Manufacture and sale of colour coded washable face masks



Britton Manufacturing Ltd trading as Amy Britton Harris Tweed(r) Accessories is an independent Scottish manufacturer of contemporary Harris Tweed(r) Accessories, created from a love of textiles and design. All products are designed and handmade in Scotland and all are manufactured to the highest quality by our team in Stirling.

**'Washable' Range of Facemasks**

Development and production of a washable facemask set. A facemask that with a social media campaign will make wearing a face mask socially acceptable.

Sold as a multiple set of colour coded washable facemasks in a variety of sizes for adults or children. These can then be put straight into the washing machine. The colour coding will allow household members to identify their own set.

This is an innovative and environmental solution to a PPE shortage and expected societal change over the coming year as the country moves from lock-down to a new form of business as usual.

The extension for Impact funding will be utilised to allow the facemasks to be certified as Community face coverings and potentially medical face masks under European guidance to promote consumer confidence in the performance of the covering and support health and care workers.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



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