Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy using Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibres

Lead Research Organisation: Heriot-Watt University
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Physical Science


This is a PhD research project in experimental Physics. It will employ ultrafast femtosecond lasers in conjunction with novel hollow-core photonic crystal fibre sources to undertake state-of-the art time-resolved photoelectron imaging measurements investigating non-radiative energy redistribution in UV excited molecules. The systems chosen will provide analogues of the chromophores (i.e. the light absorbing centres) found in larger molecules of biological significance. A key focus will be on the interplay between molecular structure, dynamical timescales and photochemical function. The project will develop advanced skills in non-linear optics, lasers, molecular spectroscopy and ultrahigh vacuum techniques. Some software development for data acquisition/analysis will be required and there will also be opportunities to gain proficiency with commercial quantum chemistry computational platforms such as Gaussian.


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