Transformative Recovery of Low-Grade Waste Heat using Ionic Thermoelectrics

Lead Research Organisation: Heriot-Watt University
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Physical Science


Electronic thermoelectrics use semiconductors to convert waste heat into electricity. This is an established energy generation technology, for example, used by NASA to power the Mars Rovers. However, it is not very suitable for low-grade waste heat recovery due to poor power generation from small temperature differences.

Ionic conductors generate much larger thermal voltages and are better suited to near room temperature operation. However, they cannot be used in the same mode of operation as this would require a continuous flow of ions. The innovative solution proposed is to couple the ionic conductor with an energy storage system that converts the ionic potential to an electronic one.

This proposal will investigate novel ionic thermoelectric power generation devices consisting of an ionic conductor sandwiched between two energy stores, including supercapacitors and insertion materials. This is a novel approach targeted at recovery of low-grade waste heat, increasing the sustainability of industrial processes and reducing carbon emissions.


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publication icon
Downie R (2023) Thermoelectric properties and Kondo transition in the pseudo-gap metals TiNiSi and TiNiGe in Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie

publication icon
Quinn R (2023) Alloying and Doping Control in the Layered Metal Phosphide Thermoelectric CaCuP in ACS Applied Electronic Materials

Description The research project is ongoing; harvesting devices have been fabricated and tested.
Exploitation Route Harvesters are of interest for powering a variety of sensors or at larger scale in industrial settings. Currently the grant is still active and we are considering next steps to increase the TRL level.
Sectors Electronics



including Industrial Biotechology

Title Alloying and doping control in the layered metal phosphide thermoelectric CaCuP (dataset) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Dataset for Thermoelectric properties and Kondo transition in the pseudo-gap metals TiNiSi and TiNiGe 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes