Feasibility study - The coloured brain: a photorealistic virtual model of living brain tissue
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Bradford
Department Name: Faculty of Life Sciences
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
Ap Cenydd L
Realistic visualization of living brain tissue.
in Studies in health technology and informatics
Ap Cenydd L
Visualizing the surface of a living human brain.
in IEEE computer graphics and applications
Schofield A
Understanding images in biological and computer vision
in Interface Focus
Walter A
Why do coloured filters improve vision?
in Journal of Vision
Description | We conclude that using a carefully obtained BRDF (which only has to be acquired once) to create images of the brain's surface increases the images' realism. To obtain the parameters that we used for the BRDF renderings, visit http://medical-imaging.org.uk/cbrain. |
Exploitation Route | Developing more realistic model for medical training. |
Sectors | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Education Healthcare Culture Heritage Museums and Collections |
URL | http://medical-imaging.org.uk/cbrain |