Superconducting Ferromagnetic Metamaterials Enabling the Development of Resilient High Voltage / High Current Transmission Systems

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leicester
Department Name: Engineering


The need for a technological breakthrough in high voltage power transmission lines for resilient and environmentally friendly urban grids, as well as for the transport of power over long distances from renewable energy sources to load centers, is an undeniable reality that needs to be addressed today. Of course, this is the case if we want to cope with the demand of electric power and massive electric vehicle use expected in the next few decades. SUPERFEM responds to this need by proposing a new set of novel metamaterials which brings together the outstanding electric characteristics of High Temperature Superconducting materials (HTS) with, the shielding magnetic properties of Soft Ferromagnetic layers (SFM), introducing them in the design of power conductors for HVDC and three-phase HVAC networks with nearly zero magnetic leakages and power losses. It is already known that although the HTS conductors offer unbeatable performance features for each one of these networks, their benefits are certainly true when single cables or isolated current-phases are considered, as the large inductive losses produced by any neighbouring cable can be neglected. However, as the electric utility industry for generation and end usage are almost exclusively AC, for three phase power systems or DC systems which will have to share the right of way with them, the reality is that the major factor contributing to the operational costs of HTS networks is the losses produced by the magnetic field created by each one of the other cables, a situation that can only be understood by the numerical modelling of these kind of applications, as the occurrence of hysteretic power losses needs to be calculated to the fore.

For the modelling of real power applications of HTS single- and three-phase power transmission lines, a conductor is more than just the HTS material, and in this sense two major types of insulation schemes for retrofitting underground power transmission lines with HTS conductors, the Warm dielectric (W-) and Cold dielectric (C-) designs will be considered, with the novel feature of adding HTS/SFM metastructures to reduce the hysteretic losses of the entire system. In a first stage, we will embed a multifilamentary HTS cable into SFM sheaths, such that the magnetization losses produced by the concomitant action of co-axial cables is reduced or, virtually eliminated, without the need of having further HTS shields which also serve as an additional source of power losses. Similar metastructures have been demonstrated to enhance the mechanical properties of HTS cables, but its electromagnetic behaviour for different superconducting and ferromagnetic composites and their overall performance under three-phase or DC multiconductor configurations is unknown. We aim to study different magnetic sheaths for HTS/SFM warm conductors into the actual commercial market of SFMs for power applications. In this sense, 33 different SFM materials with relative magnetic permeability ranging from ~1 to 35000 will be considered as part of this project, leading to the world's first map of AC-losses for single phase HTS/SFM transmission lines. This will be then extended to triaxial and triad designs of warm and cold dielectric transmission lines, finding the best route of investment for this technology with a significant cost reduction and efficiency gain as the primary targets.

The research proposed in this project is the first of its kind on the search of energy-efficient and resilient transmission networks, which in the long term aims to mitigate costs of grid reinforcement, replacement and upgrade of fault limiters and other power management devices, with greater levels of public acceptance and lowering of installation costs, due their reduced need for use of the right of way in highly populated areas.

Planned Impact

Opening up the deployment of solutions for improving the flexibility, resilience, and available capacity of the UK and pan-European electricity networks at high voltage levels, in coexistent DC and AC grids, is one of the greatest challenges that SUPERFEM aims to tackle. Its impact will be reflected by the developing of advance computational platforms for novel and cost-effective designs of multiconductor and three-phase power transmission lines taking advantage of the benefits invoked by the so-called HTS/SFM metastructures. In this sense, not only a large range of academic beneficiaries can be identified due to the interdisciplinary nature of this proposal, but in a long term major economic and societal impacts should be attained by the de-risking of public investments on the upgrading of the transmission and distribution networks, through the identification, optimization, and computational validation of highly efficient superconducting wires.

The list of our potential economic and societal beneficiaries is vast and well connected. Immediate economic impacts are being recognised within the grid stakeholders, and operators addressing the integration of renewables and other new electricity producers and users. At the same time we expect major societal impacts to be derived by the maintaining or balancing of power flows, the easier installation and voltage control strategies that can be implemented with the superconducting cables, and the maintaining or enhancing service quality, reliability and security of the power system.

In SUPERFEM, the semi-analytical methods and the computational tools to be developed for the understanding of conventional high temperature superconducting cables for HVDC and HVAC systems, together with the devising of new cable architectures supported by HTS/SFM metastructures, will be both used to demonstrate the viability of these technologies in urban or suburban networks, currently experiencing serious limitations on their right-of-way. The transmission cables to be developed by SUPERFEM weigh far less per unit length than their conventional counterparts. This fact allows an easier an cost-effective installation of overhead transmission lines, with their major beneficiaries being located in rural areas. However, we anticipate that the outcomes of our study, which all will be released through high impact journals and our equal participation in major energy conferences, will all have a greater impact on the upgrading of architectures for underground multiconductor and three-phase power networks. This is certainly our case, unless overhead rights-of-way costs will become sufficiently low, and the growing public resistance to overhead lines due to aesthetic issues and concerns for property values is ignored by policy-makers and government agencies, such that our designs for single phase isolated transmission lines might develop automatic paths of impact in the devising of overhead transmission lines.

We will simultaneously help to develop the competitiveness of UK in the ultimate upgrading of the power grid, which is currently challenged by the development of superconducting power transmission networks in cities such as Tokio-Japan, Essen-Germany, and the cities of Chicago and New York in the USA. A further reduction of the environmental and electromagnetic pollution impacts that is created by the extended use of conventional cables is also one of the primordial benefits of our HTS/SFM technology. For this reason, since the early stage of development, SUPERFEM focus on the reduction of magnetic leakages, and the further estimation of total hysteretic losses in a large set of novel transmission cables. Altogether, our results will work as a benchmark for the facilitation of cryogenic facilities capable to stand for the continuous operation of direct or alternating current in the superconducting power cables, and the mitigation of capital and operational costs for grid modernization.


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Description We have released the world's first map for the AC-losses of practical single-phase High Temperature Superconducting (SC) / Soft Ferromagnetic (SFM) Metastructures for the distribution or transmission of electricity. All commercially available SFM materials have been researched, discovering that for relative magnetic permeabilities beyond 100, no further increment nor reduction of the energy losses in SC sheathed samples by SFM layers can be achieved. In fact, SFM sheaths with higher magnetic permeabilities have resulted in a negative impact on the performance of the SC wire, providing a sound demonstration of why all previous attempts to reduce the energy losses of superconducting wires embedded into ferromagnetic coatings has failed. Moreover, we have discovered the sole addition of a ferromagnetic layer is not sufficient to lower the energy losses of the cable, as a significant increment on the electric field can occur nearby the superconducting filaments. Therefore, an additional insulating layer is added between the cable matrix and the ferromagnetic sheath, reducing thence the formation of eddy currents, and consequently leading to a nearly perfect (90-95%) magnetic decoupling between the superconducting filaments, with no added eddy current losses in the cable matrix. This therefore has demonstrated that a maximum reduction of energy losses in multifilamentary wires can be achieved with an adequate multilayer metastructured design.
Additionally, we have researched not only MgB2-based superconducting wires, but also, we have explored in great detail the electromagnetic functioning and optimization of the so-called Conductor on Round Core (CORC®) cables. here, we have provided the world first fully 3D electromagnetic model capable to discern the actual paths of current density flowing inside the superconducting material in this helicoidal arrangement of superconducting tapes of approximately 0.1mm thickness and 4-12 mm width, without the need to reduce the thickness of the superconducting layer (1 micron thickness) to an infinitely thin approach, i.e., a simplified 2D approach. This is of remarkable importance as other approaches reducing the actual 3D measures of the superconducting tapes to a 2D approach, have led to researchers to present the occurrence of surface current loops, which have never been experimentally measured. On the contrary, if the model considers the full 3D structure of the tapes, what is found is that the superconducting tapes wound in this helicoidal design, behaves also following the classical and well proven principles of Bean's model.
Exploitation Route The optimal design of MgB2 multi filamentary metastructured wires could be commercialised for which adequate manufacturing routes are now being explored.
The advantage of these new superconducting wires is threefold: i) their low material cost with no need of rare-earth elements, ii) their easy production by the Powder In Tube (PIT) method, avoiding the use of sophisticated thin-films preparation techniques, and iii) their unbeatable energy performance with electrical losses that match the minimum energy losses predictable by fundamental physical laws.
Regarding the 3D modelling of superconducting cables such as the Conductor on Round Core (CORC®) cable, the computational models created withing this project are to be used as a sound benchmark for the optimization of such cumbersome cabling technologies. Extensions of the model are expected, considering not only the electromagnetic performance of the cable, but also heat transfer processes and mechanical deformation studies. These studies will provide an adequate benchmarking for superconducting cable designing, and thermal processes in superconductors are dominated by the occurrence of hysteresis losses (ultimately heat - Joule losses) which depend on the paths of current density inside the superconductor, therefore influencing its thermal dissipation and quenching properties for other applications such as fault current limiters, as well as an adequate understanding of how mechanical bending and deformation can influence the electrical parameters of the superconducting tape.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



including Industrial Biotechology

Description Our findings about the Maximum reduction of energy losses in multicore MgB2 wires by metastructured soft-ferromagnetic coatings [Sci Rep 12, 7030 (2022);] have been featured in Superconductor Week, whih is the newsletter of record for the superconductor industry, covering technical advances, commercialization, and business in every sector and every country developing superconductor technologies. Superconductor Week is delivered to the desks of leading executives, investors, researchers, and policy-makers around the world, 12 times a year. The article is titled: Leicester Reduces AC Energy Losses in MgB2. Multifilamentary Metastructure, and can be found at Superconductor week, August 18, 2022, Vol. 36, No. 5
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Education,Energy
Impact Types Societal

Description Training school on High-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Within this training school for Early Career Researchers, PhD students, and industrial partners engaging into the sector of superconductors for the energy transition, we have tackled the challenges that prevent the HTS mass penetration in the electrical system, as concerns related to costs and uncertainty about cryogenics' reliability, and the idea that only highly skilled professionals will be able to operate the latter. We have built capacity od highly-skilled Engineers and Scientists overcoming the lack of systematic knowledge about the design of HTS systems for the grid, and on how to simulate their performance using standard software packages. The training has covered a range of topics related to high-temperature superconductivity, exploring its applications and significance in advancing sustainable energy solutions, and the translation of research to industry-led missions. Renowned experts in the field have shared their insights through interactive sessions. An increment in the number of applications and derived projects to the network, with specific interests to the deliverables of this project has been noted as result of these training activities and Dr Harold Ruiz leadership of Hi-Scale WG1: From materials to devices, which encompasses the metastructures and applications developed as part of this project.
Description Training school on High-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Within this training school for Early Career Researchers, PhD students, and industrial partners engaging into the sector of superconductors for the energy transition, we have tackled the challenges that prevent the HTS mass penetration in the electrical system, as concerns related to costs and uncertainty about cryogenics' reliability, and the idea that only highly skilled professionals will be able to operate the latter. We have built capacity od highly-skilled Engineers and Scientists overcoming the lack of systematic knowledge about the design of HTS systems for the grid, and on how to simulate their performance using standard software packages. The training has covered a range of topics related to high-temperature superconductivity, exploring its applications and significance in advancing sustainable energy solutions, and the translation of research to industry-led missions. Renowned experts in the field have shared their insights through interactive sessions. An increment in the number of applications and derived projects to the network, with specific interests to the deliverables of this project has been noted as result of these training activities and Dr Harold Ruiz leadership of Hi-Scale WG1: From materials to devices, which encompasses the metastructures and applications developed as part of this project.
Description Training school on High-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Within this training school for Early Career Researchers, PhD students, and industrial partners engaging into the sector of superconductors for the energy transition, we have tackled the challenges that prevent the HTS mass penetration in the electrical system, as concerns related to costs and uncertainty about cryogenics' reliability, and the idea that only highly skilled professionals will be able to operate the latter. We have built capacity od highly-skilled Engineers and Scientists overcoming the lack of systematic knowledge about the design of HTS systems for the grid, and on how to simulate their performance using standard software packages. The training has covered a range of topics related to high-temperature superconductivity, exploring its applications and significance in advancing sustainable energy solutions, and the translation of research to industry-led missions. Renowned experts in the field have shared their insights through interactive sessions. An increment in the number of applications and derived projects to the network, with specific interests to the deliverables of this project has been noted as result of these training activities and Dr Harold Ruiz leadership of Hi-Scale WG1: From materials to devices, which encompasses the metastructures and applications developed as part of this project.
Description EPSRC Studentship Scheme 2020
Amount £85,436 (GBP)
Organisation University of Leicester 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2020 
End 08/2024
Description UKRI CoA Funds to support Research Grant RP12G0457 at University of Leicester
Amount £16,025 (GBP)
Funding ID Leicester UKRI COVID-19 Allocation RP12G0457 / RW13G0003 
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2021 
End 09/2021
Title Method for how to choose the superconducting material law for the modelling of 2G-HTS coils 
Description We unveiled the impact of the material law selection on the numerical modelling and analysis of the electromagnetic properties of superconducting coils, considering a comprehensive list of materials laws derived from practical experiments and theoretical approaches. Particular attention has been given to those physical quantities which within a macroscopic approach can be measured by well-established experimental setups, such as the measurement of the critical current density for each of the turns of the superconducting coil, the resulting distribution of magnetic field, and the curve of hysteretic losses for different amplitudes of an applied alternating transport current at self-field conditions. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This publication in Materials has been cited 30 times. 80% of its citations have been received in the past two years, suggesting that it is currently receiving a lot of interest. Our method is currentlyhelping in the designing of advanced coils with CORC cables, the development of stellator coils using VIPER cables, a 10 MW-Rated HTS Wind Turbine Generator, and the Demonstrator Coil for the Space Spectrometer ARCOS 
Title 3D FEM Modeling of High Temperature Superconducting Commercial Cables 
Description Full 3D FEM model for monolayer and bilayer CORC cables based on the so-called H-formulation, allowing to incorporate the true three-dimensionality of the superconducting tapes without recurring to 2D thin-film approaches where non-existent surface currents appear. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact World first full 3D model of CORC cables with micrometric resolution for inspecting the inernal electromagnetic performance of realistic superconducting tapes. 
Title Computational model for AC losses calculation of Superconducting Triaxial Cables 
Description A two-dimensional model capable to provide a global assessment of multi-layer triaxial cables, validated against the reported AC-losses measurements on single-phase cables provided by the Russian Scientific and Research Institute of the Cable Industry (VNIIKP). Four models are presented, the first being a single-phase cable of 50 tapes and the others being three triaxial cables made of up to 135 coated conductors distributed in up to 9 layers. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This work is currently influencing the design of Parallel-Wound No-Insulation HTS Coils by the East China Branch of State Grid Corporation of China, Shanghai. 
Title Computational model for electromagnetic and energy assessment performance in Multi-Layer 2G-HTS Cold Dielectric Conductors 
Description A reliable, fast, and accurate computational model forecasting the alternating current (AC) losses of cold-dielectric conductors for power grid investors and operators. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Too recent to allow the identification of impact. 
Title Computational model for implementing the Critical State Theory on Superconducting / Soft-Ferromagnetic Metastructures 
Description World's first map for the AC-losses of practical single-phase HTS/SFM transmission lines (Milestones 1 and 2, Breakthrough 1 & 2 as introduced in the research proposal) 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact * My own group has realised not only the true impact of sheathing superconducting (SC) materials with soft ferromagnetic (SFM) layers, but discovered also what is the optimal SFM to be used in SC metastructures for power distribution and transmission applications. This has allowed us to realise that warm conductor designs such as the W-three phase single cables and the W-Triad coaxial cables are generally not benefitted by the sole sheathing of the SC phases as we initially predicted. However, we have discovered how to get the optimal designing of MgB2 multi filamentary coated wires, with and astonishing reduction of the energy losses caused by the metastructuring with SFM materials. 
Title Design and modelling of multicore MgB2 wires with maximal electrical performance aided by metastructured soft-ferromagnetic coatings 
Description Computational model demonstrating how the embedding of superconducting filaments into soft-ferromagnetic metastructures can render to their full magnetic decoupling, and therefore, to the maximum reduction of the energy losses that can be achieved without deteriorate the critical current density of multifilamentary superconducting cables. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Too early to identify impact due to current manufacturing technology boundaries for the fabrication of the proposed metastructures. 
Description European COST Action CA19108 
Organisation European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Department COST Action
Country Belgium 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Scientific Coordinator / PI and Leader of one of the four strategy/workgroup teams of the COST Action CA19108 (High-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition) called: WG 1 - From materials to devices (140 members)
Collaborator Contribution Organization of virtual and presential scientific workshops, setting up collaboration opportunities. devicing scientific roadmaps for the application of superconducting materials to devices, and other leadership activities inclueing outreac and policy influencing.
Impact Multidisciplinary collaboration on the following disciplines: - Physics - Material Science - Electrical Engineering - Computer Science Outputs to date with co-mentioning of this EPSRC grant, its PI, and the COST action: - J.S. Millan, J. Millan, L.A. Perez and H. S. Ruiz, Critical Current Density in d-Wave Hubbard Superconductors, Materials 15 (24), 8969 (2022). - First training school on High-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition held at Tarnowskie Gory, Poland, 10. - 14.10.2022. Local organizer Dr Mariusz Stepien, +48 695 700 066, - Second training school on High-Temperature SuperConductivity for AcceLerating the Energy Transition held at Liberty- Lykia Hotel, Mugla, Türkiye, 29.04.2023. - 03.05.2023. Local organizer Dr Canan Aksoy, +90 505 526 38 59,
Start Year 2021
Description Materials MDPI 
Organisation MPDI journals
Country Switzerland 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution 1. Invited author/contribution (article processing charges fully waived). Millán J, Millán J, Pérez L, Ruiz H. (2022). Critical Current Density in d-Wave Hubbard Superconductors. Materials 2022, 15(24), 8969 2. Guess editor of Materials MDPI, special issue on "Advances on Ferroics and superconducting materials" 2023. Submission Deadline 20th October 2023
Collaborator Contribution Social engagement, marketing and dissemination.
Impact Millán J, Millán J, Pérez L, Ruiz H. (2022). Critical Current Density in d-Wave Hubbard Superconductors. Materials 2022, 15(24), 8969
Start Year 2022
Description UAC-UNAM-UoL collaboration 
Organisation Autonomous University of Carmen
Country Mexico 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Computer resources, technical expertise, and support provided by the Laboratorio Nacional de Supercómputo del Sureste de México, CONACYT network of national laboratories. Some of the computations were performed at Cuetlaxcoapan of LNS-BUAP, Project 202201012N and Miztli of DGTIC-UNAM, Project LANCAD-UNAM-DGTIC-180.
Collaborator Contribution Author contributions stated in the publication: Millán J, Millán J, Pérez L, Ruiz H. (2022). Critical Current Density in d-Wave Hubbard Superconductors. Materials 2022, 15(24), 8969;
Impact Materials 2022, 15(24), 8969;
Start Year 2022
Description European COST Action CA19108 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The purpose of this action is to tackle the major challenges preventing HTS technologies from mass penetration in the electrical system, thus accelerating the Energy Transition, which is related to the need of new research and technological developments, complying with legal and regulatory frameworks, raising industry and society awareness, and demonstrating the sustainability of HTS technologies.
The consortium of this action is led by 4 workgroups, being the PI of this project the leader of the largest one, called WG1: From Materials to Devices, which counts with 130 members. Quaterly meetings are organized to tackle the purpose above mentioned, as well as to provide an advise and evaluation of national regulations that may prevent the dissemination of HTS devices in the grid and mitigating measures (transversal goal), Reckoning the state of the art knowledge for the AC losses and quench properties of practical
superconductors (WG1 goal) ,Exploration of recent trends, progresses and strategies for the manufacturing of High-current HTS cables (WG1 goal).
Additionally, a training school in Gliwice-Tarnowskie Góry, Poland, 10. - 14.10.2022 was organized by the PI of this project, where results and impact of this study were delivered, as well as training to future researchers in the field, counting with 6 trainers and 20 trainees.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022,2023