Solarizing food and food processing for emerging markets


VIA is a UK based organization that helps deliver poverty-alleviating micro infrastructure to low income communities in developing countries. "Solarizing Food" will help to improve the efficiency and cost of the solar powered mills that have been brought to market with our partner Such mills reduce reliance on diesel mills and manual processing of crops, mostly by women, that takes up to 1 hour per day. In addition, VIA will bring to market solar electric insulated pot cookers, that can reduce reliance on unsustainable fuels such as charcoal, wood, kerosene and gas. The project will run from September 2019 to August 2022 and will help deliver 550 mills and 550 cookers to market for thorough field testing via a two-stage process of 50 alpha and 500 beta product designs in two 18-month periods. The project will also aim to raise at least GBP 500,000 in cofunding from interested partners - please contact us on if this is of interest.


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