Optimisation of Microbial Electrolysis Cells Through Computational Modelling

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Sch of Engineering


Wastewater treatment accounts for 21 billion kWh of electrical consumption per year, yet wastewater typical contains 7.6 kJ/L of energy. Developments of strategies and technologies to effectively capture energy from the wastewater treatment (WWT) process is a fundamental step to obtaining a low carbon future for the water industry. Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) could be a feasible method to reduce energy demand at WWT plants, recapturing energy from the wastewater either directly as electricity or as products such as hydrogen. These MECs have similar structures to classical electrochemical systems containing parts such as anodes and cathodes, however major differences lie in how the systems operate, and the scale at which they would need to do so. Furthermore rather than being purely a chemical system MECs rely on microorganisms to act as a biocatalyst to convert chemical energy into electricity or other usable resources forming a bioelectrochemical system. Currently these systems have been developed and tested for small scales and show promising results but have not been built at scales comparable to treatment plants, mainly due to financial costs and unpredictability of microbial communities.

Although a number of models for the simulation of MECs have been produced, these are mostly focused on replication and modelling of lab scale experiments. While production of small scale models is fundamental to aid with design and overall understanding, there is still need for larger scale development to assess and optimise MECs implementation at a scale comparable to that of a treatment plant. The main aim and overall goal of this project is to develop a large scale mathematical model that will accurately simulate MECs in a wastewater treatment setting. Once this has been developed focus can then be shifted into optimisation of this implementation, including adjustment of cell layout and size while considering optimisation of design parameters. This would primarily focus on maximisation of substrate removal alongside current production via optimal control or other optimisation algorithms. Development of such a model will allow for quick and easy testing of potential designs, removing the need to build and test un-optimised layouts, further reducing the cost overhead of testing these systems. While a model cannot remove the need for physical testing, it can be used as a highly effective tool throughout the design process.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/R51309X/1 30/09/2018 29/09/2023
2127197 Studentship EP/R51309X/1 30/09/2018 29/10/2022 Jordan Day
Description A two-dimensional model which is capable of simulating a large volume microbial fuel or electrolysis cell has been developed. This uses fluid dynamics, combined with a model replicating bioelectrochemical interactions within an electroactive biofilm to simulate operation on a wastewater treatment plant. We are able to measure the current production, biofilm composition and treatment rates of a wide range of potential designs, with only the best-performing systems being developed. Overall this reduced the financial overhead required with constructing large scale microbial fuel or electrolysis cells for wastewater treatment. Work is still being conducted on optimisation of these designs and attempting to find an optimal flow speed for a given influent concentration while maximising removal and current production.
Exploitation Route This model has been developed with a particular geometry in mind, as such this model can be directly applied to this existing reactor. Allowing for smaller alterations to be made which could boost reactor performance. In terms of wider impact, this has developed a foundation for combining fluid dynamics with bioelectrochemical models for pilot scale work. In theory, the electrochemical system can be adjusted and improved to account for a wider number of chemical reactions occurring, increasing the mode accuracy. Finally, these developments can be used to further optimise resource recovery within the wastewater treatment process.
Sectors Environment
