Water Engineering: Membrane fouling for low energy advanced wastewater treatment
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Sch of Applied Sciences
The UK water industry treats over 3 billion m3 of sewage every day and so plays a major role in safe-guarding water sources for the protection of wildlife and human health through wastewater treatment. Within the EU, member states are required to meet a number of new, stricter sanitary determinant targets by 2015 which have been set out within the Water Framework Directive (WFD). Sewage treatment is currently predominantly facilitated by biological treatment systems, typically designed as activated sludge processes (ASPs). Whilst effective for treatment to existing standards, both operating utilities and the industry regulator, the Environment Agency, have raised concerns that the proposed WFD standards cannot be met by existing ASP assets. Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are an advanced wastewater treatment process that couples membrane separation with the activated sludge process. The membrane units are typically comprised of pores with a nominal diameter in the range of 0.1 to 0.01 micrometres and thus enhance the separation of particles versus conventional ASP. Furthermore, the enhanced retention of active microbes enables more robust nitrification to be achieved and have therefore demonstrated a capability to exceed the proposed effluent compliance set out in the WFD.
Consequently, MBRs represent the fastest growing advanced wastewater treatment technology with a global annual market value of around $1 Bn. However, the energy required to operate the membrane in the MBR process results in a markedly higher process energy demand than for conventional ASP technology. This constraint has therefore limited the uptake of this technology for municipal sewage treatment as it is in conflict with current regulatory and utility drivers which are seeking to, "Transform wastewater treatment to reduce carbon emissions" (Environment Agency Report, 2009), and in the long term move toward carbon neutral wastewater treatment. Nevertheless, the demand to meet stricter wastewater consents is imminent and is further exacerbated by the increased demand on scarce water resources. MBRs are an integral technology to fulfilling these challenges. This proposal therefore seeks to radically reduce the specific energy demand associated with membrane operation in MBR to enable uptake of this critical technology.
During membrane filtration, particles accumulate at the membrane surface forming concentrated fouling layers at the membrane surface. This fouling layer gradually compresses with time, restricting flow further. The membrane energy demand arises from the air injection required to limit the accumulation of the concentrated particulate fouling layers. Recent studies at Cranfield have shown that by manipulating the hydrodynamics imposed by air injection, it is possible to restructure the particles within the foulant layer to make it more easy to remove, reducing the energy demand by up to ten times. Critical to understanding the scientific mechanism behind this relationship is in establishing the role of small particles (<1 micron) in these fouling layers as it is argued that small particles represent the critical fouling fraction. Whilst methodologies are available to measure foulant layers in such dynamic conditions, they are not sufficiently sensitive to detect particles in the sub-micron size range. Consequently, a novel Reflected Light Fluorescence Direct Observation method is proposed that will enable measurement of this critical group of particles. Once established, this method will provide quantitative evidence of particle distribution and particle transport within these complex fouling structures. The resultant evidence will be used to engineer highly reversible fouling layers within MBR, eliminating the critical energy barrier and enabling MBR utilisation as a reduced carbon technology option for advanced protection of the environment.
Consequently, MBRs represent the fastest growing advanced wastewater treatment technology with a global annual market value of around $1 Bn. However, the energy required to operate the membrane in the MBR process results in a markedly higher process energy demand than for conventional ASP technology. This constraint has therefore limited the uptake of this technology for municipal sewage treatment as it is in conflict with current regulatory and utility drivers which are seeking to, "Transform wastewater treatment to reduce carbon emissions" (Environment Agency Report, 2009), and in the long term move toward carbon neutral wastewater treatment. Nevertheless, the demand to meet stricter wastewater consents is imminent and is further exacerbated by the increased demand on scarce water resources. MBRs are an integral technology to fulfilling these challenges. This proposal therefore seeks to radically reduce the specific energy demand associated with membrane operation in MBR to enable uptake of this critical technology.
During membrane filtration, particles accumulate at the membrane surface forming concentrated fouling layers at the membrane surface. This fouling layer gradually compresses with time, restricting flow further. The membrane energy demand arises from the air injection required to limit the accumulation of the concentrated particulate fouling layers. Recent studies at Cranfield have shown that by manipulating the hydrodynamics imposed by air injection, it is possible to restructure the particles within the foulant layer to make it more easy to remove, reducing the energy demand by up to ten times. Critical to understanding the scientific mechanism behind this relationship is in establishing the role of small particles (<1 micron) in these fouling layers as it is argued that small particles represent the critical fouling fraction. Whilst methodologies are available to measure foulant layers in such dynamic conditions, they are not sufficiently sensitive to detect particles in the sub-micron size range. Consequently, a novel Reflected Light Fluorescence Direct Observation method is proposed that will enable measurement of this critical group of particles. Once established, this method will provide quantitative evidence of particle distribution and particle transport within these complex fouling structures. The resultant evidence will be used to engineer highly reversible fouling layers within MBR, eliminating the critical energy barrier and enabling MBR utilisation as a reduced carbon technology option for advanced protection of the environment.
Planned Impact
This proposal seeks to identify the scientific mechanism of reversible foulant layer formation to enable significant energy reduction in membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Direct beneficiaries of this work include utilities that operate MBR at full-scale. The water industry generates 5 mn. tonnes of CO2/year; 2.5% of UK industrial emissions. A key driver for the water sector is in, 'Transforming wastewater treatment to reduce carbon emissions'. MBR presently use more energy than standard activated sludge processes due to the membrane which requires 0.4 kWh/m3 of product water. This is an acknowledged key process challenge (See Support Letter, Severn Trent Water) set out by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network. The proposed mechanism could reduce this energy demand by ten times enabling utilities to reduce directly attributable carbon. Direct beneficiaries also include the regulator (Environment Agency) and utilities currently concerned with meeting stricter consents set out in the Water Framework Directive, as the resultant process energy demand in MBR would be analogous to conventional systems, thereby lowering this critical barrier to implementation. Utilities can therefore also avoid alternative carbon intensive tertiary treatment process options which have been considered. Indirect beneficiaries include the general public through minimising the impact of effluent on receiving waters and enhancing security and sustainability of water resources.
The UK water sector is committed to maximising renewable energy to deliver carbon neutral wastewater treatment. Anaerobic MBR technology is critical to achieving this ambition. Research at Cranfield is currently funded by three UK utilities, with Yorkshire Water also committed to scale anaerobic MBR to 2000 m3/d within 5 years (See support letter, Yorkshire Water). Membrane energy demand remains the critical barrier using standard MBR design. Our research has indicated that hybrid anaerobic MBRs can enable highly reversible foulant layers similar to that developed through our patent. Importantly, if analogous foulant structure can be engineered and a ten-fold reduction in energy demand achieved, zero-energy sewage treatment could be realised in an industry which utilises >1% of electricity produced in England and Wales. Our close relationship with project partners means that findings could be widely and quickly (<5 years) deployed. Results of this research will be disseminated via quarterly project steering committee meetings to comprise of key representatives from the major UK utilities Anglian Water, Severn Trent Water and Yorkshire Water.
An innovative direct observation methodology will be developed for measuring the kinetics of reversible foulant layer formation. The research proposed will be of interest to a broad range of academic beneficiaries working on particle-surface interactions, including biofilm formation, adhesion, and membrane applications for water and wastewater treatment in the UK and globally. The proposed method will be a key academic impact enabling for the first time, a high resolution, comparatively low cost technique for exacting measurement of sub-micron particle transport combined with in-situ biofilm characterisation. The method will be mainly disseminated through publication in leading academic journals such as 'Journal of Membrane Science' and 'Water Research'. The PI has a proven track record, having published 7 papers in these journals which have been cited by researchers across the world (53 cites; China, USA and Europe), working on membranes, chromatography, polymer science and aquaculture engineering. The research will also generate significant new knowledge to enable better understanding of particle transport within biofilms, relevant to membrane scientists and others. Dissemination activities e.g. international conferences/trade journals will be used to reach wider audiences.
The UK water sector is committed to maximising renewable energy to deliver carbon neutral wastewater treatment. Anaerobic MBR technology is critical to achieving this ambition. Research at Cranfield is currently funded by three UK utilities, with Yorkshire Water also committed to scale anaerobic MBR to 2000 m3/d within 5 years (See support letter, Yorkshire Water). Membrane energy demand remains the critical barrier using standard MBR design. Our research has indicated that hybrid anaerobic MBRs can enable highly reversible foulant layers similar to that developed through our patent. Importantly, if analogous foulant structure can be engineered and a ten-fold reduction in energy demand achieved, zero-energy sewage treatment could be realised in an industry which utilises >1% of electricity produced in England and Wales. Our close relationship with project partners means that findings could be widely and quickly (<5 years) deployed. Results of this research will be disseminated via quarterly project steering committee meetings to comprise of key representatives from the major UK utilities Anglian Water, Severn Trent Water and Yorkshire Water.
An innovative direct observation methodology will be developed for measuring the kinetics of reversible foulant layer formation. The research proposed will be of interest to a broad range of academic beneficiaries working on particle-surface interactions, including biofilm formation, adhesion, and membrane applications for water and wastewater treatment in the UK and globally. The proposed method will be a key academic impact enabling for the first time, a high resolution, comparatively low cost technique for exacting measurement of sub-micron particle transport combined with in-situ biofilm characterisation. The method will be mainly disseminated through publication in leading academic journals such as 'Journal of Membrane Science' and 'Water Research'. The PI has a proven track record, having published 7 papers in these journals which have been cited by researchers across the world (53 cites; China, USA and Europe), working on membranes, chromatography, polymer science and aquaculture engineering. The research will also generate significant new knowledge to enable better understanding of particle transport within biofilms, relevant to membrane scientists and others. Dissemination activities e.g. international conferences/trade journals will be used to reach wider audiences.
People |
Ewan McAdam (Principal Investigator) |

Autin O
Investigating the significance of coagulation kinetics on maintaining membrane permeability in an MBR following reactive coagulant dosing
in Journal of Membrane Science

Autin O
Fluorescence enabled direct visual observation for diagnosis of ultrafiltration membrane fouling by bi-disperse submicron particle suspensions
in Water and Environment Journal

Ewan McAdam (Co-Author)
Direct observation of sub-micron biopolymers during crossflow filtration using a new reflected light fluorescent methodology
Description | Development of a new non-invasive method to study particle motion that could be used as a diagnostic tool during the application of chemicals for coagulation. The device has been extended to look at precipitation on the membrane surface; this has enabled the construction of a next generation version of the technology this has helped develop a 'chemically reactive membrane assisted crystallisation' system which we are scaling-up to demonstration |
Exploitation Route | We have actively engaged in collaboration with a global leader in chemicals manufacture for the water industry who has now agreed to funding a PhD to develop the technology to market for application as an on-line tool that helps determine the appropriate chemical dose for particle treatment (coagulation). With a new paper and patent published, both commercial and academic opportunities exist to exploit the technology for a better understanding of solute-membrane interactions. An example of this is in our exploitation of this technology to evidence nucleation/crystallisation mechanisms occurring at the membrane which has provided the science behind an entirely new separation technology that offers significant process intensification over the state of the art. |
Sectors | Chemicals Environment Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Description | The grant enabled us to develop the RLF-DVO method which provides detection and measurement of migrating particles in real-time. Due to the success of the project, further funding was received through an EPSRC IAA award to permit further development of the method which has allowed us to engage with a major chemical manufacturer/supplier to develop and commercialise the system as on on-line real time detection method suitable for use in metering chemicals to control surface deposition/fouling in industrial applications. We have now secured leverage toward a PhD from a chemical manufacturer who is interested in the technology for developing new chemicals and as an on-line device for chemical dosing |
First Year Of Impact | 2017 |
Sector | Chemicals,Environment |
Impact Types | Societal Economic |
Description | ERC Starting Grant (European Fellowship) |
Amount | € 1,500,000 (EUR) |
Funding ID | SCARCE 714080 |
Organisation | European Research Council (ERC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | Belgium |
Start | 03/2017 |
End | 04/2022 |
Description | Collaboration with Food Process Engineering Group, Wageningen University |
Organisation | Wageningen University & Research |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The Food Process Engineering Group has led significant advances in diffusional supermicron particle transport across and around the micropores of microfiltration membranes using microfluidics. Strong analogies therefore exist between work undertaken by this group and those undertaken at Wageningen with the outcome of the collaboration being a peer reviewed publication co-authored between the two groups. Collaboration formed following networking at the IMSTEC 2013 conference, Melbourne, Australia. |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | Collaboration with International Chemical Manufacturing Group |
Organisation | International Chemical Manufacturing Group |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Entered into an NDA with an internationally renowned Chemical Manufacturing Group interested in licensing the methodology for efficiency determination of chemical additives |
Start Year | 2014 |
Title | Relfected light fluorescence direct visual observation (RLF-DVO) |
Description | The new methodology outlined provides enhanced resolution over previous direct observation methods by enabling direct measurement of sub-micron particles in real time, and in-situ, whilst these particles undergo direct membrane filtration |
Type Of Technology | New/Improved Technique/Technology |
Year Produced | 2014 |
Impact | We are now actively engaged with a major Chemical manufacturer who is seeking to commercialise the RLF-DVO technology for use in their on-line chemical dosing control loop to significantly enhance responsiveness and control of chemical dosing - immediately for the water industry although their is significant interest for adaptation to other industrial fields where fouling of both static and convective surface fouling present limiting phenomena |
Description | TV programme: Superquark |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | The methodology developed in this proposal was discussed on an Italian Science TV show - SUPERQUARK. This provided an opportunity for both the PI and post-doc to discuss the technology, how it worked, inherent benefits, why it was important and general benefits |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2016 |