New Passive All Optical Seismic Survey System



Seismic exploration requirements are constantly pushing the boundaries of measurement capability: very high temperatures and pressures are directly related to the depth of a survey. Electronic systems for producing surveys are inadequate in many deeper boreholes because the electronics are pushed beyond the limits of their capability. An equivalent passive fibre system offers the promise of improved sensitivity, as well as considerably better tolerance to higher temperatures. However, to develop this system, it is necessary to design a new optical architecture which aligns with the stringent requirements of the borehole system. Specifically, only a small number of fibres are available, and yet several hundred sensors must be connected. Part of this architecture will rely on the ability to access specific fibres contained in an armoured bundle without damaging or touching the other fibres; the delicate process for achieving this is challenging and requires considerable R&D effort. If successful, this project will enable Avalon Sciences to broaden its market share as well as enter new global markets. Furthermore, the expansion of our optical facilities will provide a unique and useful resource for local SMEs, as well as a valuable oppportunity for local schools to observe more of advanced technology and engineering.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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