Bio-Cladding - harmonising nature and architecture to improve the living conditions of urban environments

Lead Participant: REVIVE BIOTECH LTD


If anything good is to come from COVID-19, it's an accelerated response towards climate change. It is our vision at Revive Bio-tech to transform our built environments and welcome in a new more integrated way of thinking about urban living. Our project is to deliver to market a well designed fully functioning bio-filtration cladding panel. Our patent protected design utilizes mosses specially selected for their ability to convert fine dust particulates into biomass and sequester nitrogen dioxide from the air. Its potent green color can also help to reduce stress to local inhabitants and we believe it would be a welcomed breath of fresh air into our urban environment.

For property developers, our measurable environmental benefits make our cladding system a cost-effective instrument of sustainable management in a market environment that is increasingly regulated. Moreover, we offer companies the opportunity to visibly communicate their societal responsibility to the broader public as part of their Corporate Responsibility Strategy.

Our Bio-cladding can enhance biodiversity, reduce the risk of flooding (by absorbing rainfall), improve a building's thermal performance, thus reducing associated energy costs, help counter the Urban Heat Island Effect, support higher density more sustainable development and improve the appearance of the city.

The infancy of the bio-cladding market means that there is a real opportunity to take market share, strengthening the UK's position as a global supplier of sustainable construction materials.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

REVIVE BIOTECH LTD £45,969 £ 45,969






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