Proof of Market for a novel graphene gas sensor

Lead Participant: JASON CHEHAL


Gas sensors are attracting interest because of their extensive applications in industry,
environmental monitoring, space exploration and pharmaceutics.
Recent developments in nanotechnology have created huge potential to build highly sensitive,
low cost, portable sensors with low power consumption.
In order to achieve the ultimate in sensitivity a gas sensor is required which is capable of
detecting a single molecule. This has already been achievable using graphene, a sheet of
carbon a single atom thick.
Taking advantage of graphene's sensitivity to its environment is a first step to fabricate
efficient gas sensors however there are still practical challenges in making an ultrasensitive
sensor which can be scaled up for industry applications.
A field effect transistor is the most common technique that uses PN junctions to enhance
nanosensor sensitivity and selectivity.
The project will deliver a new route to the fabrication of PN junctions using graphene. This is
the most basic building block for all microelectronic devices, solar cells and other potential
energy generating devices. The innovation involves the formation of a graphene pn junction
without the use of a resist to pattern the surface.
In this project we investigate the potential market impact of this novel graphene PN junction
as an effective way to achieve high quality gas sensors.
The results from the proof of market will either strongly suggest that this new route to
manufacture of a PN junction is unlikeley to lead to any commercial opportunities, in which
case utililising further research institute money will be virtually impossible, or it will suggest
that it will likely have a market impact in which case the research institutes will be interested.
This project could ultimately lead to a future of smaller, faster and cheaper electronics leading
to societal & economic benefits. As well as providing an efficient way of collecting solar
energy leading to environmental benefits.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

JASON CHEHAL £10,000 £ 6,000




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