InnoVatIve processing Technologies for bio-based foAmed thermopLastics


VITAL aims to generate fundamental knowledge and expertise that will underpin future European activities to substitute existing synthetic thermoplastics with those from bio-based sources and in so doing, enable the European the polymer processing sector to achieve a paradigm shift towards bio-based alternatives for cleaner, more climate neutral industrial value chains. This will be achieved through the development of thermoplastic foaming processes, combined with smart digital control approaches, that will enable bio-based thermoplastics to be processed both on traditional processing equipment (for foam injection moulding and bead foaming) as well as developing a globally unique 3D printing approach for foamed thermoplastics. These processing technologies represent three 'value chains'. In addition, bio-based thermoplastic mechanical recycling developments will underpin progression of engineering applications towards a 'Circularity by Design' approach. The knowledge produced will be widely disseminated through various conduits, including a Learning Factory that aims to give access to pilot scale industrial lines for each of the 3 value chains in order to reduce the risk for industry for adoption of the technologies. VITAL brings together a world-leading consortium consisting of industrial processors and equipment manufacturers along with end-user partners from the automotive, electronics and marine sectors and leading research and technologies organisationsfrom across Europe. The 6 use casesin VITAL combine to addressthe expected outcomes, and create pathways to mitigate ~75,000 tonnes CO2 eq/year from fossil-based materials through a conversion to bio-based materials. The consortium along with the Advisory board will provide a multiplier effect to broaden these impacts with further applications and uses. VITAL's disruptive approaches will help industrial adoption by addressing the cost-challenges of bio-based materials by optimising processing and material use.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



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