A Common Cloud Platform for STFC Science
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Manchester
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy
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Planned Impact
The impact is fully described in the pathways to impact annex.
In summary the e-Infrastructure, including software infrastructure, will
- Provide badly needed additional resources for all STFC data intensive science communities undertaking science supported by PPAN and the National Facilities, thus enabling more science output.
- Address the STFC need to harmonise computing across STFC as called for by its Computing Strategy.
- Pilot engagement with UK industry in the provision of cloud based resources.
- Aid STFC in its need to move towards a National e-Infrastructure for research across Research Councils.
In summary the e-Infrastructure, including software infrastructure, will
- Provide badly needed additional resources for all STFC data intensive science communities undertaking science supported by PPAN and the National Facilities, thus enabling more science output.
- Address the STFC need to harmonise computing across STFC as called for by its Computing Strategy.
- Pilot engagement with UK industry in the provision of cloud based resources.
- Aid STFC in its need to move towards a National e-Infrastructure for research across Research Councils.
Description | The outcomes from this project have informed the design of an SKA Regional Centre for the UK and fed into the STFC IRIS platform as well as the UKRI white paper on data storage e-infrastructure. |
First Year Of Impact | 2019 |
Sector | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) |
Impact Types | Policy & public services |