AllyGateway: a secure, scalable, fast, resilient and intelligent USSD to HTTP proxy, enabling mobile banking in rural locations.

Lead Participant: CORE BLUE LIMITED


Core Blue Ltd ('CoreBlue') is seeking to create a universal middleware, '**AllyGateway**' that allows users of services such as banking apps, to continue to use applications without an active internet connection through using an innovative fragment and repair process, reducing resource requirements and enabling automatic scalability of processing power.

Mobile applications interact with services through web APIs that facilitate real-time data communication. In many applications, an offline-first approach allows users to store actions on their devices to be synced with the service when the internet returns. This isn't suitable for services like banking where actions must be synced immediately with the backend. AllyGateway will enable data transfer by passing through data streams that are broken and broadcast over the USSD.

Gateways exist to allow users to request and send data over USSD, a protocol independent of the internet. However, services are very limited to short, menu-based systems that allow users to:

* View balances
* Transfer money
* Pay bills

Through separate applications typically operating a "Text-based" interface not designed for smartphone users and taking users away from their native, 1st party mobile application.

To overcome the current challenges of internet-independent communication, AllyGateway will be built with the primary objective of acting as a layer between existing systems, with ease of integration so service providers are still supported by existing setup - whilst CoreBlue's API middleware can begin operating and introducing innovative functionality.

AllyGateway will provide:

* Access to core internet-based services without an active internet connection
* Native mobile tools that can be embedded into existing smartphone applications
* Risk-Free Integration: AllyGateway will act as a 'layer' to existing systems, not replacing core services

AllyGateway facilitates international campaigns for proxies so the public can continue to communicate during internet blackouts\[BBCNews,2023\], whilst maintaining the high-levels of privacy/security required and can be application-agnostic with future R&D.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

CORE BLUE LIMITED £494,646 £ 346,252




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