Optimisation of Deep Water Offshore Wind Systems

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bath
Department Name: Chemical Engineering


The conflict between increasing energy demand and clean energy generation is one of the challenges we face today. This PhD research project aims to address the challenge of optimisation and resilience for Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE). ORE is recognised as a good investment, but current plans for building new ORE infrastructure is held back due to the uncertainties involved with designing offshore wind turbines (OWT) in deeper waters and with foundations in un-investigated subsea ground. Floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) are a solution to the increasing costs and foundation issues within deeper water. They also have a greater energy potential, more installation space available and they generally have less restrictions than onshore wind turbines, such as visual constraints and noise impacts.

The proposed research aims to develop an integrated design methodology for FOWTs that yields more resilient and robust designs. The detailed environmental load assessment combined with advanced coupled computational modelling will provide an understanding of the complex aero-hydro-elastic coupled response enabling the optimisation of future schemes. Furthermore, the effects of internal waves will be investigated to predict the impact on the stability of the FOWTs.

The aims of this project therefore are firstly to develop more resilient and robust designs for deep water offshore wind systems by assessing the loads on the platforms, such as the impacts of moorings, wind, surface and internal waves, using advanced coupled computational modelling. Secondly, individual FOWTs and arrays will be optimised to accelerate the installation of large-scale FOW farms by using appropriate CFD software to simulate FOWTs and developing a MATLAB code to optimise the power output of FOWTs. And the third aims is to find a real world solution to create significantly more efficient OREs by attaching wave energy converters (WECs) to the floating platforms of FOWTs.

The initial steps will involve the investigation of the loads on FOWTs, especially the internal waves, and finding an appropriate CFD software to analyse data from laboratory results provided by research partners.

Planned Impact

We will deliver the Centre's impact aims in depth and breadth through the following objectives:
1) Ensuring that skilled recruits are available to industry to enhance the global competitiveness of UK plc thereby filling an industry-identified skills gap in appropriately trained water informatics professionals - Beneficiary: Industry;
2) Maximising the recruitment opportunities for graduates, by providing them with the professional and development skills needed to succeed - Beneficiary: Students;
3) Promote the work of the CDT to the widest possible audience so that the true value of the investment in the centre is realized - Beneficiary: Communities (both public and academic);
4) Create and develop the next generation of academics - Beneficiary: Academia / Students.
Economic and Societal Impact: Water professionals are faced with increasingly complex problems of ensuring sustainable use of water resources, given a rapidly expanding demand for energy and food from a growing population, and the dynamic nature of our world. Simultaneously we see an explosion in new data and in computational power, which allows us to build more and more complex models of our environment. Organisations such as Toshiba and IBM expect the Centre to support them in developing a 'real business opportunity' in Smart Utility systems. Partners such as the Environment Agency and MET Office feel that WISE will give them access to essential skills in long term planning and climate impact assessment. HR Wallingford and Wessex Water see the opportunity to maintain and enhance their global advantage in technology and catchment management expertise. The impact on the industrial sectors relevant to this Centre will be guided and supported by our Advisory Board. To facilitate wider impact we will also work through regional and national groups, networks, and Learned Societies.
We will undertake the following activities in support of our pathways to impact:
1) Bi-Annual WISE Mini-Conference: One day events to engage current Partners and additional end-users including the student cohort and established research projects.
2) Annual 'Hackathon': A sector specific one day event will be an opportunity for the students to focus on a real industry problem and provide solutions.
3) Short Film: To facilitate outreach, we will produce a short film to promote the awareness of the centre topic and the research of its students.
4) Case Studies: We will jointly develop a number of case studies for our website to showcase research and allow industry to understand how it can benefit from engagement with the Centre.
5) Third Party Events and Activities: Our student cohort and supervisors will work with existing and new networks to develop new relationships.
6) Public Engagement: The Centre will benefit from RCUK funded "Public Engagement with Research Catalyst" projects based at Exeter, Bath and Bristol. We will also engage with the British Science Association.
Impact on Knowledge Creation: The training approach has been designed to facilitate the transfer and dissemination of knowledge. From Year 2 onwards students will work in other institutions and/or with our industry partners for 3-6 months. We have agreement from our overseas and industrial partners to host placements. In terms of the wider academic and industrial sectors, students will be expected to attend and present at leading national and international conferences, and at our bi-annual mini-conferences.
Broader Impact on Postgraduate Students: The Centre has worked with partners to develop an environment that will provide training across a wide range of interdisciplinary topics. Bespoke skills-based workshops, novel approaches and strong relationships with partners are key features of this environment. Specifically our students will undertake modules within the University of Exeter Business School, which will give them the opportunity to explore challenges facing leaders in industry around the globe.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
NE/W503022/1 31/03/2021 30/03/2022
2103598 Studentship NE/W503022/1 30/09/2018 30/10/2023 Vivien MAERTENS