No-code platform to understand and connect to any Insurance API increasing efficency in the insurance industry

Lead Participant: LOTHEA LTD


Our project is focused on solving the very manual process that brokers follow when transfering the data to insurers. £57.7bn or 92% of all commercial insurance in the UK is arranged through an insurance broker. Brokers use a risk assessment questionnaire to collect data from their clients which varies from a few to 40 pages. That data is transferred to insurers via pdfs, spreadsheets, and insurer web-portals resulting in days for a customer to get a quote and errors introduced. This process is time consuming: brokers spend 56% of their time on administrative tasks according to the Chartered Insurance Institute.

Our innovation is a no/low-code SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) platform that enables brokers to digitally pass data to any insurer through any API. Our technology will ingest an API and then expose the ingested API in a User Interface, allowing brokers to use the platform to build the connectivity with that API with no coding skills required.

Normally building the API connectivity requires developers and results in costs upwards of £10,000\. We enable brokers to build the connectivity themselves so they don't pay the costs of hiring developers to write the API connectivity.

Our ultimate goal is to enable insurance brokers to go fully digital, allowing brokers to focus on their clients rather than administrative tasks.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

LOTHEA LTD £243,362 £ 170,353




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