Non-Symmetric Solid State Interactions

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Chemistry


Crystalloraphy is a precise and straightforward way to determine the structure of molecules in solid crystals. It works by combining the structure of a fundamental chemical unit (the 'asymmetric unit') with the 'lattice' (information about how molecules are packed together) to give the structure of the whole repeating crystalline array of molecules. Most of the time the asymmetric unit is one single molecule. For unknown reasons, however, sometimes the asymmetric unit comprises two, three or more molecules (up to 32!). This means more work for the crystallographer and the reasons for its occurrence are not understood. The effect has fundamental implications for the ease with which molecules of particular shape and functionality can interact with one another. This proposal will attempt to understand this phenomenon by taking an overview of known structures and by detailed study of selected examples, ultimately leading to predictive lessons.
Description Key insights into the structure of organic crystals
Exploitation Route Understanding of pharmaceutical polymorphism
Sectors Chemicals

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description This was a preliminary feasibility study that was then funded as a full project as EP/E031153/1
First Year Of Impact 2007
Sector Chemicals,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology