scientists, TDS-EXPOSURE tools and resources offer a unique opportunity to test hypotheses, and integrate results with food and health research. For instance, TDS-EXPOSURE food contamination data can be used in epidemiological studies whilst differences in exposure amongst countries can be used in epidemiological geographical studies. Economists can also use TDS-EXPOSURE outputs in cost benefit analysis because they provide information applicable to risk and benefit assessment. |
Exploitation Route | TDS-Exposure outputs have contributed to the development of further initiatives, including the MetroFood research infrastructure, the Food Nutrition and Security Cloud project (Horizon 2020) and the Food, Nutrition and Health Research Infrastructure initiative, which will be submitted to ESFRI in 2020. In the FNS-Cloud project, TDS datasets and the MCRA tool will be further developed to create user services that will be tested via a Demonstrator. The immediate impact of TDS-Exposure has been the creation of an information system for TDS and exposure assessment software for food contaminants, which will be useful for risk assessors and risk managers, but also the dissemination of common methodology and quality tools. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink |
URL | |
Description | The immediate impact of TDS-Exposure has been the creation of an information system for TDS and exposure assessment software for food contaminants, which will be useful for risk assessors and risk managers for existing EU TDSs. The majority of organisations currently responsible for EU TDS (CZ, FR, IE, IT, UK, ES, NL etc.) were engaged in TDS-Exposure, and one work package was entirely dedicated to building a resource (FoodCASE-Risk) to meet users' needs and managing existing data. To support accurate estimation of exposure, TDS-Exposure has improved and adapted MCRA software. MCRA includes new functionalities to address uncertainties in the TDS approach and estimate the impact of mitigation measures set by risk managers in cases where exposure levels exceed acceptable daily intakes. Practical instructions on how to use MCRA from the perspective of a harmonised approach are provided. This will impact and facilitate future decisions to be made by the Codex Alimentarius and the European risk managers based on TDS data. For public health, the impact is better knowledge of contaminant exposure from the diet amongst populations and, as a consequence, improved protection of Europeans through regulations and other means. For EU Member States with TDS, benchmarking of exposure to food contaminants will focus efforts on the most important public health topics. For food/ agriculture producers, the European food industry, and food distribution and service sectors, the impacts are information about high priority food contaminants and foods contributing to population exposure, which will facilitate efficient allocation of chemical food safety budgets and better targeted risk management (e.g., Hazards Analysis of Critical Control Point). For consumer associations and non-governmental organisations, TDS-Exposure has contributed to delivery of transparent public information on chemical food risks, helping to ensure only foods with a favourable risk assessment, measured using harmonised approaches, are available for consumption throughout the European Union, especially cross-border. For scientists, TDS-Exposure tools and resources offer a unique opportunity to test hypotheses, and integrate results with food and health research. For instance, TDS-Exposure food contamination data can be used in epidemiological studies whilst differences in exposure amongst countries can be used in epidemiological geographical studies. Economists can also use TDS-Exposure outputs in cost-benefit analyses because they provide information applicable to risk and benefit assessment. |
First Year Of Impact | 2017 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink |
Impact Types | Policy & public services |
Description | EuroFIR |
Organisation | European Food Information Resource |
Country | Belgium |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We contribute with proving harmonised UK food composition data to the European Food Data Platform with other European countries, which is hosted and maintained by EuroFIR, and expert knowledge to the various technical working groups. This provides greater exposure and access to our data across Europe and internationally especially for policy makers and regulators such as EFSA, DG SANTE, WHO and FAO INFOODS. |
Collaborator Contribution | The EuroFIR partners covers other food database compiler organizations in Europe and internationally and we work to produce better harmonised data that can be sued to support food and nutrition research and policy, as well as meeting the needs of the food industry and SMEs. There are several technical working groups that member experts contribute to covering data standardization and interoperability, food description and thesauri, recipe calculations and branded foods. WE are also developing a common food composition database management system (FoodCASE) that is currently used by about 10 countries. |
Impact | Several technical reports, talks and papers such as; "Development, features and application of DIET ASSESS & PLAN (DAP) software in supporting public health nutrition research in Central Eastern European Countries (CEEC)" Food chemistry, 2018 "EuroFIR Guideline on calculation of nutrient content of foods for food business operators", Food chemistry, 2018 "Specialized food composition dataset for vitamin D content in foods based on European standards: Application to dietary intake assessment" Food chemistry, 2018 Also, EuroFIR are Multidisciplinary food composition experts, food, nutrition and data scientists, ICT and software engineers, dietitians and health professionals. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Agency for the Promotion of European Research |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Country | Greece |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Capacity Development in Nutrition Research |
Country | Serbia |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Edmund Mach Foundation |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | European Food Information Resource |
Country | Belgium |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | GS1 |
Department | GS1 Slovenia |
Country | Slovenia |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Harokopio University |
Country | Greece |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | IMDEA Research Institute on Food & Health Sciences |
Country | Spain |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | ISEKI-Food Association |
Country | Austria |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Institute Josef Stefan |
Country | Slovenia |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) |
Department | European Branch |
Country | Belgium |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Maastricht University (UM) |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM) |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | National Research Council |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Nutritics |
Country | Ireland |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Premotech GMBH |
Country | Switzerland |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | RTDS Association |
Country | Austria |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Scale Focus |
Country | Bulgaria |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Technical University of Denmark |
Country | Denmark |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Technical University of Munich |
Country | Germany |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | The European Federation of Food Science and Technology |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | The Hyve |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | University College Dublin |
Country | Ireland |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | University of Florence |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | University of Ghent |
Country | Belgium |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | University of Reading |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | University of Wales Trinity Saint David |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Food & Nutrition Security Cloud Project (FNS-Cloud) |
Organisation | Wageningen University & Research |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Paul Finglas is the Scientific Coordinator for the project, which is managed by the RTDS team in Austria. QIB also leads WP5 (Demonstrators) and has roles in all other main WPs. In WP4, the QIB team is undertaking an intervention study looking at the effect of high/low bioavailability diets on microbiome diversity. |
Collaborator Contribution | The consortium consists of 35 partners in total with a range of different roles in the project. RTDS is the project co-ordinator and manages the Executive Board, which consists of the other WP leaders (PMT, JSI, UCD, QIB, EuroFIR, UWTSD, Javier de la Cueva). Consortium partners lead and contribute to a range of different tasks, bringing data to, or generating data specifically for, the FNS-Cloud. ICT specialist partners will design and implement the architecture of the food cloud, which aims to federate FNS data and make it openly accessible. |
Impact | The project started in October 2019, so there have been limited outcomes thus far. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | "Curent needs and future directions for TDS Studies in Europe" - TDS-Exposure Food Composition and Exposure Assessment Workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | TDS-Exposure: "Curent needs and future directions for TDS Studies in Europe" - Brussels, Belgium - 25 March 2015 TDS-Exposure Food Composition and Exposure Assessment Workshop |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015 |
Description | Current needs and future directions for TDS Studies in Europe, TDS-Exposure Food Composition and Exposure Assessment Workshop |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Industry/Business |
Results and Impact | Finglas P. M.(2015) TDS-Exposure: "Current needs and future directions for TDS Studies in Europe" - Brussels, Belgium - 25 March 2015 TDS-Exposure Food Composition and Exposure Assessment Workshop - EuroFIR Food Forum, Brussels, 23-27 March 2015 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015 |
Description | Mapping food identification and classification systems, TDS SC & WP Meetings, Utrecht, The Netherlands |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | WP5 Task 5.3 Mapping food identification and classification systems, TDS SC & WP Meetings, Utrecht, The Netherlands - 22nd - 25th September 2014 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2014 |
Description | TDS Exposure Final Meeting, Anses in Maisons Alfort |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | TDS Exposure Final Meeting, Anses in Maisons Alfort |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2016 |
Description | TDS MATIS Review, Reykjavik, Iceland - 14th & 15th January 2015 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | TDS MATIS Review, Reykjavik, Iceland - 14th & 15th January 2015 |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015 |