Automated non-invasive brain stimulation parameter selection using Bayesian optimisation

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Experimental Psychology


The overall aim of my project is to develop a protocol to efficiently alter high-level cognitive functions using non-invasive brain stimulation. Non-invasive brain stimulation is a key technique in modern neuroscientific research, allowing researchers to probe the causal link between brain processes and behaviour, as well as developing new therapeutic treatments for patients suffering from mental illnesses and neurological diseases including Parkinsonism and Alzheimer's. However, a key downside of this technique is that its effects are heavily reliant on the participant's existing brain state, leading to varying stimulation effects between individuals. In this PhD I will aim to combine neuroimaging and non-invasive brain stimulation techniques to develop a more efficient stimulation protocol which adapts to participant brain state. In the main part of this research I will utilise machine-learning techniques to classify trials of a behavioural task according to the participant's neural state. The online classification of behavioural trials by the machine-learning algorithm and the resulting administration of stimulation will be performed in a closed-loop system, i.e. the system, once initialised, will be able to run without any input from the researcher, and any stimulation onset/parameters will be determined by the algorithm (within strict safety limitations) depending on participant brain state. The use of a closed-loop design will allow for a more efficient stimulation protocol, which is better able to adapt to the current behavioural task demands and so transforming non-invasive brain stimulation into a more reliable research and therapeutic tool. This work has the potential to not only improve brain stimulation results in research by reducing the variability of results from brain stimulation experiments, but could also have a potential translation to therapeutic settings where it has the potential to improve the efficacy of stimulation in clinical populations. The completion of this work will involve training in several MRC skill priority areas including 1) quantitative skills in the form of high level statistics including mixed model analysis and machine learning techniques, 2) interdisciplinary skills through interaction with engineers as well as psychologists and neuroscientists, particularly during implementation of machine learning techniques and development of the closed-loop system and 3) whole organ/organism physiology as the project involves both neuroimaging as well as methods to alter brain functions using brain stimulation.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
MR/N013468/1 30/09/2016 29/09/2025
1943535 Studentship MR/N013468/1 30/09/2017 29/09/2020 Thomas Reed
Title Method for obtaining personalized parameters for transcranial stimulation, transcranial system, method of applying transcranial stimulation 
Description The invention relates to transcranial stimulation. Transcranial stimulation can be used to treat patients or to achieve cognitive enhancement in healthy individuals. Optimal parameters for the stimulation may differ between different individuals but need to be selected from a large range of possible combinations. As a consequence, a practical approach has been to use a one-size-fits-all methodology in which the same set of parameters are used for multiple different subjects. The invention comprises a computer-implemented method for obtaining personalized parameters for transcranial stimulation, comprising: receiving baseline data about a test subject, the baseline data comprising information about the test subject acquired prior to any transcranial stimulation applied to the test subject; and using a Gaussian process model of performance of one or more training subjects to obtain personalized parameters for transcranial stimulation for the test subject based on the received baseline data, wherein: the Gaussian process jointly models subject performance during and/or after transcranial stimulation as a function of both i) parameters defining the transcranial stimulation; and ii) baseline data for the one or more training subjects. Thus, a probabilistic model is provided that intrinsically takes account of variations between different people by means of baseline data. By taking account of the baseline data in this way the inventors have found that the model is better able to predict optimal parameters for the transcranial stimulation even where past data from no or very few subjects with the same or similar baseline data is available. The method is able to provide personalized parameters that vary between different subjects and, on average, perform better than a one-size-fits-all methodology which ignores the fact that people differ from each other, and that the individual brain is plastic and changes over time as well. The present method makes it possible to effectively tailor the stimulation protocol to provide the best outcome. The stimulation may be used for various clinical and non-clinical purposes, including for example improving tremor in Parkinson's, improving people's sustained attention/concentration, memory, mathematical performance, emotions, training capabilities, and learning (e.g., language, maths, IT, factual information). 
IP Reference 2000874.4 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted
Licensed No
Impact N/A