Improving access and Capacity of clinical education



WardWatch is an App that connects medical students and staff with learning opportunities round the hospital. Teachers can create learning events, students are notified in real time and book in. Both teachers and students have a record of learning and give instant feedback. That information informs the delivery of education with insight and evidence-based data.

Key issues

• Communication: Clinical services are under pressure, which makes balancing service provision and education increasingly challenging. The increased patient numbers present more learning opportunities, but the learning environment is challenging for all at present.

• Capacity: Learning is conducted on the wards more than ever before, it's not only doctors looking for teaching resources, but nurses, physician associates and advanced nurse practitioners. Opportunities are numerous but ensuring all students get the experience they need requires communication and information to manage it.

• Covid-19: This has significantly changed the way learning can be delivered in hospitals. Providing an on-line module to deliver live streamed sessions in addition to bed-side teaching will allow teaching to continue without compromising student and staff safety.

A Solution

WardWatch alerts students to learning opportunities in real time, allowing them to take ownership, to book and manage learning on their schedule. This may include being made aware of learning in departments they ordinarily wouldn't go to, or even a notification of something happening on the next ward. Giving and receiving instant feedback not only rewards the students and trainees, but also serves as an indicator of teaching delivery and quality. This information highlights demand, areas for improvement and excellence which allows for evidence-based support in learning delivery.

WardWatch has already been used in several successful trials in a large teaching hospital and has a road map for development at scale. We are committed to helping students and staff navigate these extraordinary times supporting teams within hospitals and helping build capacity to capture the learning available on every ward and clinic.


Our extension for impact will add 2 areas of additional deliverables, first to produce a detailed strategic plan and market analysis, the second to create commercial documentation which can be used to present the platform to new and potential customers, both of which will significantly help with the impact and speed to market for the Wardwatch platform.
Healthcare is very focussed on ensuring that any new innovation is carefully assessed and validated, providing high level insight before a decision to purchase is made. We will engage with our existing network, new potential customers and professional bodies to review their specific needs and ensure that the platform will meet these needs and deliver the improved access and capacity of clinical education they require. In order to scale the adoption of Wardwatch new commercial marketing materials including the product description, applications, features and benefits will also be created allowing more rapid introduction of the platform.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

WARDWATCH LIMITED £66,875 £ 66,875


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